GFP Newsletter - 5/26/2017

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It happened that one Sufi mystic, Bayazid of Bistan, reached his Master, and told him: I have realized! The Master didn't look at him, as if he had not heard. He didn't pay attention to him, as if he were not there. And he had brought such great news, 'I have attained.' The Master did not pay any attention at all. He continued talking with others. Bayazid thought that the Master had not heard him, so he told him again: I have attained, I have reached the goal. The Master said: Keep silent, keep silent. When there is nobody, then tell me. So he had to wait. It was too long, because the ego is always impatient. And people went on coming and going. By the evening, just for a few moments there were no people, so Bayazid said: Listen now, I have attained! The Master said: Are you still here? When there is nobody, then tell me.

If you are there, how can you attain? With you there everything in a subtle way remains the same.

Unless you drop completely, it cannot happen.


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When You Reach the Shores of Infinity

God said:

No longer are you on a hunt for your Lion’s Share of Life. As you have been hunting in Life, you have pondered what you were looking for. When you do find what you may be grasping, it may fall to dust in your hands. What you get may not be what you really wanted after all. It isn’t enough. You may discover that nothing matters as much as it was supposed to. You may have bet on the wrong horse. You may have barked up the wrong tree.

You never even found the tantalizing illusion you were seeking. You didn’t get there. In its lack, time prevented you.

Either way, it is the same. You open up your fist and you are holding nothing in your hand.

What you thought would bring you lasting happiness may not have brought you any happiness at all. Once you’ve caught a tiger by its tail, then what? Where has all the promise gone?

You are back to square one. You go full circle. Time has wrapped you around its little finger.

You have been looking for happiness in the outer world. All the happiness in the outer world does not seem to be enough. You come to the conclusion that you have been on a wild-goose chase. The top layer of Life can only go so far. Life in the extant world is not all it’s cracked up to be.

This is not to down-play Life in the World. You are here for Life in the World. You are not to pretend you’re not. You don’t run from it. At the same time, Life in the World can go only so far. It is not your whole Life. There is greater right within you.

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Why Does Great Music Give You the Chills?

by Mitchell Colver, The Conversation

Have you ever been listening to a great piece of music and felt a chill run up your spine? Or goosebumps tickle your arms and shoulders?

The experience is called frisson (pronounced free-sawn), a French term meaning “aesthetic chills,” and it feels like waves of pleasure running all over your skin. Some researchers have even dubbed it a “skin orgasm.”

Listening to emotionally moving music is the most common trigger of frisson, but some feel it while looking at beautiful artwork, watching a particularly moving scene in a movie or having physical contact with another person. Studies have shown that roughly two-thirds of the population feels frisson, and frisson-loving Reddit users have even created a page to share their favorite frisson-causing media.

But why do some people experience frisson and not others?

Working in the lab of Dr. Amani El-Alayli, a professor of Social Psychology at Eastern Washington University, I decided to find out.

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You have become so accustomed to your severely limiting life as a human that it seems normal.

Humanity’s awakening process appears very strange to many who are just now becoming aware that they are spiritual beings having a very temporary human experience.  As they feel the nudge or hear the call to attend to their inner life, their spiritual life, having given it very little of their time or attention so far, it seems a little threatening and rather demanding.  New interests or occupations often appear a little threatening to humans because they have become accustomed to following a regular routine that works for them and they do not like to change it, and new interests or new occupations always demand change.  If sought they can be exciting and energizing, but if it seems that they are being imposed upon them they resist quite strongly.  With the latter scenario they often go into denial and refuse to address the subject – change!  Change is the only unchanging aspect of the illusion!

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Daily Message ~ Friday May 26, 2017

Surrendering into what is desired is like setting your inner GPS to your next destination. It is an effective practice because you are willingly selecting the predominant energy you would like to experience and allowing your soul, your guides and helpers, and the universe to point the way there. It is co-creation at its finest because it is setting a clear intention of where you would like to go next and then letting your team navigate you there the most direct way possible. It is a beautiful example of empowered movement. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Sometimes, it is necessary to let go; whether it be a thought, person or thing.  It may have been holding you back in ways you were never aware of and can be challenging to do, especially if you have invested a great deal of your time to it. Once again, dearest child, never fear!  Releasing is, perhaps, the scariest part.  Once it has been accomplished, the lightness of being and freedom will outweigh any regrets you have regarding ‘wasted time’.  Remember, nothing is wasted if you choose to look at it as a learning experience.  Just take a deep breath……….and go. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 5/25/2017

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The last barrier is the idea that your are empty, you are Enlightened, you have achieved, you have reached, you have known, you have realized God - the last barrier. Because with this realization, the 'I' is still clinging. Only the objects have changed, but not you. First, you were clinging to riches, to your prestige, to your power, domination, your house, your car. Now they have changed; now it is emptiness, now it is Enlightenment, now it is God. But your hands are still not open, you are carrying something within them. Your hands are closed. The very word, 'emptiness' means that now you have nothing, not even the one who can declare. That's why Joshu says: Do something, but be finished with this idea.


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You Are a Living Loving Breathing Being of Light.

God said:

Do you perhaps have the idea that being disgruntled is second nature to you? Not so. Your true nature is good nature. Never were you meant to be or appear to be routinely displeased. Never were you meant to moan and groan and weep at disappointment. Never were you intended to let your good nature down and assume a role of displeasure. If you are on a foray of discontent, then be aware that discontent truly resides within yourself. You have opted for discontent. There are other choices.

