Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion ~ 6 October 2013

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marlene1-1Beloved Ones,

The process of the re-evaluation of your lives and what is important for your greater health, well being and happiness and the letting go of all that does not serve you has been uppermost in your hearts. Some decisions are difficult to make as it means a resetting and reformulating of your former priorities and goals. Asking yourselves some hard questions has been helping you to see with more clarity those areas and ways of being that hold you back from moving forward with enthusiasm and joy. Just remember that the bottom line in each choice that you make is: does this make you feel good about yourself, does it bring more expansion and empowerment to you, do you feel inspired and uplifted, and do you feel a greater sense of freedom when you contemplate the value of a relationship, goal or desire in your everyday life.

~ Greetings from Alpha Starship~

Lia's picture

Until now you had been raised to think, at the most, whether God exists and He created the Universe, or whether it formed itself from a big explosion. This is
the deepest divide you can have in your actual state of consciousness. However,
when you have ascended beyond the third dimension or the density in which you
live, no longer will there be any more questions like this, since your
connection with your Higher Self, being accentuated and improved, will give a
capacity of understanding of who you are, where you come from, what are you
made of, and where you come from, more in keeping with the truth.

Your philosophical, medical or scientific approaches will come to a total and
absolute turnaround; not 180, but 360 degrees – to give you an idea of how you
are going to change internally. You will become the closest you have to angels
represented in your terrestrial archetypes, as they move on to become beings of
great purity, wisdom and love.

Can you imagine what it would be like, to travel to any part of the planet, or
even the Universe, simply when you want to? Are you aware of how you are going
to progress, being able to contact us and many other inhabitants of worlds like

Ascension and Dimensional Shifts~Sapphire Stone

Lia's picture





Original Writing from Facebook November 2010


Mother Earth Has A Consciousness of Her Own, And Is A Living Being As You And I! The Divine Plan of The Creator, Which We All Follow, Knowingly or Unknowingly, Calls For
Mother Earth To Ascend From 3D - 5D And Beyond! Humanity Must Be
Willing To Ascend, or Increase Vibration To Move With Mother Earth!
This Means Keeping Our Physical Bodies Intact And Gradually Reversing
The Aging Process Back To Age 30! Those Not Ready To Ascend Will
Incarnate Back Into The 3rd Dimension On Another Planet, or Be
Physically Transported To Other Planets! They Cannot Return To The
Higher Dimensional Earth When That Happens, For Earth Will Be Turning
Into A Star! Others Who Have Chosen To Stay On The Karmic Wheel of
Life And Death, Will Be Dying By Disease, Accidents, Natural Earth
Changes, or Sicknesses!


The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild





Blossom June 6, 2012 




October 6, 2013





Blossom: Greetings to you my friends. Your last communication got people on the edge of their seats due to the ‘shine your shoes’ comment. There DOES seem to be an air of expectancy (once again) … yet sometimes I wonder if we put this upon ourselves because we are desperate!!!



Accessing Higher Dimensional Perspectives by Mary Magdalene Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 04-10-13

Eddie1177's picture
Moving through times of tremendous changes, alterations and shifts allows for magnificent experiences of connection with the Creator and the wealth within your being. These are beautiful times for exploration because once you let go of the solidity of the physical world and 3rd dimension within all aspects of your being you are able to awaken your experiences moving into a space of limitless experiences.

SaLuSa via Multidimensional Ocean 6 Oct 2013 – Reunion of Soul Mate and Twin Flames

Eddie1177's picture

We come again to say how much we admire your resolve and work for the light. We know how seriously you all take this Earthly assignment, we know that you will never fall to the dark side and we know that you are and will remain pure love and light in pretty much any circumstances and environment.

You have accepted your mission for the light, regardless for the consequences to your Earthly life. You have been placed there, sometimes in the most difficult circumstances or in war zones so that you can bring your loving vibrations with you to Mother Earth, so that you can inspire those around you and that you can lift their spirit and bring them hope and light, where before there was none to be found.

You are a light beacon in the middle of the darkness, the lighthouse in the middle of storms; you are peace and love, when you are surrounded by fear, war and sadness. Your heart is with us most night, but also most of the days. When you don’t even suspect it. Open your eyes and heart to the invisible world all around you, feel the angelic presence, know of their walking among you and with you.

As the Northern hemisphere is heading deeper and deeper into the longer nights, go within and find your own inner Sun beaming love and light on your life and showing the way to others. Do not forget that as well as the angelic and galactic presence, you all have your own Higher Self to guide your very step, to illuminate your life and your soul.

Exhilarate in Perpetual Happiness

Eddie1177's picture

Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ October 06 – 13, 2013
Received by Julie Miller
October 06, 2013

Remember back to a time dear ones where you may have been stuck in your home for several days possibly to do the weather or illness and when you finally were able to get up and out how exhilarating it felt – to feel the sunshine bath you in its warmth or the breeze sweep through your hair gave you such a powerful and welcoming feeling. Imagine your current life that is often described as meaningless for some filled with this exhilarated feeling of a greater purpose for life. Living a spiritual life is no distant dream dear ones, it has always been available to you and you are more than able to emerge from your current life, including all its many challenges into a life filled with Spiritual Grace.


Lia's picture





~*The Basic Practice The spiritual practice of transformation holds within its wide embrace the personal renewals that come with a spiritual awakening, a
conversion, a mystical epiphany, or an enlightenment. It covers the
deepening that takes place when we get in touch with our Higher Self
or Spirit.

Transformation usually involves the shedding of old ways, especially those that have become burdens. This practice
proclaims that no matter who you are, no matter what has already
happened to you, no matter what you have done, it is still possible
to be and do something new.

Transformation implies a marked change in your life, but you can practice it by making simple
changes. Start by doing something different — walk to work by a new
route, answer the telephone with your other than usual hand. Break a
habit, any habit. Signal Spirit that you are willing to accept change
in your life and to be an agent of change in the world.

GoldenLight~ Ascension Update

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I received a somewhat long but very enlightening and powerful message tonight. I started it with a personal channeling about my financial situation which as many of you know has been very challenging lately, and I received what began as a message from my Council of Angels and turned into a message from Source Creator. It’s always powerful when this happens, it’s only happened a few times….as I bring in the messages I’m so filled with excitement and energy that I can barely contain myself, and just feel so honored to be bringing in a message like this. I’ve left in some of the personal elements for continuity. Please note it is in stream of consciousness style with very little punctuation, this one flowed out of me like a river. Love, Goldenlight

WakingTimes – Beverly Blanchard – Your Power Is In The Now Moment – 5 October 2013

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Waking Times October 5, 2013 Beverly Blanchard, Contributor

Flickr-inner peace-h0lydevil

What is the thought you thinking right now? Is it an empowering thought? Is it a thought about the argument you had yesterday? Is it a thought about what you have to do tomorrow? Is it a thought about what you saw in the news? Whatever that thought is; you are using it to create your reality.

All time is a suggestion of the mind. In our world, we project it as a horizontal line in which there is a past, a present and a future. For many of us, we lock ourselves into internal and external conversations that either rehash the past or speak about a future filtered through our past memories. Through our dialogues, we tend attract to ourselves analogous circumstances and relationships over and over again. We change jobs only to be confronted with the same problem employees or bosses. We get out of one relationship and find ourselves engaged with the same type of person. At points we ask ourselves: Why am I experiencing this again? Why do I keep attracting the same thing over and over again?


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