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The Prince and the Pauper

God said:

You don’t have to predict everything or anything about your Life, Beloveds. Life isn’t about fulfilling your predictions. You aren’t the Seer of your Life. You aren’t at that place yet, nor do you have to be.

Of course, Life can beat a path to your Dreams. Dreams can come true. All dreams can come true. Invite all your dreams, yet not nail them to the wall. You who like freedom must also give freedom freely as I allow it to you.

Dear Ones, you don’t have to sew up Life. You don’t exactly have this privilege. It is not for you to regiment Life. Life doesn’t have to be a foregone conclusion. Life doesn’t have to be an ironclad promise fulfilled nor are you to feel crushed or ruined!

Give Life room to grow. Give your Life leeway. Go ahead and shake hands with Life, yet you can’t always clinch it or nip it in the bud.

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Center Stage

The stage lights are gleaming, the audience is assembled, and they are waiting to see…you!  What they see is your choice.  If you could walk through your Earth plane existence without fear of judgement, repercussion, totally open and honest, what would you say, do and/or accomplish?  The Universe has given you an amazing moment to do just that.  Instead of hiding behind sets, costuming or masks, you are being asked to step up and be exactly who you are in this moment.  Embrace the challenge, my beautiful child, and grow! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/2/2018

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My approach is absolutely clear. First be selfish, and discover all that is contained in yourself - all the joys and all the blissfulness and all the ecstasies. And then unselfishness will come just like your shadow follows you - because to have a dancing heart, to have God in your being, you have to share it. You cannot go on keeping it, like a miser, because miserliness in your inner growth is a death.


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Local Meteorologists Acknowledge Atmospheric Spraying of Aluminum by Military Aircraft

Terence NewtonStaff Writer
Waking Times

Some things are hidden in plain sight, and no matter how many warnings there are, some people just refuse to look at that which contradicts their beliefs about the world.

Take, for example, geoengineering, which, among other things, involves the atmospheric spraying of aluminum, strontium, barium, plastics and other materials into the sky as a means of ostensibly protecting us from the dangers of global warming.

Mainstream media has been reporting on geoengineering quite a bit in recent years, pitching it as a necessary evil to come, never quite fully divulging the years of evidence we’ve collected which shows how governments the world over are already tampering with the earth’s climate.

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Daily Message ~ Friday February 2, 2018

Dear Ones, we admire the fact that so many of you are following more natural and holistic approaches to healing. There is much wisdom in this and the earth provides so much of what you need! There may be times, however, where you do need more traditional medicine to move into a model of whole health.

There is a tendency when you have lost faith in something, or found limitations with, to swing to the opposite end of the spectrum. This is a natural part of finding balance. The right solution for you, however, may be somewhere in the middle.

We urge you to not become rigid in your thinking, but rather to consider all available options. Many people find their way to alternative medicine after they have exhausted all the potentials traditional medicine offers them.

Others may need to explore traditional medicine as an add in if more natural practices have not given them what they require. What we are trying to say is if you do not become rigid, in many cases, you will find a blend that may include both as your perfect formula for wellness.

Use your wisdom and intuition to find what is the right blend for your own health and wellness. Do not absolutely exclude anything due to a belief system, but rather stay open to where the flow of healing is trying to take you. If you have tried your preferred approaches to no avail and find yourself being taken to the doorstep of traditional medicine in order to heal, it is not a failure, but rather a combination of elements that meets your own unique physicality and needs.

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With the changes upon you now, things may feel unfamiliar, uncomfortable and maybe just a bit scary.  Do not be alarmed, dear one; this is a true sign of growth!  The Universe is offering you’re the opportunity to step outside of the safe space you created and explore.  In moving through and past those challenging moments, you will be giving yourself the reassurance that, yes, it can be done and you are doing it now!  Embrace the you you are in this moment knowing that you are expanding into what you are to become. ~ Creator

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Reconnaissance Within Your Heart

God said:

What does Life have to be but what it is when it is? What you might call out to be done and over with and get out of the way are circumstances you perceive and may insist upon evicting as if you are the Queen of the Land. Beloveds, lay down restraints. You may line-up stated requirements. You may say you must have what you say you must have and absolutely must have or you can only be bereft. It’s okay. You can request. Where is it said, however, that you must have all that you insist upon, or you will not play. You might lay down your cards when Life is for you to accept.

