Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Archangeloi of the ELOHIM on the birth of the new paradigms

Eddie1177's picture

Channeler:Karen Doonan

Greetings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support as the New Earth begins to anchor and the new paradigms begin to illuminate clearly around you, within you and through you. For many of you at this time are now stepping fully out of the old earth, whether by choice at conscious waking mind level or unconsciously by following the heart space. The birth of the New GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND is now birthed in the physcial waking realm. For those who are in the transition process that sees you between the two worlds we ask for you to breathe for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE.

Short Kp Update…

MomT's picture

Kauilapele's Blog  Posted on


[Updated 1855 CDT: comments opened]


I’m sensing this moment a strong push coming from Higher Source to move to “the next level” What’s that meaning? Not sure yet.

Its not a demand, like a “being forced to do something”, but rather an intense “encouragement” to move up.

Guidance is always for upward movement, at least in my own personal case, and I’ve experienced that recently in family relations, body awareness relations, and energy awareness relations. Like I’m being encouraged to move higher, no matter how far I feel I’ve gone already.

Jose Sanchez ~ Lovely White Tara~

Lia's picture

October 3, 2013

White Tara

I have come to you my dear one in this auspicious day to bless you and to make my presence known.
The energy and the swirling you feel in and around you is my love embracing you and bringing you close to my heart and into my fold.

As it was said to you my presence was indeed manifested fully on the 30th of your month of September. My mantle of purity immediately surrounded the entire United States and all of her people are now being blessed and showned in dream state and for those sensitive enough my love is accelerating their awakening even more.
I am the goddess of virtue of truth and of justice. I awaken the courage in the hearts of all and reveal truth where it has been hidden.

Many of your politicians are now being exposed by their own greed. A few others are taking the right measures to help the people as it was intended for all of them to do. Instead many sided with the love of money and allowed themselves to become puppets to corporations.
Their greed has driven your financial institution to its brink and this has been planned in a way where the least amount of damage will be suffered as the new financial systems becomes active. The all system is a system that had no intention of helping the population but rather the few greedy and power hungry willing to let go of their values and sell their souls for a penny.

Shanta Gabriel~ The River of All Creation

Lia's picture

Being Carried by the Flow of Love, Intelligence and Abundance

Dear Ones,

This is a year to claim your freedom:  Freedom to express the deepest desires of your soul, freedom to choose to live a more heart-centered life, freedom to open to a deeper sense of love within you.

When you open to these new freedoms, you are expanding beyond the old structures of who you thought you were, breaking through into a recognition of your divinity, and shattering the casings around the pure seeds of awakening consciousness planted within your soul for millenniums. Now it is time to bring it forward and claim a new level of power for yourself. You are claiming your sovereignty so you can express your most authentic Divine Essence on the Earth, and bring new vitality into every area of your life.


Meredith Murphy ~ Message From Archangel Michael ~Things are Lightening Up

Lia's picture

 3 October 2013

MeredithMurphyDear Ones,

The New Earth is opening up in some pretty sensational ways right now.
You are noticing this as you become more acclimated again, to the new way you are present. Your body has been upgraded yet again, as you experienced the Equinox alignment and also from the way you are summoning more and more expansive information from all that you are.

As you call forth your fullness of being, your Higher Self is filling you up more and more with you. At the same time the Solar activity, the Earth’s increasingly uplifted frequency and all the waves of incoming energies are clearing out everything congested and dense. So you are being emptied out and filled up, over and over again, and with increasing capacity to sustain the higher frequencies and accessing the ways of being present associated with the energy you are.

Sanat Kumara - "Go Gently into that Good Light" - via Tazjima, 3 Oct 2013

MomT's picture

Blue Dragon Journal  Posted on


“Go Gently into that Good Light.”

A Message from Sanat Kumara via Tazjima, 3 October 2013.

Beloved brothers and sisters, I greet you. I AM Sanat Kumara, now planetary logos for Gaia. Myself and my fellow ascended masters, kith and kin, are gathered together here to wish you congratulations for a job well-done. The planet has ascended into the fifth dimension. We bid you to go gently into that good light, the Light that now envelopes your world and each of you. Become conscious of what you are becoming, what you are and have always been in the worlds in which the greater part of you exists in simultaneous time. It’s time to wake up and see and feel the wonder of creation.


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