Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Selacia ~ Wise Use Of December Energies – 5 Questions For Self-Reflection

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December is a perfect time to take stock of where you are and consider what you want to create next year.

Your understanding of December’s energies can help you make the most of this taking stock and planning. After all, each time cycle has its own energies. To be optimally resourced, you want to become mindful of this month’s opportunities and potential roadblocks.

The ancients knew about the power of self-reflection and inner contemplation this time of year. They had a deep understanding of the need to connect and work with the Earth’s natural cycles. They appreciated the value of taking a time-out before the close of a year to slow down and go on input from spirit.

Inviting input from spirit is something you want to do regularly, of course. At year-end, though, you benefit from expanding your contemplations to encompass deeper levels of questioning and deeper levels of listening.

You cannot listen deeply when your mind is busy and occupied with other things. Spirit is always there, right by your side – but this time of year you want your connection to go deeper. To accomplish this involves finding moments of quiet when you can turn off the noise and chaos of the world. Find as many of those moments you can in December – you will be happy you did when you begin 2014!

Background on December 2013 Energies

~ Sara Hillman ~ The Devic Kingdom brings Celebrations and Gratitude on behalf of The Universal Light Collective ♥

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Beloved masters! Beautiful friends! Triumphant creators-incarnate!

Beloveds, we - the Devic Kingdom - come to you today on behalf of the Universal Collective of Light - all those points of LOVE focus who have been involved in this grandest of 'projects' on Gaia - to say THANK YOU. Thank you, most wondrous starseeds, light beings, courageous missionaries of light - for you have achieved more than you can possibly conceive of in your current awareness, even as you can know more and more of it in your opening minds - and that today, on the eve of GREAT things, we salute you and begin the celebrations, with, for, as and of YOU.

Dearest friends, it is us in the Devic Kingdom that deliver this message because we have shared a closer vibrational field with you for so long on this journey into such deep and different experiences, and so can deliver this celebratory sparkle energetically through Gaia's more physical - or denser - energy fields with familiar ease; and also because we are so naturally attuned to sparkly, abundant, playful JOY, and this is so much what is desired to be delivered to you now, beloveds, because this is when the party begins...

~ Jennifer Hoffman ~ Q&A: 12-12-12 One Year Later — What Happened?

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Here we are, one year after the date which was supposed to be the most important date ever and nothing happened. But is that really true? Is it possible that a lot happened that we could not see or feel from a physical perspective, but it was much more than that and in fact, it was everything we hoped it would be and more? One of the aspects of our expanding awareness is what we have to be willing to accept and acknowledge as experience, and it goes way beyond what we use our five senses for.

A lot happened on December 12, 2012 and in the year after it, but it was not quite what we expected. We hoped, at some level, that we would see the spaceships or some heavenly or divine intervention descending from on high to save the world or at least to punish the ‘bad guys’ and show them that we mean business when we talk about changing the world paradigm and creating the new earth. But that didn’t happen, at least we didn’t see those results but that’s because we need to change how we see and what we look for.

Our physical senses are limited to the experience of the world from a 3D perspective but we are now becoming 5D and beyond beings, and will interact with the world in a much different way. We need to stop thinking that ‘seeing is believing’ because within the context of our physical body, what we can see is highly subject to interpretation and very limited. We can see only what our brains allow us to see, and that includes everything we are not  ‘supposed to be able to see’, like spirits, ghosts, other dimensions, parallel realities and universes, light and time bending, and extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional realities and beings.

The Creator Writings - Easy Or…. ?

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The Creator Writings


The Universe will always offer, and provide you with, information that you can easily understand within your particular paradigm. You may be guided to deeper, more esoteric thoughts and that is okay. But, do not be so consumed with the ego-driven ideas of esoteric thinking that you miss the fun, simple and easy answers that are readily available to you every day. ~ Creator

Paul Lenda ~ 9 Ways To Spot A Fake Guru Or Spiritual Teacher

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WakeUpWorld  December 9 2013

PigGrabbingDollarsThe old paradigm of life-controlling and mind-manipulating belief systems has left many to finally realize they have been living in an artificial reality created by egotistical people on power trips. This has led to a situation where many are wandering, trying to find their own way in a world without many true leaders, and as a result of this, a new market has developed which attempts to showcase answers to those people who have become disillusioned with the old dogmatic systems.

However, there are quite a few (an understatement) in this new domain of contemporary spiritual guidance that are taking outright advantage of people and creating circumstances that vary very little from the old paradigm; they simply polished it and gave the illusion that it’s something else.

There’s an influx of ‘enlightened masters of the universe’ pervading the spiritual sphere these days. Gurus and spiritual teachers are popping up left and right. Many of them seem to provide an easy way out of the voids many people feel they have within their lives, and as a result these gurus and teachers make a ridiculously massive amount of money… even earning social ranks akin to being glamorous superstars.

~ Karen Doonan ~ Finding FOCUS in the chaos

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At this time upon and within planet earth the chaos that is the dissolving of the old 3d earth is now unfolding rapidly. At any one time you will be faced with BOTH realities, that is the reality that you are personally creating and the reality that was CREATED FOR you overlaid one on top of the other. This presents various challenges for the human logical mind for within the CREATED old 3d earth reality the human logical mind was TAUGHT how to solve “puzzles”. It is no co-incidence that  ”puzzles”, “crosswords” and other “cryptic” mind material is encouraged, the more the human logical mind is invoked the STRONGER it becomes and it moves out of the balance that IS the human vehicle in TRUTH.

The human logical mind was designed to work ALONGSIDE the human HEART, the human HEART forming first in the womb, enabling the creation of the human vehicle and the seeding of the LOVE that IS within said HEART.  From birth onwards the human vehicle is encouraged to focus on the logical mind at ALL times, from the earliest childrens toys (colourful, overstimulating and provokes the interaction at LOGICAL MIND LEVEL with the outer reality) to the puzzles that children are presented with in the form of “educational toys”. ALL work to move the logical mind out of balance and take on a “control” function, thereby allowing the continuation of the CREATED outer reality for it was created in order to KEEP the human vehicle out of balance and out of the heart space.

Laura Bruno ~ The Power Of A Poor NIght’s Sleep ~ 11 December 2013

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As a sometimes insomniac, I’ve long been intrigued by an apparent connection between disrupted sleep and enhanced creativity and spiritual awareness. I knew that some monks used to force themselves to wake up every hour so that they could better come to know God, and David sent me an article years ago about the benefits of that two to three hour period of insomnia some people experience in the wee hours of the morning. It turns out that many books, paintings and much music have come to be “as a result” of interrupted sleep. Since I hear complaints from clients regarding unusual sleep patterns and insomnia, and since I have recently been reaping huge benefits from being affected by David’s less than optimal work hours, I thought I’d share some decades’ long observations here. Not exactly rest for the weary, but perhaps the weary will find some encouragement and inspiration.


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