Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~Being aware of archon[minion] influence can help you get out of sticky situations~

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~Being aware of archon influence can help you get out of sticky situations~

Lately I have been receiving many messages from many of you telling me about the conflicts that you are having with your loved ones, friends, co-workers, etc., Many say that after the argument would be over they’d look back and not understand how they got to this point to begin with. Re tracing their steps, the same exact scenario would emerge.

All of them would fall into a state of low frequency vibrations. Either they or the people they were confronted with were having a bad day, either they were stressed over their finances, jobs, health, love life, grieving, etc., The emotions that they were experiences were coming from the low vibration spectrum (anger, jealousy, feeling of inadequacy, sadness, etc.).

By now most of us are aware that we are energy beings living in the world of mirrors. Whatever energy that we send out is automatically reflected back to us. But what’s even more important to understand and to know, is that aside from the tangible things that we can see and touch, we are also always surrounded by various energy that we cannot see unless, – we begin vibrating at the frequency of this energy at which various other beings are vibrating.

Marlen Swetlishoff ~Hilarion ~ 15 December The Grace from The Angels

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marlene1-1Beloved Ones,

As the solstice approaches and comes into effect, humanity is lifted higher and higher in their energetic fields and each is being gifted with the presence of the Angelic realms more pervasively than ever before. This is enabling each individual to receive the grace of the Angelic realms which assist in opening their hearts and souls to the higher frequencies of light and of love. As each being receives a greater influx and download of Christ energies into their own heart, a profound and subtle change takes effect in their daily lives. This will begin to show itself in the expressions between each member of humanity as they interact and connect with each other. The attributes and qualities of peace, loving kindness and goodwill will become more often expressed, one to another, as humanity begins to understand the greater purpose of many things that were not available for their discernment before.

~ Suzanne Ward ~ Message from Matthew -- December 2013

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 Message from Matthew


December 14, 2013


GFP Commentary: Humility is Ego/Programming which we have to Release. Completely releasing Ego=True Ascension. Use discernment.

Seasonal greeting, Nelson Mandela, our advancement 


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As you celebrate this season of traditional music, merriment and festivities with families and friends, you are remembering those who are grieving or whose circumstances are dire. You would rejoice with us if you could see the abundance of light radiating from you and the beneficiaries of your caring and sharing—it is a spectacle to behold!


The Creator Writings - On Loan

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The Creator Writings


A thought to ponder; everything you have is on loan to you. Yes, you are responsible for your feelings, your thoughts, your words and how you treat others. However, if you view your life as something quite temporary, it changes ‘the game’ a bit. Always, always treat these things as something that you will return when you have completed your journey. ~ Creator



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December 14, 2013   heartlightdg in General

“You act on your highest excitement every moment that you can, to the best of your ability, with absolutely zero assumption, expection or insistence on what the outcome should be.  That’s the formula.  You never know exactly why you are being attracted to the thing that excites you.  It may not be for the purpose of that particular presentation coming to fruition.  It may have just been to get you in a place you need to be.  So what actually needs to happen can more easily happen. Never assume you know where your excitement will lead you because the physical mind does not have the ability to know how something is actually going to happen.  Only the higher mind knows how. “  Bashar

Boom! as my friend is known for saying when he is hit between the eyes with a message that is meaningful to him.  This one is an aha that made my eyes widen and me go (with a forehead bonk), oooh right, I get it!  Duh!  That makes perfect sense to me!  That’s why things aren’t going the way we had planned or hoped or dreamt!  Yeah, I’m a little slow on the uptake sometimes.

~ Tazjima ~ The Sirians: In One Door and Out Another

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gem-lakeWe are here.

And who is there?

The Sirian emissaries.


We come in answer to your call, as you came in answer to Gaia’s, so long ago. You are entering an intense transitional period as truly the last remainders of the old begin to disintegrate, much to the dismay of some and the joy and jubilation of others. Where do you stand?

What do you truly want to exist in a world of your own making? Have you given any thought to this? Or are you blindly following the same habitual patterns of behavior that you have etched out through a lifetime spent bowed beneath an unseen but definitely felt control matrix? Or have you lifted your head and sniffed at the wind; yes, it has shifted. The light is cracking through the layers of melancholy, bringing hope to those who can still dream.

