Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ The Unbounded Spirit ~ Only Happy People Can Create a Beautiful World

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laughing buddha paintingGFP Commentary: Humanity CHOSE LOVE. Only the Highest Outcome can unfold for Humanity NOW, Love promises.

Miserable people are dangerous for the simple reason they don’t care whether the earth survives or not. They are so miserable that deep down they may think it would be better if everything were finished. Who cares, if you are living in misery?

Only happy people, ecstatic people, dancing people would like this planet to survive forever.

Seriousness is simply a sickness of the soul, but sincerity is altogether a different phenomenon.

A serious man cannot laugh, cannot dance, cannot play. He is always controlling himself, he has become a jailer to himself. The sincere man can rejoice sincerely, can dance sincerely, can laugh sincerely. And in laughter your body joins, your mind joins, your being joins – the divisions disappear, the schizophrenic personality disappears.

Laughter brings your energy back to you. Taking laughter away from you is spiritual castration.


People who are happy, contented, are not the people to be forced to kill other people who have not done any harm to them. It is not surprising that all the armies down the ages have been kept sexually repressed – because those sexually repressed people are bound to be destructive. Their very repression forces them to destroy something.

The Creator Writings - Self Pity

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings




In the deep, dark hole of self-pity it is quite fun to bemoan the fact that others will not play nicely with you. Add enough negativity to the mix and NO ONE will play at all. Please remember that only you can keep you there. I know it is safe, it is comfortable and it is certainly much easier to stay there rather than change. However, if you give yourself a moment to say, “Yes, I will change”, change will come. It is and always has been completely up to you. ~ Creator

WE WIPE THE SLATE CLEAN ~ Nelson Mandela Through Eileen Coleman

Lia's picture

9.12.13 – I can see Nelson Mandela immediately as I sit to meditate.

We reach out and touch delivering a healing to all concerned.  We speak to the world and we realise a dream brought into fruition through a network of prophecies that have been brought to you from courtesy of those on high.  We speak of those that gather around the Earth plane to bring you Love, to bring you wisdom and to bring you joy, and we shall manifest greater glories for the Children of Earth.


We bring you salutations and ask you to look with Love on your brethren, look with Love and purity of spirit, tend to one another’s needs as if they were your own!  Do not be put out by your ignorance for we shall teach you how to Love, we shall teach you by showing you, by showering you with those golden rays of Love that shall envelop your very being.  Hatred, fear and oppression shall become a thing of the past and we tempt you with our words, showering you with absolution for those atrocities committed in the past.

~ Sara Hillman ~ Archangel Jophiel: Playing with the Field of Beauty

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Dear hearts, what a pleasure it is to speak with you in this way today, for you are expanding in your uniqueness in such delightful and impressive ways, and I wish to come to offer you even more LOVE inspiration, in deep respect and honour for all you are BEing, and also because I am excited to create further with you, such incredibly creative beings you are!

Dear ones, I wish to infuse your experience today, if you are willing, with a particular way of approaching the concept of beauty, and that is as an energy field. This has been talked of in many different ways, and many of you are familiar with this concept, and I wish to offer a specific interaction with this field which is to play with it in your wondrous creative ways, in order to bring more lightness, more appreciation, more gentleness and more pleasure to your environment and your experience as you diligently and masterfully expand into more and more of your potential.

I wish to bring this for you specifically because I see how delicate the balance is that you are cultivating; between diligence and relaxing, between surrender and involvement, between gentleness and power, between conscious focus and allowing. And these are not opposites, dear hearts, as more and more of you are experiencing; they are in fact different tones and focuses and concentrations of that which makes up ALL, and that is, of course, LOVE. So by bringing a beautiful, playful focus today I wish to support that masterful balance you are all uniquely exploring.

~Sandra Walter~Early 2014: Shift of Collective Reality - VIDEO

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Link to the transcript:

This was a difficult message for me to deliver, as I personally do not like to provide predictions of this magnitude. Those on the Ascension path will understand my intention to serve the collective by preparing all of us to be pure Wayshowers dedicated to demonstrating what Ascension is truly about: LOVE and UNITY.


Soren Dreier ~ Love ~Or We Might Just Crumble

Lia's picture


brokenHeartSometimes we have sparrows singing in our chests. Sometimes we have the cold raw sound of crows stealing the serenity of a new day.

Sometimes we cherish ourselves and find the strength to carry on, in spite of the hollowness that seems so prevalent in these end of days. We pull together and find the cracks where the light gets in. Sometimes that pull requires all our strength. If we can’t gather that, we crumble.

We tend to forget ourselves, don’t honor ourselves, eyes can’t catch the beauty anymore and we move into a darker space. We curse the Matrix, we curse our past, we perceive everything mundane as a pile of shit, we go very dark.

Clichés cast aside, we need The Love.

We forget to receive. We have to receive. There has to be a balance. No soul in this world is an island, well maybe we all are, but if we are, islands are connected through water.

Someone said to me the other day: “I feel like entering in a relationship will contradict my spiritual work, which I’m here to do, but sometimes I get so lonely.”

I don’t always get it, since I don’t subscribe to the decision making in this world that is either this or that. It is often both.

~ Judith Dagley ~ The Celestial Team – Expansion Is NOT A Linear Process!

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Hi, its Judith. Just got a “download” to share with you all–but I first have to share that I use the word “download” only because its become common vernacular. As far as I’m concerned, its a concept that has well served its purpose in expanding awareness of our constant cosmic interconnection, and is NOW obsolete. Once we “got” (or “get”) that basic awareness, we also realize (or will realize), that “downloads” are nothing special. They’re not something that “only a few special ones among us” are deemed worthy of receiving. They’re communications that every one of us receive, all the time! We are ALL interconnected. We are ALL “that special.” It is only the the human leap into believing that–which is miniscule, in the big picture–that we need to take, in order to realize how “cosmically connected” we’ve been all along.

OK, so the “cosmic dialogue” I want to share is about, as some of you have heard, 12/12 being a big portal day. And yes, it WILL activate our merkabas into resonance with the sacred geometric form of the Star Tetrahedon–which WILL re-align us with our soul’s Divine Blueprint–and yes, this re-aligning into our conscious awareness WILL be completed with the solstice energies that peak on 12/21—and YES, that IS why the  Tele-Gathering for Energy Sensitives/Alchemists is scheduled during the full moon on 12/17,  exactly between the opening of the portal on the 12th and its completion on the 21st. So what?

~ Karen Doonan ~ Archangeloi on the New Earth frequencies

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Greetings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support at this time of VAST upgrades and expansion to the frequencies of Mother Earth and your human vehicle. The human vehicle so aligned with Mother Earth that you are experiencing that which your MOTHER is experiencing albeit filtered through the very “human” experience that you came here to interact with and within. Do you understand our guidance beloved ones? do you understand that the filtering process is that which is now altering? expanding? dissolving?  For within the old 3d earth paradigms you were taught to filter as ONE race, the “norms” being placed before you, WITHIN you and AROUND YOU and these frequencies are now almost fully dissolved. There are those amongst you who have chosen to be among the first to experience the full dissolving of the 3d earth experience and they will now move FULLY into place in order to SHOW and LIVE TRUTH for the old 3d earth paradigms continually reference “impossible”, these energies have taken human form to show “impossible” is but another smoke and mirror used by the old 3d earth in order to contain and suppress.


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