Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Bill Herbst: A Scorpio astrologer who maps the Uranus/Pluto zeitgeist

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November 7, 2013  Bill Herbst

Bill Herbst 1988

I find it hard to believe that I’ve just now discovered this extraordinarily gifted thinker, wordsmith and astrologer.  I came upon his work while reading his recent piece in the new edition of the Mountain Astrologer, on what the U.S. will be heading into during 2014-2015, when both transit Mars and Jupiter create a Grand Cross with the ongoing (2012-2015) Uranus/Pluto square and pow-eee! — fracture the long-standing tense contradictory impulses signified by the square detente(?) between Saturn and the Sun in the U.S. natal chart. Whew! I know that’s a mouthful. And I know that even this intro is best read only by those who speak the astrological language.

 I was sitting there wishing I could post that article to this site, when I discovered that it’s also posted on his site, That led me there, where I discovered his natal chart, his bio, an old picture of him, and another article on the Uranus/Pluto global maelstrom.

A Virtuous Cycle-The Ripple Effect by Madisyn Taylor

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November 7, 2013 by Madisyn Taylor 


The impact you have on the world is greater than you could ever imagine, and the choices you make affect the whole.


In a world of six billion people, it’s easy to believe that the only way to initiate profound transformation is to take extreme action. Each of us, however, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others. As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward. The impact you have on the world is greater than you could ever imagine, and the choices you make can have far-reaching consequences. You can use the ripple effect to make a positive difference and spread waves of kindness that will wash over the world. 

~ Karen Doonan ~ LOVE and how to dissolve the definition of “love”

Eddie1177's picture

For many upon planet earth the words “I love you” are words that have been defined.  I recently completed an interview where I was asked to “define” my work, my response always one of not being able to define. Definition is a tool of the old 3d earth paradigms.  For many of you at this time the chaos that now unfolds within your waking outer reality will begin to trigger you. You may find yourself at odds with those whom you share your personal life and your outer waking life in general. This blog is written to help you understand that love is not the same frequency as LOVE and anchoring the one that has a definition may see you struggle to move out of the patterns that you are seeking desperately to dissolve. 

As soon as you are born upon this planet your lesson in the defined old 3d earth paradigm of love begins. How you were treated as a baby and a young child will have ENORMOUS impact on how you perceive love and for many of you this blog may bring back memories that you are at odds with. How many of you reading this blog feel truly loved by your parents? by your friends?  I ask the question because this human life experience is a quest to RE-discover LOVE but what will try to blind you on this quest is the defined love that you were taught on your entry into the human race.  The human logical mind at all times referencing the “past” as a platform on which to place your emotions, this is not TRUTH and is not what is meant by LOVE. I use capitals only to distinguish one frequency from another.

~ AdaptingToGrace ~ The Frequency Of Fairy – 8 November 2013

Eddie1177's picture

Before I share the fairy message… a note about this post: I just got back from a trip to California – to attend memorial services for my step-sister, P. She was missing for over 3 months in the Mojave Desert. They finally found her two weeks ago. P wanted to leave. I like to imagine that the fairies spent time with her – laughing and playing – reminding her about what LIFE really is (not necessarily what we are taught in this reality) before she transcended this realm. On Sunday I had to smile as I cruised down the freeway, headed back home. You see, P cracked open a lot of hearts in her leaving… a little something that a select group of fairies exist to do.

In my lifetime, I have had a few profound experiences with the giggling, joyful little beings that most call fairies, pixies, etc. As usual, I care little about what other people name them. I know them by their frequency. The first time I became aware of them in both a visual and feeling way, was during my 5th fire ceremony (of 20) during my Walking of the Mayan Fire Path and eventual initiation in Tikal. I could barely take in their frequency of joy. It was a complete surprise to me as I had never even thought much about them until that point. Then during my 9th fire ceremony – they came out in great numbers, laughing, giggling and carrying on. Today I feel their presence whenever I am getting to “heady” or taking myself too seriously.

Djwhal Khul ~ Choice Is Crucial

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Terri Newlon  November 7 2013

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We have quite an interesting series of things going on. We have Jupiter going retrograde for eight or nine months. We have Mercury going direct and then we have Neptune also going direct, all in a one week time period.

We also have more solar activity and more planetary activity and then on the inner planes, quite a bit of contemplation about Armageddon, to go there or not go there.

So my reminder to you is that it is about choice and when we have so many things sort of stirring the heavens if you will, and stirring the emotional bodies of humanity, then it is important really to continue to cleanse yourself.

Release the emotions; don’t hold them within.

Continue to go with the flow of Creation, continue to choose grace and ease, peace and harmony, all of those kinds of things.

And when your dreams are showing you maybe darker alternate reality playing out or something, when you awaken, or if you can lucidly during the dream, just say “No thanks. I refuse to play. I choose grace and ease.”

So essentially humanity is poised once again to choose a little more heaven manifest on earth or a little more of the opposite manifest on earth. So choose wisely and I think that you will do well during this time period.

~ Cobra Update~ Visions of Compression Breakthrough

Lia's picture

Thursday, November 7, 2013

To increase understanding of the compression breakthrough, I am publishing three different good intuitive visions of that phenomenon which I found on the internet. Authors of these visions are either unknown to me or wish to remain anonymous.

The first vision:

The Net Must Come Down, It Ends, Light Enters.
The final step is simply taking down the net. This has to be done and events will then quickly follow.
The One will put forth all that energy to destroy the net itself and events will kick in almost immediately.
The programs will have no place to hide, no portals, no equipment, nothing. They will be led off and weather pattern of luminosity will begin.


Lia's picture


Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

The energies characterizing our present world are a confused mixture of some bemoaning the conditions of the “old” political, educational, and religious systems while others work to create the New World of Love, Peace, & Abundance for all.  Between the two extremes, we witness the last vestiges of a society that has been saturated with messages of violence:  “Have a problem?  Solve it by violence.”

According to many who have dedicated their lives to bringing about a New World, major changes are on the verge of taking place.  These changes will involve learning that 99.9 % of what Earth humans have been taught are lies.  The world that we have known is crumbling as increasingly we learn of lies on which we have based our lives and world view.


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