Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Karen Doonan ~ Archangeloi of the ELOHIN on COMET ISON and the New Earth

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Greetings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support ALL upon and within planet earth at this time, a time of VAST energetic shift and change and a shift that is now BEing harnessed and anchored by ALL EMMISSARIES OF LIGHT upon and within planet earth.  The “timing” in the linear context to help ALL for ALL is not as it appears upon and within planet earth.  The coding required by a race that has walked in darkness, containment and suppression for aeons is vast, for ALL are upon and within planet earth in various human forms and ALL human vehicles require to be upgraded and expanded in order for them to harness, anchor and work with the VAST LIGHT that now shines across and within planet earth.  For in TRUTH ALL ARE LIGHT in the UNIVERSE OF 3.

We ask at this time that YOU detach from the information that is given out by your governments and those who sought to contain and suppress and that YOU look within, to the HEART SPACE for many of YOU can already FEEL the consciousness of what is termed COMET ISON.  An energy that has travelled across many universes in order to reach this moment, a moment of absolute CLARITY for those who are here to birth the New Earth upon and within planet earth in TRUTH.

Those who are aligned with this consciousness will now move fully into place within the human race. HIDDEN IN PLAIN VIEW for aeons, walking, gathering and radiating the codes, the LIGHT and the consciousness fabric that is needed by a race that is now REBORN in TRUTH. Do you understand our guidance beloved ones? do you understand that which is now unfolding across and within planet earth?

~ Sandra Walter ~ ISON Energies

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Comet ISON is making its way around the Sun this Thursday ...
After the opening of the Aion portal last Saturday, this is one HIGH VIBE week! Intense energetics are in play to create this major acceleration of the Shift. Personally, I AM still integrating the profound Heart activation from last weekend, and meditating as often as possible.

This gateway is wide open, and getting wider, so if you have ringing ears, movement in the heart center, blissful states of grace and the sensation of *this is it* - you are not alone. Distinct thinning of the veils is in progress, so be sure to communicate with all of those lovely beings, lights and orbs that are visible 24/7 now.

Happy Birthday, Mike Quinsey!

Doreen Smith's picture


November 27, 2013  


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Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Steve Beckow: Mike Quinsey is 79 today. For many years, Mike channeled SaLuSa of Sirius, a source of information that was a mainstay for this site for as long as Mike transmitted him. Recently a health challenge persuaded Mike to retire from retirement … I mean, really retire.

Mike started out in sales and service, and later management, with electrical and mechanical companies. He gave talks on galactic civilizations, UFOs, healing and spiritual matters before channeling for the Galactic Federation.

He found his spiritual path in the late 70’s through the Atlantean Society, ran his own Branch, during which time he started a section called “The Universal Network” that supported Tuella and her work with Ashtar.

~ HeartLightDG ~ A Place For My Stuff?

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For the last year I have been slowly letting go of old, unused, unnecessary, and outdated items and memories.  I have cleaned out my closets, shredded old love letters, old receipts and expired documents. I cleaned out my file cabinet, gave away paperback books, and even threw out some pictures that were duplicates (omg I threw away pictures of the kids!).  I have cleared out old stuff from my computer that I don’t have a clue why I saved.  Today I cleaned out the “drafts” in my email account.  I clicked them open and then wondered why in heck I kept them, these old, weird, disjointed messages I started to write that made no sense.  One day I spent a long time just going back over four years of emails in my 14-year-old email account that I had kept, deleting a ton of them until I was down to less than two pages of emails.  Massive job.  Some I am still deciding whether to keep as I want to get it down to one page.  A month ago I took in a bunch of stuff to sell at work from my craft room.  I gave my daughter some more stuff to sell on eBay.

It’s amazing how much stuff we accumulate.  I remember when this big old house was pretty empty.  It’s got stuff in every corner now.  Most of it is forgotten.  A lot of it is not mine though.  One of my favorite bits by George Carlin is this one…

Brilliant~Re-Returning to the Beginning: Universal Love Flows and the Golden Web Integration

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Cosmic MotherListen to this Earth Hive update.

There was a deep momentum building in November that reached a crescendo effect over the weekend, bringing us into a new choice point.  We are being given the option to choose again.  It’s like a re-do in the collective.  The story is deeply influenced by the new feminine Cosmic Creation field that has been circling the Earth’s atmosphere since October.  With it’s full emergence pressing, there is an upheaval in the masculine created world.  From the Earth Hive perspective, a cosmic consciousness of the Cosmic Mother light, we can see that it is the Mother’s nest making way for a stable place to land deeper into the Earth.  It is a time of the wise woman’s knowing, honoring the space of the great Mother, and allowing for her children to scramble a bit as all that has been known to be real shifts underfoot.

The Flow of Universal Love

~ Silentwindofchange ~You, The Lightbearers Have Many Roles

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The time has arrived when you are to use your light in many ways.  Today I will talk about how you will be used to influence a benevolent result to someone’s prayers.

