Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Anna Merkaba ~ Question of a Lifetime – What is Ascension, When will it finally happen!?

Eddie1177's picture

A reader of my blog named Robert has asked me a very interesting question that I think most of you have in the back of your mind. He asked “I have been reading several ascension blogs. Most of them have info that humanity would ascend on 21DEC 2012 and since then the dates simply kept on changing and even the so called channeled info from higher dimensional beings and ascended masters is wrong so many times. Just don’t know what to believe anymore and like so many other readers and followers I am more than frustrated to just keep waiting for a date and when nothing happens then conveniently some new date comes up and this has been going on for so long. So my question is if we are going to ascend at all then when do you think its gonna happen? If it is so difficult to give a date then is it possible to atleast give a time frame? So many people who are working as channelers and light workers, how hard can it be to just get a date?”

Selacia – The Dilemma Of Change On The 10/18 Eclipse – Wanting And Rejecting Change – 18 October 2013

Eddie1177's picture

Right now as the world continues its roller-coaster ride of change, you may be feeling dizzy or unsettled by the uncertainty that naturally accompanies times of great shifting.

Even though as a divine changemaker you are naturally wired to want change, you may reject it as it arrives on your doorstep. Your rejection may be conscious, like when you see a shift coming and then feel unprepared to handle it, so delay taking action. Other times, you may unconsciously reject change, your fear of the unknown so buried within that you simply aren’t aware of it.
This dynamic of simultaneously wanting and rejecting something is not new. It’s part of your conditioning to sabotage yourself with this dualistic approach. What’s different now is that your conditioning has become such a big handicap that you are unable to successfully navigate these rocky times. This means that you have unneeded stresses, delays, and missed opportunities.

~MADAD~SaLuSa 18:10:2013

Eddie1177's picture

SaLuSa 18.10.2013

The feelings of Oneness and blissful joy are surrounding you with such intensity never experienced before, and we are enjoying your amazement when they are entering your beings so powerfully, as your intentions and wishes are set very high and allowing you to experience ever deepening and more fulfilling feelings of Unity with All. The more you are aware of these energies, the more you want to be immersed in them, as they are of pure Love and Light and help you to clear yourselves completely from all of the old energy patterns. In this phase of your final clearing you might experience a sudden change in your mood and feelings due to some old issues being cleared away suddenly, without getting through the usual process that you all are very well aware of. This is because of your strong will, intent and choice that you have manifested this final clearing happening in such beautiful way, with feeling very strong presence of Angelic Realm and your Guides, and this is allowing us to share so very much more with all those of you who wish to experience our connection at this moment.

The Creator Writings - Never Forget

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


Never forget where you came from.  Even though the conditions of your arrival may not have been optimal, your early learning experiences challenging and your lessons trying to your soul, you wanted to go… were joyous and excited about your choice.  And each day your strength, courage and faith is honored with the Divine Song that flows from The Universe to you! ~ Creator


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ 2013 THE YEAR OF INITIATION ~

Eddie1177's picture


As the dignitary of time walks about, showing its fullness of color, like a well endowed phoenix what was uncompleted long ago comes forth written in the sands of time.  No one is certain where the hands of time will land. All await the next dust storm to settle before the writing on the window sill has been seen. 2013 has existed as an isle outside of time beating to the drum of a new element. Rules gone by no longer adhere to earth as the hidden formulas within the text of the ancient ones reveal the magician behind the curtain. The invisible ink has faded and all can be read. What has been redacted bursts free from its inky shackles.
The universe can no longer wait for solar systems to awaken those that sleep.  You have come fully packed on an earthen journey of initiation. You have come with all that you need in truth, in matter and in all longings. The melodramas of earth are yours to own or dismiss accordingly. All situations that have come undone are holograms of misrepresentation projected by what needs to acknowledged and released.


The Creator Writings - Overwhelming……..To Love

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


Some of you become overly concerned with the ‘trials and tribulations’ of your lives to notice the miracles happening around you. Rather than dwell on the negative; take a deep breath, say ‘I love you’ to The Universe then sit back and watch. The Universe will return the sentiment in miraculous and wonderful ways! ~ Creator


Inspiration for the Day from Shanta Gabriel - October 16, 2013

Doreen Smith's picture



Your spirit has been expanding at an unprecedented pace. Never before have you had so much assistance in your spiritual awakening. Remember to ask for help from the Angels and Masters awaiting you.

Breathe it in.

Assistance is available  with a Next Step Reading from Shanta.

Message From A Universal Elder of this NOW~ A Cosmic Gathering

Lia's picture

Emissary from the Field of Consciousness of the
Infinite Potentiality
A Cosmic Gathering
Once before in the story/history of this Universe was there a gathering such as the one you are in attendance of now.

So exquisite in its beauty, so awe-inspiring in its power, and so magnificent was its creation that untold multitudes did gather from every point and parcel, and every spectrum and sector of this Universal region; no region was not represented in attendance.

It is even told that Universal systems far beyond this one did send forth emissaries into attendance, just so as to be able to participate in the energies, so they too could tell unto infinity of the sites and wonders beheld; thereby thus planting the seeds of knowledge and intention into their own Universal eco-systems the energies of such glorious and wondrous things.

I too was in attendance at that gathering. I too, beheld the majesty of ceremonies preformed in that point of space and time; and I can attest in truth to what was created in those moments.

~Starseed Transmissions~from Ken Carey's

Lia's picture

 ~Excerpt from Ken Carey's Book ~Starseed Transmissions~

~Our mission is to bring a pre-fall state of awareness to all human beings who are able to respond, however different they may be, whatever background they may have come from, using whatever conceptual structures seem appropriate. These individuals will then be instructed to translate this awareness into forms of informational exchange appropriate to their respective cultural situations.

Eventually, the psychic pressure exerted by a critical mass of humanity will reach levels that are sufficient to tip the scales. At the moment, the rest of humanity will experience an instantaneous transformation of a proportion you cannot now conceive. At that time, the spell which was cast on your race thousands of years ago, when you plunged into the worlds of good and evil, will be shattered forever. Even now, with the healing influx of new information, the spell is beginning to lift. The materalizing force fields of bondage and limitation are beginning to loose their influence on consciousness.

Do you want to know more about ET's? Do you want a definition of angels? We are you, yourself, in the distant past and future. We are you as you were, would have been and still are, had you not fallen from your original state of grace.


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