Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Galactic Free Press Closes in On 10,000 Members~

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Written by Earth Ally TitaniumLotus

WooHoo!!! Galactic Free Press closes in on 10,000 members. :)

Source inspired, source desired.

The Galactic Free Press has been The light to awaken me from the fog of my lessons here upon GAIA. GFP has awakened my physical presence to a dear friend of mine, my I AM presence! A BEing seated within my sacred space, awaiting a moment of release to wash the wave of service upon my sisters and brothers of creation. Our success is complete as we ALL finalize our contracts and expand our Consciousness  into ONE.

Archangel Raphael ~ Bridges of God

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My noble and blessed angels, that is one step of the journey that many of you have waited for so long: the point of regress. This trip has placed you informed of everything that happens in the lower dimensions where only experiencing is which you might know what was happening to many souls who went down there and lingered far to climb back.

Chautauqua ~ A Postcard From 5D

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Before I had even opened my eyes this morning, I knew I was waking up in 5D.  The very first clue was that the thick, heavy weight of 4D was missing…and then there is the sunlight, it’s brighter somehow and everything looks more vivid too.

I just laid there in bed for a few moments to get my bearings.  The next confirmation of my being in 5D was my attitude; for the first time in many years I awoke without the weight of the world’s problems on my mind; and the liberation is intoxicating.

Most mornings I like to have some music playing, but not today.  Today is a day for listening to the music of the spheres and tuning in to what spirit may have to say as well.  My soul is dancing as this day has been long awaited with deep anticipation.

There were times when I nearly came to doubt my own beliefs and convictions, because so much time has passed with no sign of the age of Aquarius rising from the decay of the dying Piscean paradigm.

New Earth Frequency Update ~ Integrating the Equinox Energies

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Planetary ~ Shared by Meleriessee

There is no mistake about it ~ the Autumn Equinox was a very powerful event upon this planet.  The equinox itself was not the surge of power, but with the Harvest Moon just a few days ahead, it helped to bring waves of light into the atmosphere of GAIA for each individual to experience it within their consciousness.

We have to remember that it was orchestrated through many months of activations and trial and error of being on the Mastery Pathway.  Without the preparation stages that occurred in December 2012 and the ensuing energies of New Moons, Full Moons, Eclipses, the Lion’s Gate, and the Star of David that occurred three times, we would not truly understand the full effect of the present energies that we are feeling.

Blossom Goodchild~ and it seems that something is in the air

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Sept 29th 2013.
spiritual reality


Greetings Lighted ones! I am FEELING upbeat and ready to rock and roll. I know you are about … I can just tell. So … following on from last week if I may? Someone asked if you could explain to us how you cleanse the vast crystals that ‘propel’ your vessels.  Your time starts … Now!

Greetings to you also our Earthling torch!

Oh good. We are both in fine fettle!

These crystals of which we speak are refined to the nth degree. There is not one atom that taints them … for if this were so it could easily cause havoc. A little like a mishap on a computer can send the whole system into a spin.

Patricia Cota-Robles ~ Archangel Michael’s Feast Day ~

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September 29, 2013, is Archangel Michael’s Feast Day. On this sacred and holy day, the Light of God is exponentially expanding on Earth. Archangel Michael has directed his Legions of Power and Protection to help the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to envelope each one in an invincible forcefield of Light and protection.

 The Divine Intent of this forcefield of Light is to prevent the ever-expanding influxes of Light from our Father-Mother God and the Realms of Eternal Light from creating excess stress on our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies, as we continue to move through this Ascension process at warp speed. This forcefield of Light and protection will expand in, through, and around the bodies of Mother Earth and the Elemental Kingdom as well.

In order to successfully accomplish this for every man, woman, and child on Earth, Archangel Michael is invoking our assistance. He gave us a decree many years ago that is designed to protect Humanity from interference from anything that is not of the Light. This forcefield of Light and protection is also designed to lift Humanity above the fray of our human miscreation and the surfacing chaos in the outer world. If this decree resonates in your Heart, please say it today and for as many days in the future as your I AM Presence guides you to do so.

 I AM deeply grateful for your willingness to add to the Light of the world. God Bless YOU!

War No Longer Possible. The World Has Chosen Peace

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Obama 22

We hear today that President Obama had a phone call with President Rouhani of Iran, beginning contact with two regimes which have both regarded each other as the Great Satan. Is this an isolated event or is there a shift in the wind?

Aisha North’s sources attribute it to the rising energies and tell us we’ll begin to see the results of all the work that the Company of Heaven has been doing, directing powerful energies to us.

“This energy is doing wonders, not just for you, but for your whole world. And now, you will start to see the results from all of this even in the so-called mass media. For if you open your eyes and look around, you will indeed detect a change in the atmosphere on a global level.


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