Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Natalie Glasson – Lady Vessa Andromeda – Guardians Of Light Information – 21 October 2013

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It is with great pleasure that I bring forth my light to commune with your own, allowing a deep resonance and familiarityto form. I come forth not only as a guide and a beloved friend but as the chohan and overseer of the tenth ray of light ata planetary level.

There is so much beauty within the Creator’s universe and it is delightful to see that you are each realising and connecting into the beauty of the Creator remembering who you are, your spiritual or energetic origins and the divinepresence of the Creator within you. Remembrance is a key shift and experience in this stage of ascension and it will bring forth great enlightenment, security and awakening. At this time you are remembering aspects of who you are, you are remembering that you are light and love, you are a soul, an aspect of the Creator, that the world is filled with creation and you can create with the vibration of the Creator.

~Sirian Archangel Hermes ~ About Recent Events and The Divine Feminine

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Greetings fellow beings of light. I come to you now with several messages as the rainbow light codes of awakening are being transmitted through the multidimensional nodes of consciousness into your planetary matrix.

I come to speak of the Divine Feminine, and how it has, is, and shall play a key role in your ascension. The aspects of the divine feminine energy are manifest through the nurturing, loving, and healing of the holy spirit. The cosmic womb nurtures all and never asks for payment in return, for the payment is the development of all inhabitants of her womb. Many new age scholars will say that the divine feminine is an aspect of chaos, and they are partially correct in this, for the divine feminine is a mirror, reflecting, and then projecting the energy that was originally cast upon it. She can be love and order, or she can be fear and chaos, it all depends on you, the observer, the host, which energy will you choose to embrace?

~Celia Fenn ~ Archangel Michael : The Inevitability of Change and Deep Dreaming with Gaia

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Archangel Michael: The Inevitability of Change and Deep Dreaming with Gaia……A New Communion of Light, as channeled by Celia Fenn, October, 2013 at:

Beloved Family of Light, it has been an intense and tumultuous few months since the Planetary New Year in July and the influx of New Light through the Stargates in July and August. These Energy Shifts have brought Change at a very Deep Level.

This Change is inevitable, for it is part of the processes of Life and Evolution. When the Earth shifted into the Fifth Dimension in December 2011, she shook off her rigid limitations of the old Third Dimensional Grids and allowed herself to re-connect with the Graceful Flow of Divine Light from the Heart of the Cosmos. This meant that every Living Being on Planet Earth was also recalibrated to this New Frequency of Accelerated Change.

Change is inevitable. It is part of the process of Life and Growth. It is the opening of a bud in Spring and the falling of the leaves in Autumn. It is the first green shoots in the snow and the richness of the summer harvest. All have their moment in Time, in the Richness and Flowering of Physical Life.

Montague Keen - October 20, 2013

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Ponder on these wise words. It is important that you fully understand them. You are creating your future. Do not be alarmed at the bodily changes you are experiencing. They are preparing you to become the Beings of Light that you are. Like the butterfly, you are emerging from the chrysalis, awakening to who and what you are. Do not be alarmed when you experience EXTREME HEAT or COLD, DIZZINESS, alterations in your way of dealing with life, sleep, eating habits, etc. See each change as a stepping stone to fulfillment. There is no need to feel alarmed or seek medical help. It is a natural process. Welcome it.

Everything is happening at a pace that is acceptable to each of you. All will become clear in the fullness of time. The chains that bind you are falling away. You are becoming free of all restrictions. Go forward with confidence, as this is your true path.

Hilarion's Weekly Message, October 20-27,2013

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October 20-27, 2013
Beloved Ones,
Behold yourselves in the mirror and you will see that the transformation of your physical bodies is occurring. There is a glow of radiance in your countenance and an indefinable something that others around you perceive. This will happen more frequently with every successful releasing of old programs and belief systems as they occur. As these are let go, more light is assimilated into your human operating system. Many of you have a great field of light that surrounds you wherever you go and this is a welcome, albeit unperceived, blessing for the people in your field of influence, which is expanding constantly.
We know that it is not an easy process to face yourselves and to acknowledge responsibility for all that has happened in your lives and we applaud the courage and willingness that you have each shown as old patterns and beliefs have arisen from the depths within you. Remember an important truth which is, that you are light and have come to serve by being it. You are each outposts of the divine and that has sometimes been a lonely task to endure. Know that those in your immediate family with whom you have daily interactions are the souls who have agreed to play the role of catalyst in these times which helps to ignite another level of release and introspection as the ascension process continues.

Twelve Insight ~ Vibrate Like You Have It

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Shift Frequency

Twelve Insight Journal  October 20 2013

You cannot vibrate like you want it…you must vibrate like you have it. Something that you want is out over there somewhere – not here.

When you asked for it your Father gave it immediately. It’s here. It’s real. It’s alive. It’s present vibrationally in your experience now. But to what degree are you attuned to it vibrationally?

You cannot perceive something with which you are not vibrationally attuned, just as you cannot receive those stations not presently tuned to your radio dial. You do not hear all of the FM radio stations all at once. The one you are presently tuned to is the only one you perceive. When you are traveling between stations, you know that there is a real mess when you hear two or more of them at the same time. You get country and western playing over talk radio playing over Metallica. You cannot sort it out, and so you tweak the radio dial a little bit to see if you can get just one.

Life is a series of experiences ~ Archangel Gabriel

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Angel Wings and Unicorns Posted on October 20, 2013Angel Wings and Unicorns

Many of you consider life to be full of lessons. Looking at it in that way suggests that you are being graded and judged on your performance, and nothing could be further from the truth.

What we wish for you to understand is that you are having a life full of experiences, all kinds of different experiences, which allow you to decide what you would like to do next.

It is not about passing or failing, Dear Ones, it is merely about trying things on to see if they fit you energetically, and deciding what allows you to express yourself in the way that is perfect for you and your unique path.

Archangel Gabriel


Judith Dagley – The Celestial Team – Full Aries Moon/Lunar Eclipse – Yowza! – 19 October 2013

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A “Hit of the Day” from Judith

Hi, all of you “fellow Beloveds.” Hopefully, I’ll manage to keep this message short and sweet (not my strong suit, I know!)… but it “hit” me in the midst of a very active day with such a wallop, and so all-of-a-piece, that I literally dropped everything to share it with you.

So here’s the “big picture”–
Our “penumbral lunar eclipse” will be at its deepest point at 7:50 PSD today. However, we’ll still be feeling it when Mercury goes retrograde in Scorpio in two days, on October 21st. Then, we’ll be feeling the effects of that right into the coming Scorpio solar eclipse on November 3rd, since Mercury doesn’t turn direct again until the day before it. This “big picture view” is important because all of these events work in tandem with one another in service of our own “big picture process,” which, as I mentioned in my post about our recent new moon, invites us into quite a shift.

OK, so NOW I’ll break it down so you can see how it works (according to my “hit,” anyway)–
This lunar eclipse serves to bring all the ways we get in our own way, right up in our faces. Not only that, but the fiery energy of the Aries full moon will definitely amplify the process, burning away all that has kept us from seeing them thus far. What a service, since they’ll all be the very ones we’ve preferred not to look at– until NOW. (Fun, huh?) This lunar eclipse definitely means business, all right…


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