Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

The Creator Writings - Malleable

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The Creator Writings



You are only as malleable as you choose to be. In letting others influence your thoughts, feelings and opinions; you are giving away your power. This does nothing to the receiver, but changes who YOU are. Never settle for being less than your whole self. ~ Creator


Doreen Smith's picture


December 13, 2013   heartlightdg in General


Don’t forget the power of your words to intend.

So for example, I often use, “I return to my own energy field. I return to my own energy field.”

And this is when I feel I have maybe become too immersed with other people’s energy fields or I notice I’m a little off balance and I realize I’ve been busy. So by saying “I return to my own energy field” I get to summon back all of the pieces of me that I may have left with other people and I bring back my core strength. Our core strength is always still here, even if it has moved outside of our center, it can’t leave us fully.

But it can go to the edge of our energy fields when we are off center, and what we need then is for it to come back to the center whenever we are starting to feel a little shaky in our systems. This shakiness can show up in thoughts, higher emotions than usual, or just through sensory awareness.  ~~Lee, from December Energy Forecast – The Unification of Human and Spirit

Mini Angel Card Reading for today: Archangel Jophiel ~ Patience ~ from Archangels and Devas

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December 13, 2013  




Archangel Jophiel - Patience

Message from Archangel Jophiel: – “Your dreams are blooming more rapidly than you realize. Still they need nurturing and patience. It takes time for a seedling to push through the ground and mature into a flower-bearing plant. Yet each moment can bring joy to those who notice it’s beauty. In the same way, you can enjoy the process of realizing your dreams. Slow down and feel gratitude as each step brings your manifestation into physical form.”


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Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.


I awoke this morning thinking of the so-called fake sign language interpreter at Nelson Mandela’s Memorial Service.  Regardless of his personal story, the incident reminded me that the kind of treatment he is receiving resembles much of what we fear as we progress on our spiritual path.

The interpreter indicated that he saw angels entering the stadium.  Immediately the question arises:  Is he schizophrenic?  Earth humans, particularly in Western cultures, have been taught to view the world in terms of what we can perceive with our five physical senses.  These 5 senses define our world, which is why metaphysicians state that humanity perceives only about 2% of what is actually around us.   The inner eye, closely related to the pineal gland, remains undeveloped; therefore, we do not have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.   Instead, we state—often with an air of superiority—“I believe only what I can see or can be proven.”  We kid: “Missouri is the Show Me State.”  We readily believe what is reasonable, from an intellectual point of view.  The intellect is considered our ultimate source.

Sound Beings ~ Go Within

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Sound Beings  December 12 2013

SoundBeing1“There is no other, no Guru; there is YOU . YOU are all there is, rather, ALL there is. It can sometimes be easy to confuse detachment with not caring; you are here to practice responsible detachment, and loving action. They are the Yin and YANG . For millenia beings upon this plane have not embraced their power, they have given responsibility and ownership to an outside being / an outside source/ something considered as separate to themselves; unloving deeds have been and continue to be committed in the name of another, some EXTERNAL and unconnected entity ; nothing external from you exists as we ARE ALL ONE.

Each one of you is ALL; each one of you is creator and destroyer. There is no harmony in acting from a place of non responsibility; whenever you say ” that person made me do this” or ” My ” master / my teacher / my god says I must / must not do this or that” you are not being harmonious UNLESS you FEEL within your heart that YOU are doing , that you are BEING the right thing. You must acknowledge ownership of your actions and feelings. You must be and act in harmony and love.

An Intergalactic Homecoming Celebration for All: Update on Ascension and The Event from the Council of Angels, Archangel Michael, and Pleiadian and Star Nations via Goldenlight

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Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.

The Sirians: In One Door and Out Another

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Gem Lake

We are here.

And who is there?

The Sirian emissaries.


We come in answer to your call, as you came in answer to Gaia’s, so long ago. You are entering an intense transitional period as truly the last remainders of the old begin to disintegrate, much to the dismay of some and the joy and jubilation of others. Where do you stand?

What do you truly want to exist in a world of your own making? Have you given any thought to this? Or are you blindly following the same habitual patterns of behavior that you have etched out through a lifetime spent bowed beneath an unseen but definitely felt control matrix? Or have you lifted your head and sniffed at the wind; yes, it has shifted. The light is cracking through the layers of melancholy, bringing hope to those who can still dream.

~ Sarah Varcas ~ 13th – 15th December 2013: Deep Wisdom from Deep Space

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The Witches Broom Nebula

Your Mission for 2014 Is…


Sarah Varcas


A couple of weeks ago we encountered a powerful ‘portal’ to divine wisdom in the form of a conjunction between the Black Sun and Black Moon Lilith, the latter of which was travelling retrograde through Cancer. Questions posed then, to the greater intelligence which exists all around us, were super-charged to elicit answers with the capacity to take us deeper into cosmic wisdom than ever before. This weekend we encounter the next stage of this process as Black Moon Lilith returns to the same position on her return journey.

~ Judith Dagley12.12.13 From Within the Portal, With Yeshuwah

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This is Judith, and YES there IS a 12.12 portal– because I am IN it right NOW as I write the following words.

In the midst of chaos, we embody our dreams. Yesterday I found myself living one at the Wildlife Waystation. Today I found myself living another. I was getting “insights” for the Tele-Gathering for Energy Sensitives on 12/17, when suddenly Yeshuwah came through with such overwhelming Love and such amazing “insights”– both so far beyond what “I know” in my human self– that I DID know the experience was FAR REALER than “what I think I know.” It was even far beyond any dream I had consciously allowed myself to know of!

And meanwhile, I am also feeling very human, and very small indeed, as I face integrating all of these dreams into the limitations of “who I thought I was.”

What I “got” in response to using the word “small” about myself is something I wish to pass onto you–

“You are not small, but vast. You are not either/or, but all. The process You are in is one of integrating opposites into wholeness. What feels like riding a loop-de-loop, as You have described it, is simply the way the process of re-claiming All That You Are feels in human form. Allow the re-balancing to occur, claim the truth of your power as You recognize your manifested dreams, and LOVE yourSelf whole again.
To put it succinctly, Beloved, be still and know that You are God.” — Yeshuwah


Copyright(c) Judith Dagley, 2013–All Rights Reserved.

~ Terri Newlon ~ Djwhal Khul – Spread The Cheese – 13 December 2013

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DjwhalKhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. 12-12 a very interesting number; vibrationally speaking quite a good day. And then the rest of the week also some interesting occurrences as usual.

This week I think what I would like to focus upon is spreading cheer so that when you’re working with others, in any form, it can be by e-mail, by text message, on Facebook, whatever, really make your focus to spread cheer.

The vibratory pattern of cheer is a very lively, kind of has a beautiful matrix to it and so right now, let’s just invoke cheer. Not necessarily holiday cheer, but just cheer in general, to be a channel for cheer.

And you might start to feel a little zinging or a little kind of bubbly sensation in the body.

As I mentioned it has a beautiful matrix, it’s very complex but it’s also very energizing. And then of course we want to retain the cheer within our own consciousness as well. As they say “you cannot give what you do not have”. So first you have to have the cheer within you before you can spread it outward. And we’re just about filled up with it there.

Begin to let it overflow from you, spread it around to all others around you. More specifically, let’s take an animal, like a pet or maybe you can see a squirrel outside or something. Go ahead and spread the cheer, meaning that particular living matrix, go ahead and spread that a little further out.


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