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Knowing yourselves is a major aspect of your awakening process.

The energy of the Tsunami of Love is strengthening and intensifying daily, and many of you can feel it.  Many others, who remain very much involved in the 3D issues of daily life as a human, are also aware of and feeling these energies, which they find disruptive and confusing because they are bringing to the surface of their sensory faculties emotional issues that have lain buried or denied for a long time.  It is very unsettling for many.

The thing is that to awaken you have to release all that is not in alignment with Love – hatred, bitterness, resentment, judgment, worthlessness, etc.  Many are shocked to find how much is arising into their individual awareness.  They may think it is world or personal events – political, business, family, earth shifts, and extreme weather – that are disturbing their peace of mind, but truly it is their own unacknowledged “stuff” that is coming up to be recognized, forgiven, and released.  And it will keep on coming up until it is released.  To release it is not that difficult, it is in acknowledging it and owning it that the difficulty lies.  This stuff has been buried because people find it too painful to acknowledge.  Please call on us in the spiritual realms to help you with the intense discomfort that these arising issues can stir up.  Remember, you are never alone!  Separation, as modern physics has clearly demonstrated, is impossible.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 28, 2017

Dear Ones, everything you could ever imagine exists in the universe. The solutions to your biggest challenges and your wildest dreams and beyond all exist energetically in the pool of Source energy that is All That Is.

You may not know how to get to those solutions from your vantage point as a human being in the body. But your highest self, along with your guides and helpers, know exactly how to get into a flow that will take you directly there with the greatest ease possible.

This is why surrender is such a powerful co-creational tool for you. Surrendering into the solution, or into your dream, gives your guides permission to lead you to where your desires exist as true potentials. It allows you be moved onto the new timeline that holds the possibilities you are seeking to experience.

Do you see? If you are wishing to expand beyond where you are right now, surrender with intention is the means to get there. Allow yourself to be led. Know the solutions exist. Trust in the flow and follow your heart, because they will always lead you to what your soul knows is possible, even if your mind cannot imagine how on earth it could all work out. It is willingly entering the realm of miracles. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/27/2017

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Buddhism and Tao met, and Zen was born, so Zen says both are good. If you live in the world, it is okay, but live with alertness. If you renounce, if you feel like renouncing, that too is good, but renounce with alertness. So the basic thing is not the form, but the spirit.


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Only on Earth

God said:

What are We really, the so-called you and the so-called I? If We are One, where are you then? And what are you but My Self?

How you long to be I, and yet how you long to keep the remnants of your teeny-weeny outer self as well!! How precious are you to yourself!

Sometimes you wear royal robes, and sometimes you wear rags. I mean, of course, how you present yourself to the world and how the world and you may miss out on your Splendor. You are at sea a lot as you swim in multi-directions back and forth and very often float on your back. Thankfully, you have the sky to look up at.

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11 Actions Which Indicate You’re Actually Waking Up - Waking Times

Phillip J. Watt, Contributor
Waking Times

Residents of earth are becoming more conscious in two primary areas.

The first relates to the way in which our planetary social system has been hijacked into a scam to predominately benefit a select few at the expense of the rest of us, as well as our natural systems. The second concerns our intimate connection to all of reality, regardless if viewed through an ecological, scientific or metaphysical lens.

These shifts in consciousness are not based on new insights. In our so-called ‘civilised’ history there have always been royal families, aristocrats and the upper echelons of social and corporate structures who have aimed to control local, regional and international populations through whatever means possible, leading to many revolutions. Moreover, the dominant philosophy throughout humanity’s evolution is arguably animistic in nature, and consciousness played an integral role for not just ancient people’s, but more modern minds as well.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 27, 2017

Dear Ones, if you are running into difficulties, it can be helpful to stop and ask yourself, “What am I pushing against?” Often your blockages come from engaging with what is unwanted. Then ask yourself, “What do I want to flow toward?” and start to navigate from there.

Trying to create while still focused on what is unwanted amounts to trying to drive your car with the emergency brake on. With your awareness you can disengage from where you are spending your energy on the unwanted, and redirect it towards what you desire.

When you gather up all the bits and pieces of your energetic focus and funnel it all in the same direction with surrendered intention, you will create a powerful flow that will very quickly navigate beyond where you consider yourself stuck back into the space of endless potential. ~Archangel Gabriel

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The Creator Writings - September 27th, 2017

What can you say that has not already been said?  What can you hear that has not already been heard?  What can do you that has not already been done?  I will tell you: Speak your truth and sing your song.  There has never been anything like it. Hear and listen to your heartbeat.  It is unique and lovely. Do what you came here to do.  Your point of view, your energy and your love can never be duplicated. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 9/26/2017

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Zen doesn't believe in renouncing the world. If you renounce, it is okay; if you don't renounce, it is also okay. It is up to you, both are good. The basic thing is not the world or renouncing the world; the basic thing is to be alert and aware wherever you are. Even a layman, a householder, can attain to the perfect Enlightenment. In this, Zen is very, very liquid. It gives you total freedom. Your style of life in this world doesn't matter.

