Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Laura Bruno ~ Eight Of Wands: Expect The Unexpected ~ 5 October 2013

Lia's picture


I keep seeing and hearing “Eight of Wands,” especially the image from the Robin Wood Tarot deck, which is the one I primarily use for readings:

Eight of Wands from the Robin Wood Tarot deck

Eight of Wands from the Robin Wood Tarot deck

Traditionally, this card represents sudden change, often with a feeling of Divine intervention or unanticipated “Fate.” In these chaotic times of the government shutdown charade and NWO desperation to trigger WW3 and/or global economic collapse and/or Martial Law, all happening amidst a rapid global and individual Awakening, we seem poised on the precipice of … Something. On the literal front, we’ve got Comet ISON and/or various meteors and/or black ops military fireballs hitting Earth, all at the same time that NASA has been (conveniently?) shut down by Washington shenanigans. If ever a time existed when NASA might truly serve humanity, one could argue that time is now, so I find it interesting that of the 15% of government actually shut down by this charade, NASA’s it.

Judith Dagley ~ Libra New Moon ~At Your Service

Lia's picture


In this moment, “out of the blue,” I suddenly feel very strongly impulsed to share THE most foundational, pivotal lesson I have learned in my process (thus far) of saying YES to who and why I AM. It is past midnight my time, I was on my way to bed, and the last thing I wanted to do was go online and write a post–until I felt the impulse, and then nothing in the world could stop me.

I suspect its because the energies of our New Moon, which will be exact in Libra in a few short hours at 5:34 p.m. psd on Friday, 10/4, are already pulsating to us–so of course, as an “energy sensitive,” I am already reading/feeling them. This Libra New Moon will begin a radical call for balance–meaning integration of all that is still polarized within us, and so not in alignment with who we ARE. Pluto will help– meaning what is NOT in alignment will create as much drama as anyone requires to bring it to attention.

Depending on the way we open to/experience/create relationships with others, we will be catalyzed into a wonderful few weeks of expansion, OR into a seeming nightmare as all of the ways we avoid interconnection will loyally become manifest, as dramatically as we need them to– on our OWN BEHALF. So, to cut to the chase, I’ll share the lesson I learned “the hard way” more often than not, with any of you who are ready to hear it, and so be ready to use it to cut to your OWN chase without needing to create drama:*

“In my defenselessness, my safety lies.”

The Light Collective, The Wisdom of the Heart, via Tazjima

Lia's picture

009 Tazjima / Elizabeth Ayres Escher

We are the Light Collective, made up of the Archangels, angelic hosts, the Ascended Masters who oversee and over-light this planet and solar system, as well as the lighted galactic councils. There are no borders that exist between our individual and collective consciousness. We exist and function as individuals and in unity with the whole. We serve the All That Is, Creator, and Source. And we gently remind you that we are not overly concerned about titles or offices or being categorized. We serve the One and we are each a part of the One, as are you.
Today we come to you to speak of the wisdom of the Heart.

Blanketed by the warm emanations of the heart, you are calm and at peace, even though you may be standing in the midst of chaos. We beckon to you, those who are troubled, and those who feel a longing for peace, to step into this space with us.

Where does this heart space exist? Can you see it, feel it; is it real? It is as real as you allow it to be. It exists within you, outside the physical body, but is felt through the heart and high heart centers, part of the new dynamic chakra system for awakening humanity.

Authenticity and Comfort ~ Channeled Message from Archangel Gabriel

Lia's picture


Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased and honoured we are to be in your presence today. We honour you for making the commitment to come and anchor the energies of the group, and, of course, when we say group we mean not only those who are in the room at this time but also those who will be enjoying this transmission on your internet at a later time.

Today we would like to discuss the importance of authenticity and how embracing your authenticity will bring you to a far greater comfort than you have experienced while in the body, on the earth, at any time.

These are, of course, exciting times that you are in. You have been releasing like champions! You have been shifting, you have been transmuting. We have discussed this at length in our previous transmissions, and now you are getting, much like a hard candy as you dissolve through the various layers, down to your sweet gooey core of love and how delightful that is.

