Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Denise Le Fay: Why We’ve Been Ballast-Cutting Like Crazy All These Years

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Why We’ve Been Ballast-Cutting Like Crazy All These Years, by Denise Le Fay, October 1, 2013 at:

Last year or so I perceived another symbolic visual message from my Higher Self that was, as usual, extraordinarily simple and beautifully to the point. It had to do with the Ascension Process — with the first transmuting and integration phase highlighted along with what comes afterwards due to that inner prep work.

Of course I cannot find any images, illustrations, photos etc. that come close to the inner visions I see or any other higher dimensional location unless I attempt to draw them myself (euw, no no no please!) or ask my artist sister to draw it for me. However, after some rushing around online searching for photos, illustrations, or whatever I can find that comes the closest to what I perceive, I have to settle on buying whatever image(s) I do find that are the closest match. Such is the case with these purchased images below. They tell the story well enough but they are not exactly what I perceived.

The Sacred Space of Your Heart, by Caroline K.A.

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Channeled by Caroline K.A.

There are many areas upon your planet which are known as sacred sites.  These are areas of great energy many may feel when in their vicinity, create an undeniable, and glorious connection to all life, and creation.

When contemplating the creation of sacred space, whether in your home, in a wooded forest, or while sitting under a beautiful tree, it is important to remember the location of this sacred space is not as important as many of you have been led to believe.

All places in nature, where there is natural wonder, and beauty are indeed sacred.  All one must do is look out the window of your homes, or within your gardens at the birds, the flowers and trees.  Connect with the life giving energies which thrive there because sacred space is located where there is life, and beauty.

May we remind you as well, the very nature of your sacred space lies within the beauty of your hearts.

The heart is the source of your light.  What you project unto the world is the projection of your truth, and it is a reflection of the divine sacred space which lives inside of you.

Salusa~ How do you feel right now?

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How do you feel right now? There are so many changes going on right at this moment within you, that you might feel confused and might ask if this is what September energies should bring. This confusion is due to your alignment with your own higher frequency and your higher reality of existence that you are entering at this moment. Accept this confusion, as it is still showing you what to work on and with successful clearing of these issues you are helping not only yourself but also all others. You might not have this awareness yet, but you are led by us and your Guides to this point, when you realize that there is nothing to clear, nothing is causing any fear or doubt and you are ready, ready to enter the higher realm of new and loving possibilities. To say it in few words, September was a wonderful month for you, because you were able to merge all unconscious to conscious and let go of so many issues that were holding you back and this was not an easy task to do, knowing the nature of 3D experiences. But you have made it with such grace, not allowing yourselves to turn back for a moment and constantly accepted the fact that this is the thing that you must do before you enter all these beautiful realities that you have created. We congratulate to all of you who successfully made this transition, and we want to let you know that very close is even closer that some of you might think.

~Managing The Powerful Energy of The Equinox~

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harvestmoon2Today we would like to focus your attention upon the very intense energies which have been streaming into your planet.  As many of you know you have just recently had the Fall/Spring equinox.  Many of you are still having a difficult time managing these intense energies and it is our intention today to share with you our perspective so that you may make better use of these powerful energies.

How are you feeling during this great time of change?  Though we do not prefer the word symptom, suffice it to say that many are suffering from the powerful after effects of this energy.  Like every equinox, the energy is meant to help you release what is no longer serving you.  It is meant to help you find balance and regain the harmony within, though it may feel like anything except harmony at this time.

You may find comfort in knowing that you are not the only one that seems to be a bit on edge this past week or so.  Some very common symptoms among many of you are, a feeling of extreme fatigue, difficulty in managing your emotions, short-tempered, mental fogginess, a feeling of an extreme lack of time, forgetfulness and achiness though out your body.  Certainly we are not saying that everyone feels all of these symptoms, however as we have observed many of you, we noticed that many seem to be experiencing some if not all of the symptoms listed above.

Ruth Ryden ~ Ruth And The Masters Of Light~ Drastic Weather

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RuthRydenThe Masters: “October, the month of drastic changes in weather and of planning for the winter coming, with lots of expectations for a childhood holiday at the end. It helps to be planning something fun for a change. In North America, the month will not be an easy one, as the changing season brings with it more storms and possibly some early snow. Temperatures we see to be less than normal for this time of year; warmer one week, dropping to new lows the next.