Debate as you may, Beloveds, it is you who have wined and dined displeasur, you settle for finding fault with just about anything and everything, as if nothing is quite good enough for you. You may set yourself apart from the throng. You may see yourself as bombarded by the world, yet it is you who feels, if you do, that it is the world that gave you a raw deal. What advantage is there for you to think this way?

Beloved critics, the world is bound to reflect your thoughts, uplifting or down-turning. If you announce even only to yourself your disappointment with the world, you uphold the world’s playing of sour notes. You may even rush to prove the inadequacy of the world, as if the world is determined to let you down. Have you become more and more adept at forswearing and faulting the world as if you are a notch above? Of course, you have the freedom to look at Life that way.

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UK Government To Release All “Secret” British UFO Sighting Files After Election Next Month

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

It’s official: Britain has announced that it will be releasing previously classified information on UFO sightings in the United Kingdom once the general election is over this June.

According to Grenzwissenschaft-Aktuell, a “news blog on frontier science and the paranormal” that received the exclusive story, the government is expected to release formerly unpublished reports on UFO activity collected over the span of 50 years by the British Ministry of Defence (MoD).

This event has been greatly anticipated, especially since the announcement in 2014 when the MoD admitted to holding back 18 documents because some content needed to be “re-examined” before the organization could officially make it accessible to the public.

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Buddhism, Science, & The Western World: Changing The Way We See Life

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Are you religious? Spiritual? Purely scientific? These are the types of questions that arise amongst people trying to find connections, or simply learn more about another. And if someone were to say, “I’m Buddhist,” it may likely fall outside of the realm of anticipated answers.

There’s a big questioning surrounding Buddhism: Is it a religion, or is it a philosophy?

But answering that question isn’t so easy, because Buddhism doesn’t fit neatly into just one category. In fact, when Buddha was asked what he was teaching, he responded by saying that he teaches “the way things are.” He advised that people should not believe his teachings merely out of faith, but should digest his words and, through careful examination, determine for themselves if and how they fit into their own lives.

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This Prefab House Of The Future Is Made From Recycled, Reusable, & Sustainable Materials

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Waste: We do a lot of it, we know the consequences, and yet, society is still designed to put out without giving back.

But recent years have seen some exciting movements toward better environmental practices, offering alternatives to both how we live and what we live in.

Prefab homes offer not just precise construction, but sustainable and economically efficient living quarters.

Arup Associates designed a sustainable prefab home using recycled, reusable, and sustainably sourced materials as a prototype for last year’s London Design Festival. Called Circular Economy Building, the prefab home proves the innovation of such construction just keeps getter better.

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Farmer Spends 16 Years Studying Law To Sue Chemical Firm 'Polluting His Land' - And Wins - TruthTheory

BLuke Miller Truth Theory

Wang Enlin a farmer living in the Yushutun village, China has spent over 16 years studying law to sue the chemical company that allegedly polluted his land.

According to reports from Chinese news site The People, a 2001 government document claimed the contaminated farmland ‘can not be used for a long time’ due to the companies error.

The company in question- Qihua Group have assets of over 2 billion Yen (Around $200 million) and are thought to have dumped hazardous waste into the village from 2001 – 2016, making it impossible for the community to farm their land.

They are also reported to have created 71-acres of wasteland contaminated with calcium carbide and a 478-acre pond full of liquid waste.

Mr Wang decided to pursue the legal knowledge required to take Qihua on after writing a letter in 2001, to the Land Resources Bureau of Qiqihar complaining about the pollution of his village.

He said that he was asked to produce evidence of the contamination when dealing with local officials:

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Daily Message ~ Thursday May 25, 2017

The energy that presents to you is a match to what you have already experienced combined with new potentials that are opening up to you. You might think of it as a lineup of plays you can attend during a season. You can choose to see a performance that you have already seen and enjoyed very much, or you can choose to see something brand new. Both options are equally available to you. Or you may even decide to do both!

But as you evolve in these new unprecedented energies, so many of you are wishing for expansion and new experiences. It can be helpful to ask, “Does this potential match where I am going, or where I’ve been?” because your energy will hold matches to both. You ultimately get to choose what you wish to participate in based on your new preferences and desires. ~Archangel Gabriel


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Gemini New Moon is a very important New Moon…. one that can bring opportunities or setbacks, in all types of Relationships.  All though this New Moon is a non-aspected New Moon….it doesn’t mean that the energy is easy.  The back drop of this Gemini New Moon is a Cardinal T-Square involving: Pluto/Juno……Jupiter….and Uranus/Eris/Pallas Athena/and Venus!  Venus and Juno are especially concerned about relationships.  This New Moon is also a Super Moon….meaning it is closer to the Earth then most Moons, giving us the ability to feel the Moon’s energy even more.  This generates greater gravitational and electromagnetic pulls…..on our tides, tectonic plates, the Earth, all its inhabitants, including ourselves…..and our psychic.  Triggering….accelerating shifts in consciousness. This Gemini Super New Moon is the first time since 2009 that the closest lunation to the Earth is a New Moon, rather than a Full Moon!  With this Super Moon hovering so close to Earth, its effects may be more keenly felt than usual.

Actually the energy of this Gemini New Moon feels very Chaotic…..and there really isn’t any way out….except going through!  With Mercury ruling this New Moon….most changes and encounters will come through communication of all kinds.   Change is coming and we can sense it…..we can see it…..we can feel it!!


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