GFP Newsletter - 3/10/2017

will's picture

So on one hand are the aboriginals - alive but not overflowingly alive. They don't know that life energy can shrink, can expand. You can use it as it is available from nature - and you can be contented - but you will remain poor in many ways. You will not know flights of music. You will not know flights of painting and sculpture; you will not know flights of meditation. You will live almost like animals - contented.

All animals are contented. Have you seen any animals discontented, bothering you, saying, "My life is just a misery - can you help me? What am I supposed to do with my wife? And the children are growing up ...." No, there are no problems for them. They are living, and living far better than your civilized man, because your civilized man has ceased living. He sacrificed himself for civilization, culture, technology.

I cannot choose between these two.

I would like you to rise higher than the animals; and the only way to rise higher than the animals is to find ways to expand your energy.

And that's what I call religion: The science of expanding energy, so that you have so much energy that you can be a Zorba and yet so much is left that you can be a Buddha too, together, simultaneously.



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