Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

The Aries Lunar Eclipse: Unexpected Timeline Shifts Transport us into the Void

Lia's picture

We're in a time of powerful endings and beginnings. These transitions will shake many to their core, creating sudden and unexpected timeline shifts. Today's 25° Aries lunar eclipse emphasizes the need for freedom, balance and change. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and holds the energy of new beginnings. Fear and anxiety may arise as we are faced with changes large and small to our way of life. That which is working and spiritually-aligned in our lives will grow stronger during this time while that which is not working will begin to fall away. It is important to be willing to take action in areas of your life now.

Determining Impact, Intensity and Duration of Eclipse Influences

Telepathy – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 18, 2013

Doreen Smith's picture




My child, that what might cause you trouble now – to learn a new language – will no longer be necessary in your “future”. Once your telepathic abilities are awakened and fully developed, you will receive the thoughts of your fellow men in the language in which you grew up. There will be also a transfer of feelings and other forms of energy, so that you hear more as if the one you are talking with is speaking with words to you, just as you know it now. That’s why I gave you the advice to seek already honesty, within your heart, your thoughts and your words. In more and more of your fellow men now awake this ability. Also in you this will happen now. Then you can also hear me as my scribe hears me. A wonderful “time” comes up to you, my child, that I love so much. ~

Your Divine Mother

Hopi Elders’ Statement

Lia's picture



images“You have been telling people
that this is the eleventh hour.
Now you must go back and tell people
that this is the hour!

And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?

Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your Garden.

Suzanne Spooner: It is Time to Be Love

MomT's picture

The Aguarius Paradigm Posted by Wes Annac Oct 18

heartThanks to Golden Age of Gaia.


A God & Gabriel Message Channeled by Suzanne Spooner of TAUK October 17, 2013


God & Gabriel

[Hello God & Gabriel!] Hi Suzy. Can we discuss the possibilities that are in Earth’s reality right now? [Absolutely!]

First, the light of God, of Higher Realms, is increasing in a dramatic way. You know this first hand and as a concept that light workers are feeling.

Terri Newlon~Djwhal Khul ~ Looney Eclipse

Lia's picture


DjwhalKhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. “Tashi Delek” is a Tibetan greeting, sort of like “Namaste” or “my spirit greets your spirit”, or ‘I see you soul to soul”; it’s a very lovely greeting.

And this week I think that perhaps the two highlights are the Full Moon with the Lunar Eclipse on Friday the 18th. A lot happening in the Heavens though. And then we work with Mercury going retrograde on October 21 and then the Sun entering Scorpio on October 23, or 22 or 23, depending upon where you are. But essentially there’s a lot going on.

Vibrationally speaking, I’ll be doing a Tele-Seminar on October 18 called “Attuned and Ready” because this is a time when you just have to have all of your vibratory frequencies attuned and ready for whatever might come.

There is still a lot of tension between governments and religions and there is still a lot of tension between the Sun and the solar system, so more flares, more weather patterns, more watery troubles.

When there is a lot of water displacement on the planet or typhoons, things like that, a heavy rain in one place, no rain in another place, that sort of thing, it affects the emotional body and the Full Moon is kind of a kind of high tide for the blood and the other fluids that are in the body.

Suzanne Spooner: It’s a Time to Be Love

Eddie1177's picture

It is Time to Be Love

A God & Gabriel Message Channeled by Suzanne Spooner of TAUK October 17, 2013

God & Gabriel

[Hello God & Gabriel!] Hi Suzy. Can we discuss the possibilities that are in Earth’s reality right now? [Absolutely!]

First, the light of God, of Higher Realms, is increasing in a dramatic way. You know this first hand and as a concept that light workers are feeling.

Many see chaos. Many others see peace and detachment from chaos.

In this reality you will be in the midst of great love and great pain. We do not wish to be fearful but to be open and truthful. Keep in your imagination, a vision of love and peace. Be the calm and the love. Give others your calm by being the calm and being loving. Imagine well now. It is time to be love.

Second, live life in awe of the transition you are witnessing now. This is exactly why you and so many others requested to be on Earth at this historical time. As you witness discomfort and confusion, allow the bright light of Divine energy to enter your body.

Looney Eclipse ~ Djwhal Khul – “Looney Eclipse” – 18 October 2013 ~

Eddie1177's picture

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. “Tashi Delek” is a Tibetan greeting, sort of like “Namaste” or “my spirit greets your spirit”, or ‘I see you soul to soul”; it’s a very lovely greeting.

And this week I think that perhaps the two highlights are the Full Moon with the Lunar Eclipse on Friday the 18th. A lot happening in the Heavens though. And then we work with Mercury going retrograde on October 21 and then the Sun entering Scorpio on October 23, or 22 or 23, depending upon where you are. But essentially there’s a lot going on.

Vibrationally speaking, I’ll be doing a Tele-Seminar on October 18 called “Attuned and Ready” because this is a time when you just have to have all of your vibratory frequencies attuned and ready for whatever might come.


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