Hindus have insisted that you have to renounce the world. Jains have insisted that you have to renounce the world. Even Buddha insisted. Buddha in fact had no householders as his disciples.

The whole Indian tradition is for renouncing the world. But Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, they lived in the world; they lived fully aware.


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In the Heart, in the Heart

God said:

Unto you, I serve. I am for you. You are made for Me, and I am made for you. You are a fledgling. Our One Heart is at play. I, God, am One. Made of many Names in the world, I never stop Being. I am Eternal and Growing and made of many Names, and I also am known by your Name. As you come closer to the non-configuration of Me, am I the Flower and you the blossom?

Am I the Burst of Color of the Rose, and you the Shade of Color of Rose that I Am?

It is said that I am the Word. It could be that I am also the Language, and from the Language, a Word falls from Heaven at the moment you drop to Earth and from which you arise, and Words become an Expression of Life and Love and cries of Joy. Can Heaven be the antonym of Wilderness?

Is there something the matter with using the word Wilderness? Is it possible that Wilderness signifies unpopulated Nature that is sufficient unto itself without footsteps in the sand and snow?

Surely you know you are more than bones and gristle from which the World and you are known and made. Surely you are the Magnificence of Oneness.

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Neuroscientist Explains How Orgasms Can Be Used To Reach An ‘Altered State of Consciousness’

by Amanda Monteiro, Collective Evolution

The desire for a deeper connection provides further proof to our obsession to know more about how the functions of sex affect our connectedness with self, and others.

The Study

Neuroscientist Adam Safron of Northwestern University explains, “sex is a source of pleasurable sensations and emotional connection, but beyond that, it’s actually an altered state of consciousness.

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Never underestimate the influence you have on those around you.  Your words and/or actions, seen or unseen, have a direct effect that reverberates through everything around.  Whether it is love or fear, it goes out to The Universe and comes back…to be sent out…to come back again, magnifying and growing each time.  Even after a situation is forgotten, it will continue to send ripples throughout time.  You have always had a choice as to what you ‘broadcast’ on your own personal frequency.  What do you choose to send out today? ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 26, 2017

Dear Ones, as the energies continue to shift, your relationships will start to evolve as well. The time has come where the old templates of conditional love are being dismantled to be replaced with new templates of unconditional love.

Many of you yearn for unconditional love, and wish to embody it for others. The foundation for unconditional love is acceptance. If you are struggling with moving into a greater expression of unconditional love for both yourself and others, understand acceptance is the key.

You cannot love someone unconditionally and judge them at the same time. You cannot love unconditionally and wish to control someone at the same time. That is trying to apply the old conditional love model on new energies and it will simply not be effective.

As you consciously start to shift your experience and expression of love, let acceptance lead the way. Choose to see the divine capability of each and every person on the planet. Understand they are well guided and capable in their own expressions of self. Celebrate their innate goodness, wherever they may be on their journey. Seek to see the same in yourselves, as well.

Unconditional love loves without condition. It is pure in its expression, and healing, unifying, and supportive in nature. It is not a commodity to be doled out in exchange for good behaviour, but rather a celebration of the divine perfection of all. It flows without expectation or constraint, which creates the ideal environment for the connection, growth, and expansion of everyone involved.

GFP Newsletter - 9/25/2017

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Time should not be a concern, because time is against meditation. Time is mind and in meditation there is no time. Meditation is beyond time; there is no space, no time.

When you are deeply in meditation, you don't know what time it is, you cannot know; you cannot feel time - and you don't know where you are, you cannot feel space. And if you go a little deeper, you don't know who you are. Everything disappears - time, space, and all the configurations of time and space: the ego, everything disappears; you simply ARE. This is the being, this is the Truth.


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Welcome God

God said:

Sometimes you may wonder how I can carry so much on My Mind as I do, how I can assemble so much at one time, and how, unlike My dear Children, keep everything straight and in sight and calm and unhurried and unharried and never ruffled.

For one thing, the world resides in My Heart, and is not kept secularly in what you might emphasize as My Mind. My Heart and Mind are One. My Beloveds, I do not have to think and think about anything.

I am a free spirit, and all is organized for Me. Nothing is ever an effort for Me whatsoever. You order the world according to how you view it.

If you get tied up in knots, it is you who ties yourself up in knots. Never am I out to get you. Let Us take the High Road.

Here you are, Beloveds, seemingly torn between Free Will and Destiny.

You may see the world as computerized, as if your feelings are not taken into account.

I already create miracles every day. All I have created is verily a miracle and, perhaps, despite your objections, your Choice of Destiny.

I, God, work in subtle ways. It cannot truthfully be said that I work. I AM. I AM Being. I AM a God-Being. Effort is unknown to Me.

The Energy of Sun IS. The Sun shines. This is the Sun’s Being. The Sun reflects My Light via its Bright Yellow Light and Warmth. The Sun shines its Natural Light of Life on all alike.

And so does My Love radiate. So do the Stars. And so are the Stars reflected on the Ocean Bright.


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