Imagination is the key to making it through the transitional period, that and an ability to observe and make choices. Know that you have a choice now on how to approach any situation. You do not need to rely on the “steady and tested” for those methods will no longer pertain; the frequency levels have changed. The old can no longer function and continue into the new energies.

~ Karen Doonan ~ How to find balance whilst dissolving 3d earth

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Many of you at this time may be in total frustration and chaos. The overlay of the New Earth working to pull you into your heart space AT ALL times whilst the old 3d earth maintaining or trying to maintain its hold on your LOGIC.  It is vital that at this time you find and try to maintain BALANCE. This is found by being in your HEART space AND your logical mind but allowing one to reference the other. By this I mean you allow your logical mind to reference the HEART space and NOT the other way around. If you try to anchor that which your logical mind is trying to teach you then you will lower your energetic signature and may descend into the hall of mirrors of the old 3d earth once more. This is not supported by the New Earth and will not therefore manifest fully, so you may find yourself in a sort of see-sawing motion where you attempt to move forward but may feel that you are going around in circles and actually getting nowhere.

~ Taryn Crimi ~ Angelic Guides: Free your mind and the rest will follow

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freedomToday we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of beliefs.  Certainly this is a rather broad topic and we have covered this topic before but what we would like to discuss in particular is your unlimited potential within the illusion you currently perceive as reality. Though we can show you the door to your freedom, only you can choose to walk through it.

Many of you are finding this time of awakening to be very challenging; though your conscious mind understands the limitations of this reality, you have not yet mastered the skill of consciously creating all that you desire.  This stage in your awakening can be compared to the learning process of a toddler.  Often their minds understand how to perform the task, though their motor skills and coordination have not yet developed enough to accomplish their goal.  However, just as a toddler will eventually gain the coordination and skill required to accomplish their task, so to will all of you develop and gain the ability to consciously create all that you wish to experience.  We can assure you, you are doing nothing wrong, this is all part of the process.

The beliefs that you hold are so very strong, they have been carried from one life to the next so that you would have the opportunity to learn and grow from your experiences in the lower dimensions.  However, for many of you, you have “played” long enough, you have seen all that you wish to see, and you are ready to shed those chains which you willingly placed upon yourself so very long ago.

~ Ann Albers ~ Message From Ann And The Angels

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My dear friends, we love you so very much.

While this might not seem like a holiday topic, today we wish to speak to you about the tendency to compare yourselves to others. You see dear ones, we do see so many of you upon the earth at this time wishing you had what others have, feeling as if you have fallen short of the mark somehow because you can’t buy all the presents you want, you don’t yet enjoy the lifestyle you desire, haven’t yet found the means to live in your dream home, or you don’t know how to meet man/woman of your wildest dreams… and yet others do have these things.

When you find yourself coveting what others have, remember dear ones, you can have these things too. You can use the tendency to compare as an indicator that there is something you wish to create. You wish to create more abundance. You wish to create greater love. You want to live in a home that elevates your spirit. You want to sooth the world’s pains, loneliness, and ills. These are all good things! These are authentic desires. But stop there, because a jealous heart or one that compares is a heart that feels lack, unworthiness, despair and a sense of resignation. A heart filled with truth says, “Oh look at that. I am feeling jealousy. I am comparing myself with others. It is time to acknowledge my heart. It is time to create!” Stop asking why others have what you do not, and simply start creating!


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 12 December 2013   eva sophia


~*~*~ When you put somebody on a pedestal it is giving away your power and saying you are not good enough. ~*~*~

When we fall in love with someone or make a new friend, we sometimes see that person in a glowing light. Their good qualities dominate the foreground of our perception and their negative qualities. They just don’t seem to have any. This temporary state of grace is commonly known as putting someone on a pedestal. Often times we put spiritual leaders and our gurus on pedestals.

We have all done this to someone at one time or another, and as long as we remember that no one is actually “perfect,” the pedestal phase of a relationship can be enjoyed for what it is—a phase. It’s when we actually believe our own projection that troubles arise.

Everyone has problems, flaws, and blind spots, just as we do. When we entertain the illusion that someone is perfect, we don’t allow them room to be human, so when they make an error in judgment or act in contradiction to our idea of perfection, we become disillusioned. We may get angry or distance ourselves in response. In the end, they are not to blame for the fact that we idealized them.


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