God said:
What on Earth is meant when it is said: “In the scheme of things?”
What scheme is this, and who is the schemer and whose scheme is it? Is there a scheme? Where does it lurk? What is the point of a scheme, or does it have a point, or does it really matter one way or another anyway.
Can Life be planned without a plan? Can a plan be a knock-off? Can a plan be knocked off the tracks never to be found again, and does it matter?
Who can say that Life is not innocent and of its own choosing?
Exactly where does anything exist anyway? Does Life exist, or is Life a trick of one kind or another perpetuated, and it’s not funny.
Can Life be pure? What would Pure Life be like? Does Life seem to be other than it appears? What makes Life appear to appear anyway, and how can it be that Life also disappears? Life is, or it is not, or maybe it doesn’t matter. Dreams come and go, and wherein lies significance of anything anyway?
I say that Life is an illusion in any case, so what does it matter and why must you identify with that which is illusive? You can’t hold a Good Life down, yet wherein is it written that a Life is good or not good? Who says so? Is this a good idea or not?
What about all the plusses and minuses? Where do they come from, and how do they get here? Does Life configure itself, or is Life configured? How does Life go about it whatever it is it does? Is there a secret to Life, and, if so, when is the secret to Life found?
Where is the end to questions?