Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Marc Gamma ~ Archangel Raphael:Be Prepared - The Father and I – we are with you – 9 November

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AARaphael-II[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]

My beloved humans – this is Archangel Raphael speaking. Today I’m coming with a lot of news and many new pieces of information being very useful to you.

Go into your heart and focus on your inner space of it – feel into that very sensation and become fully aware of it. I am at your side while you are reading this message. And I’ll be with you always when you will read my messages as I want to ensure that you will be given the very chance to become cognizant of all energies which we as Archangels do possess.


Go into your heart and become aware of me. I am with you – do accept it as a fact although you may not having evolved in such way that you are able to sense it too. Only that you are not feeling it does not mean that it isn’t so.

Let us start with all the information I am having for you this weekend. There again are incredible, wonderful matters which have occurred during this previous week. Humans’ light is shining, no, it is vividly lightening the entire universe. More and more nations of the stars now take notice of the ever approaching time when human mankind of planet earth will wake up.

The Creator Writings - The New Time

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The Creator Writings



The blessings of The Universe rain down upon you as you step into your new world. Be at peace knowing that you are loved and cared for more exquisitely than you ever imagined. Your angels and guides are beside you, offering assistance. You are being heard. Live in and from your heart my beloved, it is the New Time. ~ Creator


~ Judith Dagley ~ Heads Up– YOUR Frequencies Are Manifesting “Reality” Right Under Your Nose! – 8 November 2013

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judithHi, this is Judith. The celestial team is right on my heels (so to say, ha), but they want me to start this one off in my own words. Which are, that I can feel throughout my whole human being how intensely we are moving into the thick of transformation right NOW (I mean, those of us who  have chosen to, of course)…into becoming the radiant Selves we know we are but have kept locked away before NOW…into facing all the illusions of helpless victimhood, and the ego-defenses of protection that have kept us enslaved in them…into choosing to move BEYOND them, finally, and receiving unprecedented–and very intense support– from Pluto in doing so. THIS is what our current Scorpio solar eclipse is offering us.

So I strongly suggest that you consciously make every single choice over the next three days from your heart center. Why? Because whether you have yet embraced your sovereignty or not, it is fully yours NOW. There are no limits to your powers of creation anymore.  WHATEVER you choose to sow through the frequencies of your thoughts, words, and intentions–no matter WHAT it is–so shall you reap (to paraphrase an ancient master and current intimate supporter of ours).

This is the real deal, guys. This is no “woo-woo” idealization. This is the GAME, and it has changed. We are NOW “in charge”– which we always have been–but NOW, we are in charge of the NOW. OK, that’s all I need to say, I’m getting, as I’ve already explained the “whys and wherefores” plenty in prior posts…and you are sovereign, so you either have read them, or can, whenever you want, since they’re all here archived on the site…

~Valerie Donner ~ A Message From Mira From The Pleiadian High Council – 8 November 2013

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GFP Note: Gaia ascended in 5D on 21.12.2012. Only Humanity is left to ascend. As always, use your discernment.

Greetings, I am Mira. I am still on assignment with the Earth Council. Our presence and concern for your wellbeing is our utmost concern at this time.

The tides are rising and the risks are high. We are watching at all levels to assist the Earth and all of life. What is at stake is beyond reason. Make no mistake we are with you along with the Light Realms and your galactic family. What happens on the Earth affects all of life. The Earth is in need of assistance. We are here for you.
As our Creator’s keepers of Light on the Earth you are being called into active Light Duty. We don’t mean that your tasks are unimportant we mean that they are most necessary. Each of you has a piece of a complicated puzzle. It is nearly 2014 of your Gregorian Earth Calendar. Plenty has occurred since December 21, 2012. Are you ready for even more?

~ Dana Mrkich ~ Being Squeezified and Juicified

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Only a week into November and we've already had 8 M-class Solar Flares and 1 X class (although the most recent M class today was nearly an X class and felt like it too!). 

This journey of being squeezed and expanded continues, and I know everyone must get tired of hearing this and are exhausted from the process. I got the image of an orange being squeezed, and the message that this is how we get the juice. The rind is discarded much like a snake shedding its skin. So too we are shedding what we no longer need, and are being squeezified and juicified (if these aren't already real words they should be!) and turning into lighter, healthier, less-dense versions of ourselves. 

