GFP Newsletter - 9/14/2015

will's picture

Truth happens rarely, because very few people gather that much courage for it to happen. And what the masses say is almost always wrong; beware of it. If the masses believe that a certain man is a saint, beware. Every possibility is that he is a pretender. Because the masses believe in him is enough of a proof that he must be wrong. What is the logic behind it? The logic is that he is fulfilling the desires of the masses, and no man of truth can ever fulfill the desires of the masses.

The man of truth has another devotion: his devotion is towards truth. He has to fulfill truth, not the ideas of the masses - and the ideas of the masses are ideas of blind people about light, ideas about music of those who are deaf, ideas about love of those who have never loved, ideas about God of those who have no notion of what God is. If these people are following somebody, one thing is certain: that man must be fulfilling their idea of saintlihood.



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