Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

The Creator Writings - Forgiveness and Growth

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


On forgiveness; you may expect, ask for, count on, demand or beg for it. However, if you are unwilling to forgive the person you’re asking forgiveness from, the practice becomes futile. It is a free flowing exercise in trusting The Universe that all will be taken care of inperfect timing and in the best way for your own healing and growth. ~ Creator


The journey into your inside – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 19, 2013

Doreen Smith's picture




(Translated from original language german)

My child, without the veil of oblivion you could not fulfill your mission. The pain of memories would be too much for you. It was absolutely necessary that you forget everything so that you could work out anything new and in this working out anew you  can pass on to your fellow man your experiences and cognitions of it. The fog of forgetfulness was in this sense a blessing for you. Now it is getting thinner and memories, knowledge and skills are slowly but surely coming back to you. Through meditation you can speed this up a bit. Pay attention to what you see in it, hear and feel. Pay attention to what your intuition gives you and on your dreams. You’ll remember that way much. You are a multidimensional being, my child, and you know and can do more than you can imagine now. Start on the journey into your inside and rediscover yourself there. You’ll be amazed at what you can find there ~

Your Divine Mother

Ann Albers – Message From Ann And The Angels – 19 October 2013

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As seen at Lucas2012infos Posted on by lucas2012infos



My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Are you praying for miracles in your lives dear ones? And if not, why not, because God wants to bless each and every one of you with more than you could possibly ask for. The creator of the universes wants to shower love and goodness upon you. But so often you pray in ways that limit – through your free will – what you “believe you can receive.”

Pssst! You Won’t Ascend Without This! “One can only make the Ascension by expansion of the three-fold flame in the heart.”

Doreen Smith's picture


October 19. 2013 Repost from Channeler: Julie Miller

Ashtar: “One can only make the Ascension by expansion of the three-fold flame in the heart.

We will explain the Three-fold Flame as easily as possible. There is not need for complicated explanations. Understanding your True Heart and the Three-Fold flame that is within you is important — Power, Wisdom, and Love.

The pink flame represents LOVE and COMPASSION which is the very nature of God. This pink flame of love knows the difference of expressing love, sympathy, rebuilding someone’s dashed hopes, uplifting emotions, living purely and unconditionally from your heart. This kind of love is not overbearing or clingy, its fresh, understanding and giving. 

The blue flame represents the WILL and POWER of God. Your inner faith and your truest intent is at work here. As both are filled with your unconditional love. Knowing this aspect of the flame is knowing yourself. Finding the strength within your own bodily form to carry on and accomplish tasks that began at first looking very difficult. Mind over matter fits at this point.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ 11:11 Trilith Phantom Crystals 2013 ~19 October 2013

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWithin the center of these beautiful Phantom crystals lives a portal of Creation, doorways of Light beckoning one to enter and See.  The pyramid power within each 11:11 Trilith Phantom is powerful and giving. It invites one to enter and sit under its apex to receive teachings of time undone.  It recognizes that you are an integral part of the cosmic equation. The phantom within the crystal is TRILITH of nature, which means a sacred place made out of stones, which allows prayers to be held.  It asks you to enter as a shaman into the dolman (earth lodge) connecting you to Earth’s Oversoul which allows you to see with clarity all that has been and all that is to be.

As your mind and energy look into the pyramid within the 11:11 Trilith Phantom see your self-entering the Great Pyramid of Giza.  Feel the subterranean chambers below you Now move your awareness upward as you locate the grand staircase leading to the Queens and Kings chamber.  Feel yourself being drawn  upward. Move your awareness to the secret chamber that lives in-between the Kings chamber and the Queens chamber; this is known as the Chamber of the Son (sun) or the Christ Chamber. It is here that dwells the Spirit of Christ issued from the time of his Initiation in the Great Pyramid. It is here that the 11:11 encoding lives within the atomic structure of time.

The Creator Writings - Listening

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The Creator Writings


If you have to ask, “what do I do now?”, “where should I be going?”, “how do I handle this?” or “what do you want from me?” you are not listening to The Universe – you are trying to rely only on yourself. You receive signs, pointers, read or hear something every day that shows you. Quiet yourself, truly listen with your heart, it is all there……listen!

~ Anna Merkaba ~ Full Moon October 18 – 19 : Theme – Gestation – AA Michael

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Dearly beloved children of light, we come to you once again in the preparation of the full moon that is about to open its gateway into your subconsciousness .

The theme of the upcoming portal is Gestation a period of gestation has indeed began for new consciousness, and we urge all of you to partake of the upcoming energies and fill your heart with the love and light that this portal brings its way.

The Galactic Federation of LIGHT ~Blossom Goodchild~ 19 October

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Welcome my friends. I have been wondering what today's conversation shall entail. Although, if I may … there are a couple of things I would like to address on behalf of some readers who have asked me to ask you about Comet Ison. Now I personally really know nothing much at all regarding where it is heading, so therefore have no idea where this conversation is heading either … Is that ok? Over to you if I may?

Firstly we welcome you also. There is much Love and excitement still within and around your planet … which we should also care to address. Yet to comment on the comet. You are quite correct Blossom in your replies to these souls who inquire. If indeed there was to be an up and coming ‘mishap’ with this travelling object … do you not think we would have addressed if before now?

For in this circumstance we can categorically state that there shall be no harm ‘sent’ toward your planet as it draws closer to your sacred sun. If one chooses to be of concern we ask them to let go of the fear around the matter. Again … what does one choose to focus upon? And we would care to comment also … that along with so many ‘proposals’ of Earth’s Eventualities  … the idea that it shall cause a great deal of destruction to your Mother Earth is simply another fear mongering tactic.

Adama, and Your Lemurian Families, Your Time of Harvest

Lia's picture

Hello to you Dear Ones. It is I Adama, here to speak to each of you.

I, and my fellow Lemurians, am here to speak to each of you of the ways of the heart and of this special time upon Planet Earth!

We are here in Lemuria holding the cords of love, to be implemented into your wonderful fields at this momentous time. Now is the time of harvest, the time of fall...

As the seasons change, remember who you are... That you too are falling into new ways of being! Enjoy your time upon the Earth and come home to the resonance of love within you...

Now is the time to return to your own heartbeat, your own rhythms and with this, to return to the oneness that each of you are…

As each of you comes home to your own rhythms and expressions, your heart’s resonance, you will find your joys, your loves and who you truly are here and how you can express that upon this dear planet!

We, here in Lemuria, are holding that grace and expression of love as well!


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