Socrates said, "When I was young, I thought I knew much. When I became old, ripe in wisdom, I came to understand that I knew nothing."
It is reported of one of the Sufi masters, Junnaid, that he was working with a new young man. The young man was not aware of Junnaid's inner wisdom, and Junnaid lived such an ordinary life that it needed very penetrating eyes to realize that you were near a buddha. He worked like an ordinary laborer, and only those who had eyes would recognize him. To recognize Buddha was very easy -- he was sitting under a Bodhi tree; to recognize Junnaid was very difficult -- he was working like a laborer, not sitting under a Bodhi tree. He was in every way absolutely ordinary.
One young man working with him, and that young man was continually showing his knowledge, so whatsoever Junnaid would do, he would say, "This is wrong. This can be done in this way, it will be better" -he knew about everything. Finally Junnaid laughed and said:," Young man, I am not young enough to know so much."
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