God said:
Beloveds, analyzing is not always in your best interest. Remember heart over mind. It is in your heart that Life occurs. Any appraisal is an afterthought. Your appraisal – your surgery, if you will -- is often not in your best interest.
Live Life and move on to the next bend in the road.
Life is not something to calculate in retrospect. If you spend time in your canoe paddling backwards – where does that take you?
Dear Ones, most of My Children on Earth carry the idea that Life is obligated to serve you, the individual, in the manner in which you would like. You want what you want. Naturally, you do, yet be wary of the concepts of anticipation and expectation.
Expectation can be bossy. Anticipation paints a picture you would like and admire. Expectation is pushy. Expectation demands. Expectation is a gangster’s approach. The gangster signals: “My way, or else!”
Expectation gives a determined course, as if it is yours by right. The gangster is often taking money and Life as if they are up for grabs. He exhorts them. He threatens: “Your money or your Life.”
In Life, it happens that some of My Children, when they don’t get their way, threaten Life or even Me, God. It takes moxie to make such a bluff. What hold do you think you hold over Me, dear misguided ones? In your distress at certain circumstances, you offer ultimatums! Let’s face facts. With what can you threaten Me?