Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

TheOne~DreamDreamer~ The Love Entanglement Of Your Many Self ~22 October 2013

Lia's picture


It is a Dance, a Dance of Love. Pure Love. For Love is the only Key needed to access your Self, to Be beyond the illusionary veil between you and You. For Love has a specific Harmonic that is the cornerstone of all Creation. That is why it opens ALL doors. Even those that do not exist. What a Miracle is this!

So what does it mean to become MultiDimensional? To re-Member your many Self? To Dance with them? With You? It means to cross the Bridge of linearity and step into your MultiDimensional nature. Which you are becoming. Right Now.

It means that once you fall in Love with your self so deeply that you understand that you are part of GOD -Creation, Prime Source- you open the Doors to your many self.  Self that are known as past lives and Self known to be behind the veil. And you do not need to remember a past life in order to retrieve from it what you need right now. Your DNA knows. It knows what you want and will bring it to you. Once you claim it. Once you know you deserve it and are worth it. That means… once you LOVE yourself enough to claim your Heritage. As it cannot happen until you hang on to a linear believe of time, space and separation. For being the creator you are you would only re-create time, space and separation.

Divine Abundance is your Natural State

Lia's picture

Every cell of your body is pulsating and vibrating
with super alive conscious energy right now.
When you relax into your you feel it?
All your atoms are singing and dancing together,
they are having a great party inside you!
Your body is celebrating being alive in this Universe!

And, if you look all around you with eyes of gratitude and wonder,
all you will see is a massive display of creativity, energy and abundance!
You are truly surrounded by abundance in every direction.

Think about what actually had to happen for all
these amazing material things to manifest themselves.

Imagine all the time, creative energy and love that went into
seeding and growing all the plants, trees, gardens and flowers.
Think about what had to occur for each of these houses, cars,
TVs, computers, floors streets, buildings, and entire cities to manifest!

Think about all the sex that had to occur for all 7 billion people
to be born and living on Earth today. Whoa...

Nancy Tate ~Hatonn~ 22 October 2013

Lia's picture


NancyTateDear Ones,

I have been feeling inspired in the past several days to create another slideshow that was timely with the recent full moon eclipse and the energy that was associated with it. It is called Love Moon Rising, and it is available to see now. Click Here


I am here this morning to speak through this one about a matter that is troubling many of you at this time. It is one that needs addressing in a way that can ease your minds in many different ways. It is about the changes that many of you are experiencing in your lives and within your inner selves. I am Hatonn, and I am with you this day to alleviate some of the concerns that you are undergoing in these times.

It is a matter of being able to see the issues that are upon you in a way that can release them from your beingness. These concerns, whether they are physical or emotional, are part of the process of releasing that which no longer benefits you in your evolvement. As you see most of these issues come forth, especially at times and in ways that may be puzzling, you will know that there is no way that they have any bearing on what your life is like at the time. It could be confusing and downright disturbing because of the feeling you have of its non-validity.

Kp Message Remember (and Align with) the New Paradigm

Lia's picture


130304_new_hair_guy_P1000378_crop_240_20[Kp Add-on: I wanted to add that along this Turtle Island Journey, I have seen a number of people release their "old" paradigms and move into the new. Sometimes these old ones are quite heavy, and resistant to being released. But it can be done, and is being done by many of us. Including me.]

This will be short. After the last Poof, where they wrote,

“…the importance and benefits of being in a neutral space as events, on all levels, are unfolding. Doing things the way we always have is often not working now.“

it was clear to me that this point (message) is coming through others beside myself.

The Creator Writings - The Truth Of Death

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


Death is not an ending; it is a joyous release of a soul from the human constraints of your Earth plane existence. If you are able to release your grief of the moment and view it the way The Universe does, you will be able to see that no mourning needs to happen. Celebrate and be happy for the moments you shared. Those that have crossed over are doing the same. ~ Creator

The Ties that Bind… Moon Hippie Mystic

Doreen Smith's picture


Monday October 21, 2013 

post from Sunday October 20, 2013


Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all barriers within yourself that you have built against it ~ Rumi

Toxic relationships come in all forms and can be detrimental in so many ways but also offer the greatest opportunity for growth and learning.  It’s within the mindset of growth that we can begin to navigate and resolve relationship toxicity issues in order to release and move on.  This can be a very difficult thing to accomplish since the toxicity is much like a drop of ink that spoils the entire well leaving a cellular toxicity, much like an allergic reaction, to this kind of abusive relationship.


Lia's picture

18.10.13 – I’m sitting once more in my sanctuary for early morning meditation, bringing down the golden light through my crown chakra and allowing it to wash through me, rejuvenating my brain to increase its working capacity rather than the small percentage we use at the moment.  I’m visualising that golden light washing through the whole of my body, regenerating tissue in every cell and fibre of my being.  I believe if you let yourself truly believe that this golden light will cleanse and purify you of all disease then it WILL eliminate all toxins and restore your body to a position of harmony and perfect health.  The trick is ‘believing’ it but the more you practice the better you will feel. 

Jill Renee Feeler ~ Ascension Update Oct. 21 2013 ~ 21 October 2013

Lia's picture


JillReneeFeelerThere is a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on!  We are in the midst of quite an expansion window, integrating a broader range of frequencies into our Earthly experience.  We (all of us) have called in this broader range, lifting our ceiling even further.  These “new frequencies” come to the surface into the Earthly realities not from outside ourselves, not from somewhere “out there”.  All that Is emanates from within each of us…

As we integrate this wider spectrum of energy frequencies, our choices expand.  Our playing fields multiply, exponentially, even quantum-ly.

We may have some shakes and shudders as we allow the new energy framework to settle in and become the new operating system of Choice.  We are becoming more Light-based in our experiences, feeling less and less compelled to engage in matters of Separation and drama.  Choosing Light.  This expansion window and new energetic frameworks support this process.  As we go through/create this expansion window, allow any re-wiring to occur, letting go of what no longer serves, expecting and invoking the experiences in which You Are capable of making everything within your highest good and the highest good.


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