Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ RemovingTheShackles ~ The Energetic Emotional Roller Coaster

Eddie1177's picture

0e358-removing-the-shacklesThe energy is just pumping and jumping right now.  Its seems that for the past few months the energetic roller coast ride has been getting longer and faster with fewer moments of calm and quiet in between.  I have written a few times before about various symptoms of the newer energies that our bodies and minds are getting use to, but the past couple of months have far surpassed anything I could of imagined a year ago, lol!Beyond the physical experience of these energetic changes, the emotional experience has been rather exhausting at times.  As our consciousness expands, our emotions do too- ever changing, ever morphing as we follow the resonance of our hearts.  But beyond the actual emotional laundry that we are all going through, is the emotional release of our journey.  For the past few days many many people have been experiencing a HUGE outpouring of emotion- most notably grief, sadness, and anger and agitation.   We’ve been discussing this in one of the Skype rooms and some of the sharing that was done this past few days was amazing and I felt that many other people might resonate with the experiences and emotional responses and the insight of this amazing group of people that I call my family.


Love D

The Creator Writings - Outside The Box

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings



On occasion, you may be drawn to do something you consider ‘out of character’. Do not stop! This is what you have been waiting for; as you shift and change, your characteristics will change. When you venture outside your so-called box, you are testing your new boundaries, feelings, emotions and actions. Enjoy your new freedoms. ~ Creator


~ Sandra Walter ~ New and Transformational Waves of Light entering NOW

Eddie1177's picture

Welcome beloved 12.12! New and intense waves of Light are entering today and will continue through the Full Moon next Tuesday. These frequencies are focused on UNITY to reunite all levels of the Self! Open to receive the purity, divinity and Light of your true Self.

Keep Calm. Dance, move, sing!
Let the emotions, mind, ego dissolve. Stay in focused willingness to receive.
Go deep into the Heart and align it with the Divine flow of your Higher Self, the Source-Point flow, the flow of the Shift happening right now, in this now moment.
Speak love, gratitude,and compassion in every exchange. This triggers the awakening in others.
Celebrate through creative ceremony in these powerful days. Your unique expression is precious!
Drink plenty of water charged with your intention to Unify through the Heart.
BE in this bliss. You won’t be able to ground, just let it be for now. Float on the Love, rest, be in nature.
Smile and shine, beloveds!

~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ The Month Of December 2013

Eddie1177's picture

As the light lines up for this special holiday season all aspects of stellar light seems to be a little brighter, a little more magical. The Spirit of love seems to be alive knocking upon the hearts of lots of closet scrooges. If you were given one day to live over what would it be?

Would it be this very day that is the true presence? We are architects of our life and it can be no other way. Sometimes you are given a project to infuse with light, healing the land and people and then you are asked to release it like a fledging eagle. Allowing it to be something else entirely, trusting the universe will take care of it.

The true meaning of christmas makes its way forward as we enter the 12:12 energy of the Holy Mother. Ascension Day in some religions, Our Lady day in others. It is a portal of the Virgin Mary in her perfect stance and 12 strand DNA. (The number 12 means a complete cycle of experience. 12 precious stones in the oracle breastplate of the high priest, set in gold with God’s unidentified names. 12 apostles, 12 signs zodiac. The soul attracts that which it needs to learn. Reversal of negativity.)

The shortest day of the year 12/21/2013 (mirror image of 12:12) asks us to become the extra light that is needed to push thru the dark night of the soul. To become that which we do not see in our lives. To become hope and faith and love starting with self and all life choices. To become a living light no matter what season it is.

~ Peggy Black and the "Team" ~ Call it a Miracle!

Eddie1177's picture

GFP Commentary: The only Reality there is, it's LOVE Only. Everything else is Illusion. Dreams of Love come true,New Story for Humanity cause Humanity chose Love, the Story's called REALITY-LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT :The New Earth is in manifestation Now, and we are the CO-creators in Love, Equality and Unity. You just have to make sure you show up in the Present Moment of Now as a Full Participant.Yep, it's Simple. KUDOS if you are "there".heart

~ Ariah Velasquez ~12-12 YOUR Way – 12 December 2013

Eddie1177's picture

I awoke to many posts and messages about 12-12 today.  As a read all of the cosmic consciousness views, I frequently had to reread things 3 or 4 times as the wording from many channelings are full of so many…words, views, other dimensional semantics, and energy coming through.  But, very few of the writings explained how to live this experience in normal life.   I feel one of my roles here on planet Earth is to help guide all walks of life into Christ consciousness.


~ Kara Schallock ~ The 12/12 Portal of 2013

Eddie1177's picture

Wednesday, 11 December, 2013  (posted 12 December, 2013)

We have been preparing for our next portal experience; that of 12:12. This portal is a step before the grand Winter Solstice Gateway, which anchors and enhances what we do with this portal. A portal is an opening in Gaia that connects to the Sirian Universal Merkabah, spoken of in July, and its energy is available for us on December 12th. A Gateway is a larger opening that is universal and holds a much greater opportunity to indeed receive more Light and therefore, lifts us higher into our Ascension.

Both of these galactic energy vessels infuse us with new Soul/Source codes that weave and upgrade us mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. In fact, you might already be experiencing some physical manifestations like headaches, sleeplessness, higher pitched ear ringing, changes in appetite and whatever is unique for you.

These two powerful occurrences take us into next year, when there is a great merging of Soul; of Source; into our being, fully activating New Life for us and for Gaia. There are many, however, who have not awakened, have not made changes in their lives, or are new to their awakening. So, it just depends on how a person has shifted thus far as to how this portal and gateway will affect them. As you know, we are each on our own timeline, so our Ascension is unique for each individual. What I share here is for each person’s potential, based on choice.

~ Laura Bruno ~ The Transformative Power of Art and Story

Eddie1177's picture

I first noticed this video posted somewhere a few weeks ago right before I began an afternoon of back-to-back sessions. Although I planned to watch it afterwards, life intervened with other things to do, and I eventually forgot about. Many thanks to Mitch for bringing this beautiful project back on my radar when I do have time to post it myself.


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