Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Twelve Insight Journal ~ Patience Is A Doorway

Lia's picture

Larry Larson ~ Twelve

LarryLarsonInner Circle Member: I would appreciate you responding to this statement I received in a fortune cookie: “Patience is the key to joy.”

We can certainly agree with that statement when you consider patience to be a positive thought alternative to frustration. You are not going to claw your way directly from frustration to joy without some kind of intermediary step. So always, when you choose thoughts that feel a bit better than the thoughts you have been currently thinking, you are moving in the direction of greater alignment with Source, the source of joy. In that regard, patience is a key but you must continue to step through the door and into the realm of delightful enjoyment of your circumstances.

Frustration indicates blockage, that somehow you are restricted or bound from receiving something that you desire. Patience indicates acknowledgment of the organic nature of things in your world. The successful gardener is not out there among the rows screaming at the seeds, the day after planting them, “Why aren’t you up yet?” The gardener knows things take time–time that is an indicator of vibrational change.

~Journal Entry~ We are Both Feminine and Masculine

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Journal Entry~

Palouse Falls

Journal Entry 11.9.2013

Just came back from getting my car’s winter tires put on.  While I realize, all-weather radials are intended to handle most every kind of road condition, I feel safer with the softer, sticky tread of snow tires (walnut studded).  I can cruise through ice and snow with a great degree of stability and ease, despite the fact that I’m driving a smaller, front-wheel based vehicle.


Lia's picture


 From Wave of Love Blog Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Edward Yudenich

We have been taught “one life to live” … “for you are dust and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19).  As defined by religion, eternity begins at physical death … in truth, eternity has no beginning and no ending.  We are eternal spirit beings!

Listening to the extraordinary children now incarnating on our planet will lead you into the truth of your eternal soul … you have lived many physical lives … you have memories and talents that you have possessed in prior lifetimes.  Your eternal soul had a reason for incarnating into a physical body, as outlined in your soul contract.  You brought in talents to use and to share … talents that you had already developed.  It is through the use of your talents—whatever they may be—that you speak to the world of the stream of lives that you have already experienced.

Heretofore, we have tended to forget … or our memories have been rebuked or stifled by a society that has been deliberately limited in its scope.  NOW, the children incarnating on Planet Earth, bring a glorious message to all of us!  YOU ARE AN ETERNAL, SPIRIT BEING!

~ Karen Doonan ~ Ghosts and Mirages of the old 3d earth and how to dissolve them ……

Eddie1177's picture

Once more the New Earth energies begin to heighten and many of you may be wondering why you seem to be shown the “same” scenarios over and over. It may be that the scenarios are “haunting” you and I use the word “haunting” deliberately. A world that is dissolving has plenty residue and the old 3d earth IS dissolving.  It is built on the lower dimensional frequencies of fear and as such will attempt to bully you into believing that all is not as it FEELs.

Many of you at this time may be repeatedly using the phrase “oh not again, I thought this was all sorted” and then give out a large sigh of exasperation.  The old 3d earth knows NO other way of reacting or of BEing so it will attempt at all times to show you how fearful the world is, except  it will do so with less “bite”.  It is becoming literally a shadow of its former SELF. Much like a bully in the playground will not back down and admit they have done anything the old 3d earth paradigms will try to hold on until they fade completely.

The way to work with these “ghosts” and “mirages” is to fully interact with them, if you try to touch them then you will find that you can place your hand through them and that they have NO substance at all. At first glance they may appear to be more than they are but standing in your LIGHT and FEELing will show you that what you are dealing with is not real.  The old 3d earth can appear to be solid in its creations but it cannot hide the energy signature that it uses and this is also a key. For as long as you remain in the heart space and allow yourself to FEEL then you can begin to SEE THROUGH that which is being presented to you.

~ Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion's Weekly Message, November 10-17,2013

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 Beloved Ones,
You are coming into a time of much accelerated change that will keep the world in a state of alternating and sometimes, confusing realities. It is for these times that we have been preparing each of you to always remain calm and in a state of physical, mental and emotional equilibrium, into moving forward in the mastery of your own coping mechanisms and the abilities and skills that have been honed throughout your spiritual path to becoming a dweller in the higher dimensions. This you are doing magnificently and victoriously and the results are now beginning to be felt, experienced and manifested in your individual lives. The importance of a disciplined mind cannot be underestimated as you accept and adapt to the many unexpected events that will keep humanity and their planet riding the waves of transformation.
You are moving quickly into the roles that you are each destined to play as the planet aligns with the center of the universe and moves into its new position. Your intent to experience the world you walk on as peaceful, loving and harmonious will bring these qualities into your field of possibilities. Your days of floundering in the energies of the void, the unknown, are now coming to an end and as the solar flares and winds erupt with their codes and sacred geometry, your process of remembrance will no longer be denied. You are each coming into your own power, the power of love tempered with the qualities of mercy and compassion. You have all that you need to anchor in the new templates.

The Creator Writings - Loneliness

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


loneliness (16)

If you could change any moment in your existence to this point; change the one where you felt totally alone, adrift on a turbulent emotional sea. Your perception of loneliness is just that…..a perception. The love of The Universe has always been with you. ~ Creator



~ Ann Albers ~ Messages From Ann And The Angels – 9 November 2013

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AnnandtheAngelsGFP Note: You are GOD=LOVE


My dear friends, we love you so very much.

You are in an eternal dance with the Creator dear ones, for in truth, the creator’s love is not outside of you, but rather lives and breathes within you. You are as much a part of the cosmic dance as a cell is part of the body. You send signals to all that is, asking for help, nourishment, and support, and the Love that is God responds as much as you are willing to believe and receive.

When you have a desire in your heart acknowledge it. Simply say, “Yes God, I would like this. Please help me bring this situation into my life.” You don’t have to have a clue how it will all come about. You only have to open to the possibility that you can receive help, expect it, and then act as you are inspired to do so. After that trust! Trust with all your heart that you will receive what you have asked for, or even better.

~ Julie Miller ~ Lady Faith: Embrace your own Affection and Appreciation - 9 November

Eddie1177's picture

Above all decisions you will make in your life Beautiful Ones the most important one will be when you finally decide to commit to loving yourself and to accepting yourself just as you are. How you think of yourself does affect all relationships, affects the quality of your work, your Faith and of course your future. The more positive and loving you are towards yourself, everything else benefits. The question is Beautiful Ones, why is this so difficult for many to do?
So much of you journey thus far has been waiting for love to come to you – many are out searching and feeling empty without this sacredness that is already within you. There are many romanticized concepts regarding love, but many of them refrain from mentioning one important aspect of love and that my dears is having self-respect. Being able to respect yourself is the only definable way to develop love in your own life and with others. We know many dear souls create fantasies out of the feelings they have towards another and many times these fantasies do not fulfill their need to be loved and they end up feeling worse because of the expectations that have been added to the experience. Understand dear ones in order to be loved, it is essential to truly love and respect yourself equally as much as you do others. Make a point to consciously understand the short term and long term effects of loving yourself and this positive change will enhance your ability to love others. By taking positive loving action, you will enable positive and loving energy to enter your life stream that will help to create greater situations to occur. Have faith in the process of learning to love yourself. You have spent so long denying your true self, you have gone out of your way avoiding your own truth and that truth Beautiful Ones is that you are worthy of your own love and respect. By allowing yourself to accept your own love and respect you begin to grow beyond any previous conceived imagination. Understand dear ones, your journey is never for nothing, you have a purpose. The more you learn to love and respect yourself; your purpose becomes that much clearer. End the need to please everyone just so they like you, begin working on liking yourself and bringing that like into Love and Respect.


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