GFP Newsletter - 2/1/2018

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The East has always thought. "Unless you have a peace, a silence in your heart, a song in your being, a light radiating your enlightenment, you cannot do any service to anybody."

You yourself are sick; you yourself are an orphan because you have not found yet the ultimate security of existence, the eternal safety of life. You are so poor yourself that inside there is nothing but darkness. How can you help others? - you are drowning yourself. It will be dangerous to help others. Most probably, you will drown the other person also.

First you have to learn swimming yourself. Then only can you be of any help to someone who is drowning.


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How Many Times Must God Remind You?

God said:

There is no such thing as in the Nick of time. Nor is nothing too soon or too late. All is when it is. This is one way to look at Life, you understand. Certainly, no tears require being shed. It’s a fine idea to stream toward that all is just right. This one idea alone will smooth out your Life. Life on Earth isn’t frittered away whatever you may say of it.

As in the fairy tales, everything is just right. You are just right. And everyone is the Fairest of All.

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A Neurologist Shows Why Fasting is So Good for Your Brain

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Fasting creates an energy restriction and puts mild stress on the brain. As a result, it could slow down abnormal degeneration of neurons, common diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons, according to research out of the National Institute on Aging.

Fasting Benefits the Brain by Creating Ketones

Mark Mattson is the current Chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences at the National Institute on Aging. He is also a professor of Neuroscience at The Johns Hopkins University. He has been studying the effects that intermittent fasting has on the brain, both in animals and humans. His research has revealed that when an animal is fasting, its nerve cell circuits are more active. As a result, they perform better in learning and memory tests.

In his TEDx Talk, Mattson states:

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Voila!  Now that the energy of the recent celestial events has washed over your Earth plane, you will be able to spend less time in anticipation and more on the fact that you are watching evolution happening right before your very eyes!  Some of these changes have been in process for many years and you, you lucky and amazing person, get to see them firsthand!  Your world is moving closer to a time where transparency will be commonplace and sound may only be used as an enhancement (instead of a requirement) to express thought.  Take a moment and let that sink in. (Smiling) Be proud; The Universe is in awe at how quickly you are learning! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday February 1, 2018

Judgment is looking at something with a focus towards what is wrong with it and using that assessment to perpetuate separation. Observation is looking at something and seeing it as an opportunity for your own expansion while staying in a place of connection.

Judgment is an act of resistance or rejection, while observation is an act of inclusion and acceptance. As judgment is the precursor to separation, many human beings will go out of their way to avoid judgment, often denying themselves their own preferences in order to please others.

Dear Ones, if someone is judging you, the fact that they are judging you tells you they are not qualified to do so. They do not know your soul’s agenda, your path, your purpose, or the bigger picture of what you are wishing to experience. All they know is that whatever they are judging about you would not be their individual preference.

GFP Newsletter - 1/31/2018

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When I say to you, "First be selfish," it does not look spiritual.


Your mind is conditioned that unselfishness is spiritual. I know it is, but unless you are selfish enough to know yourself, unselfishness is impossible. Unselfishness will come as a consequence of knowing yourself, of being yourself. Then unselfishness will not be an act of virtue, not done in order to gain rewards in heaven. Then unselfishness will simply be your nature, and each act of unselfishness will be a reward unto itself.


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How Scientists Found “Paranormal Perception” Channels Within Human Beings

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

In 1976, a presentation was given at the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) on a paper published by the Institute on behalf of Hal Puthoff (now part of the To The Stars initiative that received and released the recent UFO Pentagon footage) and Russell Targ.

The paper was titled “A Perceptual Channel For Information Transfer Over Kilometer Distances: Historical Perspectives and Recent Research.”

Puthoff, who held a PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford, at the time was commissioned by the CIA/DIA and Stanford Research Institute to direct the Stargate project, which was one of many secret government programs that remained hidden from public knowledge for more than 20 years.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 31, 2018

Surrender and acceptance allow you to both untether yourself from what is holding you back and stay open to receiving what supports you and best matches who you are. They work together beautifully to keep you out of resistance and in flow, which is the fastest way to move forward with the greatest amount of help and comfort possible.

While they may seem simplistic, we urge you to not underestimate the ability of these two powerful aspects to lead and transform your life experience in the most empowering ways. The best way to fully comprehend what these elements can do for you, Dear Ones, is to consciously start to experiment with them and feel the magic for yourselves. You can’t turn a concept into a reality if you don’t give it a fair try. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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