God said:
Sometimes you may wonder how I can carry so much on My Mind as I do, how I can assemble so much at one time, and how, unlike My dear Children, keep everything straight and in sight and calm and unhurried and unharried and never ruffled.
For one thing, the world resides in My Heart, and is not kept secularly in what you might emphasize as My Mind. My Heart and Mind are One. My Beloveds, I do not have to think and think about anything.
I am a free spirit, and all is organized for Me. Nothing is ever an effort for Me whatsoever. You order the world according to how you view it.
If you get tied up in knots, it is you who ties yourself up in knots. Never am I out to get you. Let Us take the High Road.
Here you are, Beloveds, seemingly torn between Free Will and Destiny.
You may see the world as computerized, as if your feelings are not taken into account.
I already create miracles every day. All I have created is verily a miracle and, perhaps, despite your objections, your Choice of Destiny.
I, God, work in subtle ways. It cannot truthfully be said that I work. I AM. I AM Being. I AM a God-Being. Effort is unknown to Me.
The Energy of Sun IS. The Sun shines. This is the Sun’s Being. The Sun reflects My Light via its Bright Yellow Light and Warmth. The Sun shines its Natural Light of Life on all alike.
And so does My Love radiate. So do the Stars. And so are the Stars reflected on the Ocean Bright.