God said:
One of the hardest things in the world for you, My Dear human Beings, Beloveds of My Heart, is to let go.
In Heaven, there is no need to let go because there is no holding on in the first place.
From when you were newly born to Earth, your little fists would grab and hold on to anything in your grasp. Ah, this is the physical world for you.
As you grew, your doll or your toy fire engine became possessions to you. In effect, they possessed you. It has not been easy for many or most of My Children to detach themselves from their possessions including their ideas, for attachment is to the past and yet even more than attachment to the past. A possession symbolizes something. Likely, a possession represents Love to you, and, yes, meaning.
Beyond objects, Beloveds, you attach to people. It is not easy for you to know the difference between attachment and Love. You are to Love, and, at the same time, to let go of attachment. Attachment is having to have or to own when the fact is that Love is letting go of owning.
A need for control seems to accompany attachment. Now comes expectation, and now come demands. Now shoulds of one kind or another walk in because disappointments of one kind or another have hurt your feelings. Now, you are sure that the objects of your affections absolutely must change or they are unsatisfactory. This is how Freedom goes out the window.