Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

A Vision For The Highest Light

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November 11, 2013  Spirit Of Light

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for the Highest Light

We envision us living in a world where everyone sees everyone else in their highest light, where everyone sees the Godspark in everyone else; and where everyone holds a vision in their minds of everyone else living their lives happily, healthfully, freely, abundantly, and fulfilled in every way.

We imagine us living in a world where people everywhere now understand the difference between our preferences and our judgments; where we understand that each has their preferences (I like chocolate - you like vanilla), but that it does not serve us whatsoever to judge another (because they might like vanilla and you don't care for it). We see them in their highest light, regardless of all their predilections, proclivities, and preferences.

SIRIAN STARSEED - Inspirations from my Higher Self – Nr. 23

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[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]

Your soul is the eternal part of you

There is something about human soul which so many humans have tried invain to explain. Human souls comprise manyfold things but not what human minds and heart are able to fully comprehend. It is much more and being capable of doing much more than is presumed at all.

Angels, Angels, Angels! ~ Mini-Reading For November 11, 2013 By, Bella Capozzi

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Unknown~ Good morning everyone! This is the first post on my new website; a sort of all purpose spot where I can combine all of my many, still “work-in-progress” projects that I’m undertaking.  Those that know me are well aware that I have a huge tendency to multitask, often to the point of never getting any one thing completed.  So, in the interest of efficiency, I shall be condensing all of my writing onto this one page.  We’ll see how that goes…

~ It seemed quite fitting to launch my new site on 11-11, and to do so with the first of a more regular installment of Mini-Readings.  The card I drew today is from the Angel Tarot deck, and it is entitled “The Star”, featuring Archangel Jophiel-the Angel of Beauty.  I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the energy is absolutely beautiful right now.  Soft, synchronistic, and transparent in such a way that it is seemingly easier to actually hear and comprehend our Divine Guidance.  If you’re really paying attention, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that the answers are right there and that they are are coming in almost as soon as you can phrase the question in your mind!

Notes From the Center of the Spiral~More and Deeper

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deeperI feel called to speak to what is happening in relations right now in terms of energies.  Whether this is a global phenomena or not, I can’t speak to that, but only what I am myself being witness to and also a part of.

I’ve been watching and also participating in the deepening of relations between people.  When I say deepening or deeper, like the subject line to this post, what I mean is that the surface seems to be ‘breaking up’ and there seems to me to be all manner of deep issues that are surfacing.

Not only are they surfacing, but the degree of awareness about them is what is both amazing and also challenging.below the surface

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan: 11:11: 2013

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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

11:11:2012, by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan, November, 2013 at:

The energies of the 11:11 doorway are enhanced by nature and her hidden sounds. All of life views you and knows your secrets. The trees whisper about your sadness, the fairies leave you a feather as a sign you are loved and watched over. The birds sing to heal you. This 11:11 door asks you to listen to what earth speaks to you.

Hear with your heart. Use the silent sounds within your own quiet universe. Allow the pulsing of your blood the beat of your heart, the sound of your breath to be heard as music of the spheres. Even the cracking of your knees and bones gives to you the sound of life, in all its frailties and vulnerabilities. Humanly you expand, and spiritually you will soar.

There is no longer just white or black in the universal playing field. there exists a gray unbiased area that asks you to enter. The gray says that you can sit and rest as your self decides about right or wrong, dark or light, good or bad. The gray area is impartial, free of comment free of pressure and stress. Use this gray time to decode the secrets that live within you.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~Cosmic Current Events~ 11 November 2013

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACosmic Current Events from Gillian: as we get to the end of 2013 we all look around and see how the landscape of our lives have changed.  I do not know about you all but 2013 has literally kicked my butt in every direction from here to Sunday. Most days I do not know if I am coming or going. I am constantly being pulled in so many directions with so many added responsibilities that each sector only gets a smidgen of my attention. There seems to be an elongated pause in all things from computers to phones to TV channels and conversations. A moment of silence as the particles of creation scamper to catch up with themselves. At the same time, life and work and families / relationships have sped up increasing there wants and needs.  It’s taking a lot more energy to keep up with the passing times. Like hamsters we go around and around trying to break free by pure centrifugal force.

Like Jodie Fischer in ‘Contact’ time is so slowed down it feels stopped. Standing still full fulcrum and balanced. The time differential is being reset on all biological clocks, keeping us ticking in a new direction. The planet mercury being bass-ackwards for a few weeks now has not helped the communication factor. Hopefully when it rights its tilted self all will be good in the world.

Judith Dagley ~ Emergence! ~ 11 November 2013

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If you are you feeling innundated these days by regrets, sorrows, and/or self-recriminations over “things that happened in the past”–things you thought you’d left behind a long “time” ago–then  congratulate yourself! It means you are in flow with your own expansion. It means that you are ready to TRULY release those old self-limiting programs at last. You see, you may have thought you had already done so, based on what you’d been told about HOW to do so “in the past”… say by using affirmations, for example. Yep, that method in particular sure was a “self-help bestseller” a few decades ago, wasn’t it?

But that was then. Besides, it never REALLY worked, even back then, did it? That’s because affirmations are formulated in the brain… which is a programmed treadmill… which can create the illusion of “getting ahead,” of course… which can get us all excited for awhile… until we realize we aren’t really going anywhere we haven’t already been. The brain is very dedicated to keeping us running its 3rd dimensional treadmill, and since every thought is formulated from its vast storehouse of what we already know, how could it take us anywhere NEW, anyway?

Journal Entry ~There has been a great shift in the consciousness of humanity

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Journal Entry 11.10.2013

A brief glimpse at the headlines and anyone will recognize that there has been a great shift in the consciousness of humanity.  The shattered disaster of the Philippines in the wake of the immensely powerful great wind, Typhoon Haiyan, leaves an unequivocal testament to the statement that there is no going back.  Nothing can withstand the change that is now occurring over the planet’s surface and within the heart of its people.

And yet, we need not fear.  Although the images of destruction and mayhem are frightening to the human ego and personality, they are nothing to the eternal soul.  It is apparent that humanity is still in need to overcome its fear of dying, of the loss of its physical vehicle, the body.


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