So next time you're feeling 'squeezified' just remember, hey I'm really being juicified by this! Focus on the juice. 

Have a great weekend all! How are you all feeling?

~ Karen Doonan ~ Perception and the use of it from an inner perspective

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It may seem a rather strange subject to blog about, after all if perception is personal then why try to influence perception? well the intention of this blog is not to influence anything, rather to highlight how the old 3d earth paradigms and teachings can persuade you that a situation is other than it is in TRUTH.  TRUTH JUST IS and this is something that you are asked to work with at deeper and deeper levels at all times.  For many of you the ranting, frustration and anxiety that is being displayed within your waking outer reality may try to persuade you that your life is anything but TRUTH and this in itself is a distortion.  Whilst TRUTH JUST IS it should be remembered that anything that is not TRUTH will not be supported.  I would highlight at this moment personal relationships and how they interact with the outer waking reality in which you exist and within which you are attempting to create.

Many of you at this time may be attempting to create your dream but be in total frustration around why the dream will not manifest. It may be that you are aware of the heart and that you are connecting deeply from the heart and yet the dream is at your fingertips and no matter how hard you try you cannot seem to touch it. This in the old 3d earth paradigm would try to teach you that your dream is not TRUTH, in the New Earth you are merely asked to look again. The dream will ALWAYS be TRUTH for you were seeded with TRUTH when you incarnated, the DREAM being held deep within the heart, there it is free from the influence of the old 3d earth frequencies for they were never to flow within the heart space. They were created from the lower dimensional frequencies of fear and as such cannot flow freely around your BEing.

The Creator Writings - Breathe!

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The Creator Writings


Breathe……..breathe into yourself. Know that you are loved, cherished, honored, respected and admired. You are perfect and whole in my eyes,

a shining light, a gift, a wonderful presence on your Earth-plane. Breathe, breathe into yourself and know. ~ Creator


AdaptingToGrace – The Frequency Of Fairy – 8 November 2013

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 November 7, 2013   


Before I share the fairy message… a note about this post: I just got back from a trip to California – to attend memorial services for my step-sister, P. She was missing for over 3 months in the Mojave Desert. They finally found her two weeks ago. P wanted to leave. I like to imagine that the fairies spent time with her – laughing and playing – reminding her about what LIFE really is (not necessarily what we are taught in this reality) before she transcended this realm. On Sunday I had to smile as I cruised down the freeway, headed back home. You see, P cracked open a lot of hearts in her leaving… a little something that a select group of fairies exist to do.

Laurie Anderson, on life and death with her husband, Lou Reed

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 November 7, 2013  Laurie Anderson

Guido Harari/Contrasto/Redux

Guido Harari/Contrasto/Redux



Lou and I played music together, became best friends and then soul mates, traveled, listened to and criticized each other’s work, studied things together (butterfly hunting, meditation, kayaking). We made up ridiculous jokes; stopped smoking 20 times; fought; learned to hold our breath underwater; went to Africa; sang opera in elevators; made friends with unlikely people; followed each other on tour when we could; got a sweet piano-playing dog; shared a house that was separate from our own places; protected and loved each other. We were always seeing a lot of art and music and plays and shows, and I watched as he loved and appreciated other artists and musicians. He was always so generous. He knew how hard it was to do. We loved our life in the West Village and our friends; and in all, we did the best we could do.

AA Gabriel´s Daily Message ~ Thursday November 7, 2013 ~

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Thursday November 7, 2013



Your unique essence was required on your planet. That is why you are present, in the body, right now. Your special vibration is a vital, honoured aspect of the energies of the whole. If you do nothing more than BE, emanating that vibration in a clear manner, you will have brilliantly been of service your entire incarnation. You are already an aspect of Source. You are simply in various stages of remembering that truth. Take the pressure off yourselves and know that simply being you – brightly shining you – is supporting the mosaic of essential energies on your earth and assisting in far more ways than you can imagine. 

Archangel Gabriel, isa:)


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