Be prepared for the very cold winter coming up; there will be problems with fuel suppliers. Time to see that your portable generators are working properly, or purchase one, if you can. See that your cars or other modes of transportation are in good working order. Storms racing across the continent from the Pacific and from the currents coming up from the south will be powerful and sometimes very dangerous. Be sure the children have suitably heavy coats as they leave for school in the mornings. South America’s temperatures will wobble up and down, and we see a larger amount of volcanic eruptions coming into play.

Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast October 2013 ~ Feeling the Magic Again

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Emmanuel Dagher 2013

By Emmanuel Dagher, October 1 2013 –

Peace and blessings, my friend.

After several months of intense energetic shifts, things are starting to level out within and around us.

The past few months have left many who are sensitive to energy feeling zapped to the core. And even that is an understatement. Although there is no such thing as ever being disconnected from Spirit/Source Energy, it most definitely felt like we were more often than not.

The turning point, where many of us started to sense more balance in our state of being, manifested around the Equinox which took place on September 22nd. On this day, an energetic elevation happened that allowed us to be more at peace with our body, mind, spirit and the Universe.

Feeling the Magic Again

Karen Doonan ~Archangeloi of the Elohim: Birth of the Human Angels Upon Planet Earth

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Greetings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support as the energies prepare for a new way of living and a new way of BEing to be birthed physically upon and within planet earth. We come to explain in detail that which will now unfold and help those of you who have chosen a human form to fully understand the reasons for your incarnation onto and within this planet and the reasons for the shift in your energy signature. It is not TRUTH to state that ALL who are incarnate into human form at this time on planet earth are star seeds, indeed many are but many are other life forms that have incarnated into human form in order to help human consciousness evolve and in order to help the races/realms at this time as they prepare to remember who they are in TRUTH.

We wish to guide on the incarnated human angels to use a very human phrase. These are energies who have incarnated into human form but hold the frequency and vibration of the angelic realms. These energies in human form have undergone much trauma and much “training” in human suffering, providing respite to those around them merely with their energy signature. We call to the incarnate human angels at this time and we ask for you to remember your origins and to remember your reason for incarnation at this time on this planet. Human angels have helped humanity for aeons but massive numbers chose to incarnate upon and within planet earth knowing that this moment would arrive for humanity and we send much love and many blessings to them at this time.

Selacia ~ New Moon Intentions Process ~ Energize Your Future Potentials

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SelaciaNew Moon Intentions Process
- Energize Your Future Potentials -

by Selacia

Note:  A new moon like we have on Friday is like a blank page on which you can write your intentions for the next phase. The ancients knew this, using new moons for sacred ceremony. In our modern everyday life, we can forget how powerful nature’s cycles are – so here’s a timely article ahead of our new moon. I recommend starting the process before Friday, so you are ready to energize it first thing that day. Check out my upcoming events below the article, too, offering you more potent tools and spiritual support for this next phase. Thank you for sharing this with your friends. May your day and month ahead be fruitful, joyful, and full of goodness!

Jennifer Hoffman: The Energies of October

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Jennifer Hoffman: The Energies of October. October 1, 2013.

Another month has gone by in this year which has been a source of so many opportunities for healing, clearing and release. September was a month we won’t quickly forget and now we’re entering a new month which begins with Mercury retrograde shadow and more activity that will lead us into the upcoming eclipses and November’s Uranus/Pluto square.

You may be asking ‘Does it ever end?’ and the answer is yes and no. The cycles end in a way because as they close they become the opening portals for the next cycle. That’s why looking for the end is counterproductive; we need to be seeing how the end creates the new beginning.

In my 2013 predictions I wrote about the need for us to let go of the martyred healer paradigms, I also write about this in Ascending into Miracles in 2011, and I’ve been writing about it in various articles since 2009.

Jelaila Starr ~ Breaking Thru The Darkness

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Nibiruan Council  September 15 2013

Well it appears that I’ve been making waves–someone hacked the website. Fortunately, I have an amazing webhost who got us back online in about 48 hours. It’s been my experience that this sort of thing occurs when you ruffle someone’s feathers a little more than usual. LOL

Onward and upward….

I want to tell you about a dream I had. It was one of those vivid dreams in which everything was logical and chronological. The reason I want to share it is that it contained info that I feel you are supposed to know.

I dreamt that I popped through a layer of darkness and into a place that was like heaven. This darkness looked like thick clouds comprised of thin layers that had an almost mucky yet elastic texture.

Moving away of my body I entered this darkness. Suddenly I was aware that I had entered a realm that most people don’t see. It was a plane of existence that was in between 3d Earth and what we know as heaven. I recall looking around and noticing that though it was dimly lit, I could still see .


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