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 5 October 2013

MomT's picture




My dear friends, we love you so very much.

It is a time of choosing upon your planet earth, and yet in truth every moment is a moment of choice. Who will be your God? Will fear be your God, or will the source and creator of all life be your God? Will you give your faith and power over to institutions, money, your place of employment, your bosses, coworkers, family, friends, spouses, and/or the multitude of others who do indeed affect your life, but need not control it? Or will you place your faith in the loving Creator’s ability to dance with you even when the darkest decisions or circumstances created by others affect you?

Cosmic Weather Report, something big is coming!

Lia's picture


This is a channelling I did because I wanted to know more about the so-called event, the one thing so many people in this community are talking about. This is what I got through. Please use your own discernment!

I AM Juliano. There is indeed something big coming to your world. If you wish you can call it the event. At least it will set your world upside-down. The world as you know it will crumble and this will set the mark for a new earth to arise. In the beginning this world will seem far away, but isn't this always the case when you are in the midst of a crisis. I prefer to call it a new chance. It is the one thing you have been waiting for your whole life. You don't have to prepare for it, just trust your inner guidance that everything will work out well for you. Let the panic be something from the outer world and try when necessary to be a beacon of light for the people around you. The following weeks and months that what's coming will unfold. Stay tuned! Be in peace! We are there for you, as always.

Your friend,

Juliano (The Arcturians)

SaLuSa by MADAD Moving Into a Higher Reality

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 SaLuSa (1)


We know you already felt those blissful moments of being fearless and looking straight into your higher reality. What is now happening to all those that wish to be in their higher reality in this moment of the Now is, that you will permanently feel this bliss and freedom from all of the illusion, because you are releasing the last drops of that what once flowed into your beings as river of endless fear and doubts. We feel that there are no more fears inside of you and when you clear these little fragments of old memories and thoughts, that still sometimes show up, your consciousness will take you within that moment into your new reality. This experience will be so powerful and you will keep the memory of it for many more lifetimes to come. Focus on this experience and do feel assured that you are able to make this transition with ease, as you are very well prepared. There were many plans of how we could best assist you, and we were sharing them with you and although some of them needed to be changed due to your collective wish, this transformation of those who are ready cannot be changed or stopped, because it is your own choice and we have already adjusted our plans and included you within them.


Sandra Walter ~ The Great Exhale Of The Creator ~ 4 October 2013

Lia's picture

Perhaps you have felt the Heart center magnetics getting a bit VIVID in the past week. Typically this is associated with Solar activity, as the filament eruption showered us with new frequencies all week long. Besides the usual singing ears, body aches and vibrations, many have moved into the next level of the Ascension process.


The Creator Breath: a conversation with Higher Self

SW: Great pulling sensations in the heart center this week. I feel my heart torus pulling inward, from up in my throat and from down in my solar plexus. I noticed my chest and diaphragm muscles are tight as well. I feel such expansion since Equinox, and especially last Thursday with the release from the collective entanglement. Then the inward pull began with the Solar activity. I understand Solar activity hits the cardiovascular system first, however this is pronounced and has a – poetic? – feel to it.

HS: The inward draw felt in the heart center is the echo of the Great Inhale of Creator. As you know, this is something which already occurred.

SW: Yes. Source draws all of the information back to itself, then exhales a new command into the Universe. (Note: The Blogtalk replay of “How Source Creates a Universe” is in the Ascension Integration archives on youtube.) I understand that Source made the decision to rewrite this Universe. Why is it so physical in the heart center right now?

The Creator Writings - Love, Love, Love

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


The only thing required of you is to love, love, love and keeping loving. If roadblocks or stop signs appear in your path during any given situation, The Universe is asking you to slow down and love some more. Your world is not perfect and, quite frankly, it would not be much fun if it was. Enjoy every bump in the road and love…… is truly the only thing that comes with you when you go. ~ Creator



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