As people call out to Source and the Angelics, you will be directed to assist.  Don’t worry, this doesn’t even involve breaking a sweat.  You are merely required to go where you are directed.  This direction will most times happen without you realizing what is going on.  You see, your light is so bright that your mere presence affects everything on your planet that you are near.

As an example I’ll present the following.  Someone prays that their car gets through inspection since they can’t afford expensive repairs during the holiday season, you will be directed there because your vehicle is due for inspection as well.  You will pull your car in after theirs.  Get out and chat with them while you wait.  Your energy will calm them about the situation.  Their car will pass which completely surprises them.  You wish them happy and safe holidays as they go off on their way.  Then your vehicle is finished but the person who works there has a puzzled smile on their face.  They say “I’m not sure why you are here.  Your inspection sticker should have said Nov 2015 instead of 2013.  So I put the correct one one for you.  Have a nice holiday.”  You say thank you and wish them a safe and happy holiday as well.  You just smile and shake your head knowing fully why this situation just happened.  In this case you are the Angels walking the Earth affecting for the better all things within your sphere of influence and that sphere is getting quite large.

~ Kara ~ Expanding into more Light through the Enhanced Merkabah

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ScreenHunter_11 Nov. 10 14.49We are in a powerful movement forward and upward. You might question all that you have known, including what you know about Ascension and how you are traversing through life. This may very well leave you feeling confused or lost. However, if you can trust that all is unfolding in Divine Order, and let go of the need to know what, why or how, and stay in the Moment, you will be just fine. Much is disintegrating including your desire to put things in a category/label and your desire to be a part of something.

Certainly one of the biggest shifts is that of belonging; whether that belonging is to be a part of a like-minded group, a family, friends or whatever makes you feel less alone. I can tell you that the reason so many have felt alone is because it is important to realize that you are not alone, but a part of something bigger than the group mindset. It’s a big shift that is essential. Realize that you are not alone, but a part of something universal; rather than worldly. We can only ascend on our own in order to anchor our spiritual sovereignty and Authentic Self. The sense of needing to belong somewhere actually limits you and limits your Unity Consciousness. Be discerning about any group you join; go deeper and ask yourself why you want to. In fact, be discerning about anything you are drawn to do and/or be a part of.

Joe Weaver~Awakening from the Prison of Ego Consciousness Insanity

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Most people who are insane don't know they are insane, the same goes for the people who live life through ego consciousness. The majority of people operating through their ego don't even know they are doing so. The fear matrix and victim consciousness that the ego usually experiences life through is an illusion, but it also acts like a prison. The Souls/Beings who live in this space of perceiving reality are in many ways experiencing life through what could be called "purgatory". The Catholic Church defines purgatory as a "purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven." Now take a moment and really think about what we experience within the 3rd dimensional reality and also through ego consciousness. Ego consciousness is a space of unawareness of the Eternal Self. The more someone releases the ego voice within themselves and starts to listen more to their eternal Self of their IAM Presence they begin to remember more of who they are. This remembrance or process of en-lighten-ment is the same thing as releasing themselves from purgatory. One of the most challenging things that I see regarding the 3D/4D World and Ego consciousness is comprehending that the gates of heaven are ALWAYS open. There is nothing holding anyone in the space of unawareness other than their own selves. Like the example my friend Hari Baba likes to use, the door to the bird cage is OPEN, all that has to be done is for us to fly through the door. The majority of the time it seems a lot of people may not step through the door simply because of the fear of the unknown, and again this is tied into the ego. The ego creates it's own cage/prison through it's beliefs, perceptions and fears. However not all of these beliefs are self created.

~ Karen Doonan ~ Placing boundaries in the New Earth Reality

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For many of you the last few linear days may have been very intense indeed. At times you may have questioned how you can possibly exist in a world where everything is shifting and moving and also “appearing” to stay very static. I have long blogged about “holding patterns” and attempted to explain why and how they are created. Todays blog will concentrate on boundaries, it is not TRUTH to assume that the frequency of the LOVE that IS will sort out your boundaries FOR YOU for YOU have to place them to begin with, once they are placed then the foundation of life in the New Earth is then manifested, a life without boundaries is not a foundation that can be worked with. Let me explain further.

The human word boundaries may conjure  up various images for you and most of them will be highly distorted for the old 3d earth paradigms sought to keep you within certain boundaries to prevent your expansion. In the New Earth you are asked to place energetic boundaries within your foundation in order to EXPAND and the difference is immense.

I have had various lessons in this over the last few linear days in my personal life.  In order to create the life of YOUr dreams YOU must nurture YOUr dreams and pour the LOVE that IS through them but YOU must also place clear boundaries of what YOU will and will not accept as YOUr reality. This may sound almost back to front but everything on planet earth is a mirror and you must turn it back on itself to find TRUTH.


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