Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Denise Le Fay ~ 11~11~13 Portal Passage ~ 11 November 2013

Lia's picture’m going to try to get this written quickly in case I suddenly get hit by today’s X-1 class solar energies and need to curl up under a blanket and sleep for most of the day. In this current intense and changing energetic environment of late 2013, anything can suddenly happen which causes us to pass out, become lethargic, pain-ridden, crash into depression, expand up into bliss, or anything between those last two extremes! Because the energies are building again I wanted to share a few little tidbits with you to string together and view from another perspective.

First up is another X-class solar flare or energy release or transmission that happened early today.

Another thing was yesterday morning I noticed that, again, one of our atomic clocks had jumped an hour forward. Usually after a 24-hour cycle the atomic clock(s) will correct themselves, but this time jumping anomaly with two of my atomic clocks started on December 24, 2012 — the day after the very important “Three Days” of 12-21, 12-22 & 12-23-2012. I’ve never experienced my clocks jumping time before December 24, 2012, but have experienced both of them jumping hours, days, weeks and even months multiple times since that date. ;)

11:11 Gateway of 2013 ~ 11/10/2013

Lia's picture

Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We will be hosting 2 Meditations this Day Monday 11~11 Beginning at 11:11am Pacific Until After 1:11pm Pacific You can Join us Live at this link:


Tomorrow (11/11) we have yet another powerful Gateway. We have been building up to it and as I have said before, each portal, gateway and eclipse is more intense than the one before. This Gateway is further empowered by incredible solar activity with another major flare occurring today. Remember that our sun receives communication (Light) from our Galactic Sun, so each time there is a flare from our own sun, we are receiving Soul Codes of Light from the Galactic Sun along with all higher dimensional energies.

The Creator Writings - A Living Symphony

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The Creator Writings


Rather than complaining about the wet, take time to sit and listen to the music of the rain. Rather than complaining about the cold, take time to notice how snow changes sound and the way frost paints the world with intricate designs. Rather than complaining about noise, listen to the living symphony it creates around you. Perception is a very powerful thing. ~ Creator 


Study Reveals That Cosmic Radiation & Light Changes DNA

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November 10, 2013  Jeff Roberts

*This article is based on academic research referenced in David Wilcock’s The Source Field Investigations and his follow up book The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe & You. I highly recommend you check out both of these books for further information. 

DNA is essential to any scientific understanding of life. One strand of the double-helix holds the complete code that is needed to clone an entire organism. The process of DNA formation is one that is now up for debate, as the fundamentals of quantum physics aim to explain how DNA begins as a wave-form rather than a molecule. This new idea suggests that the universe is composed of an invisible wave-pattern complex that forms matter by the exertion of micro gravitational forces. On a molecular scale, information in the form of waves pulls atoms and molecules in to create more complex structures, such as DNA. So if these wave patterns were visible, empty space would appear as a fluid geometric patterns, such as the shape of a DNA strand, and would pull in atoms to form a physical replica of the wave-pattern. 



“The Event” ~ From Suzanne Spooner & Ron Head Of Speaking With Self

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  Suzanne Spooner  November 8, 2013

From Suzanne & Ron: We want to share with you something that happened this week in our 9th session for ourSpeaking with Self website; a wonderful, detailed understanding of what is being called “The Event”. We don’t want to delay getting this video out, although there is some text that needs to be added (found below). If you enjoy the video and share it and we thoroughly hope you do; please add the text so others can understand better what was occurring in this session.  

Please read prior to viewing the YouTube clip: 

This recording was part of a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) session. The subject is Ron Head and is deep in hypnosis. The practitioner is Suzanne Spooner. 

When Ron is hypnotized he accesses the Creator or God energy. Each session, Suzanne guides Ron into trance and then asks questions on a topic. Each time he gives beautiful, deep and profound answers. They place these recordings on their website,

Inspiration for the Day from Shanta Gabriel - November 10, 2013

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When you allow gravity to take its course and let the burdens of what you have been told is truth drop away, there is a sudden influx of Divine Light that activates new perceptions within your mind and illuminates your life.


Illuminate your life with a Next Step Reading from Shanta:

11/10/13 Metatronic Frequency Report~Here Comes The Sun~Again!

Lia's picture


Today is a 9 & 11 Frequency day with a 111 Sub-frequency Influence.

Today we have a dual Frequency day; something that has only happened three times before since I began doing these reports. But that is not really too surprising considering what transpired in the month of October, and what has been taking place already in the month of November.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 9, 11 and 111 are:

9 – I AM Unconditional Giving

11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

111 – I AM Multi-dimensional Thought Energy Set into Motion

If you remember correctly I shared in the first installment of the October Monthly Frequency Overview Report that there were four days in the month of October with the 11-111 Frequency combination and they were the main Frequency work of that month. Those days were the…

4th, 11th, 29th and 31st


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