God said:
Everyone has a unique story. Born into the same family, both parents the same, no two children are alike. For all you can tell, the children could have come together from the ends of Earth, yet somehow they find themselves living their childhoods together. As you may see it, it is a puzzle that children so disparate could have ever somehow come to live together. It seems impossible, and it also seems destined.
Had the children been assembled in an orphanage together, the chooser's eyes closed, could they have turned out so unmatched as they were? Yet there is family, and desire for family and desire to belong and perhaps desire not to belong as well.
Everyone is unique. You are unique. Wherever you were born, no matter the circumstances, you are you and, often, you are a surprise to yourself.
There is a song called Getting to Know You.
Gettin' to know you,
Gettin' to know all about you.
Gettin' to like you,
Gettin' to hope you like me.
Your Life on Earth is a remarkable opportunity to form a relationship with yourself. Bouncing off of other people is one way you find out who you are.
Yes, in the world, you are getting to know this personality you are this lifetime. At the same time, you are also discovering the underlying Truth of You.