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Be Grateful For The Past

It is time to release the thought of past negative experiences as ‘wasted time’.  Each one of those experiences showed and taught you many, many things; what you really want, what you do not want, how you choose to be treated, what your expectations are and how fast you choose to grow.  Becoming ensnared in the past will keep you there.  Being grateful releases the energy so you may continue your Earth plane existence in more peace, love and happiness. ~ Creator

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The Sale Of GMO Apple Goes Ahead Despite Public Health Concern

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

The apples will not be labeled so there is no way of telling if they are genetically modified or not.

GMO apples have hit the supermarket shelves in the United States, although their labels do not state what they truly are. The roll-out of these apples is said to be a trial run of the new “non-browning” Arctic apple, which has been developed by the Canadian company Okanagan Specialty Fruits, according to reports. The apples are only on sale in ten selected and unnamed stores across the American Midwest. Although the developer of the apples previously announced in a statement that they would be labelling and branding the apple, in fact they will not be labelled as GMO out of a fear that the apples will be “demonised” with a “big GM sticker”.

GFP Newsletter - 3/16/2017

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Unless you have experienced life in its totality, you will not be able to experience death in its totality either, because death is not separate from life. It is just an episode in your life. And there have been many episodes like that in your life.

Your life is from one eternity - the beginningless beginning - to another eternity, the endless end.

Millions of times the episode of death will happen, but you will be able to experience it only if before it, preceding it, there is the vital experience of life.


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Come Out in the Front Yard

God said:

Every emotion you feel is your choice. Love is your choice. Frustration is also your choice. No one makes you lay yourself low.

You always have options. When you feel defeated, you can feel something else.

When you feel overloaded with difficulties, you can choose to feel another way. When you feel like a victim, this is a choice you made. Take a walk around the block and get a little distance. You can come back having dropped off the self-imposed verdict you made that you have been a victim. Dear Ones, if you feel like a victim, you can also feel like letting go of that idea. You are not bound to being a victim except as you tell yourself.

It is not a worthwhile idea to convince yourself that you have been victimized. Even if you literally have been victimized, let go of that Identity, for you are a Child of God who has choices to make, so make them, these choices that are yours to make.

Choose to be something else besides a victim. Absolutely, do not put your name under such a victim list. No more “Woe is me” thoughts.

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Court Rules That Insurance Company Must Cover Medical Cannabis

by Anna Hunt, Awareness Junkie

A judge out of New Jersey ruled that a man’s insurance company must pay for the cost of his medical cannabis treatment. This may establish an important precedent in the medical industry.

Andrew Watson, who lives in Egg Harbor, New Jersey, enrolled in the state’s medical cannabis program in 2014. He sought financial reimbursement for the purchase of medicinal cannabis over a term of three months.

Watson was injured on the job. Subsequently, he suffered from chronic neuropathic pain in his left hand. His condition was consistent with New Jersey’s list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana. Yet, his initial worker’s compensation claim was denied.

During the hearing, a psychiatrist/neurologist testified on Watson’s behalf. The expert stated that medical marijuana would allow Watson to reduce his prescription opiate use. In addition, this would lower risk of addiction and dangerous side effects. The court established that Watson’s cannabis usage is indeed medicinal and that his insurance company should cover his claim.

The presiding judge, Ingrid L. French, stated:

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Activist Replaces Billboards With Pictures Of The Landscapes They Block

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

The project sends an important social message about the necessity to reconnect with the environment.

As one drives down an interstate in the United States, they will undoubtedly be bombarded with advertisements that are hoisted along the side of the road. The loud signs are called billboards, and they’re as obtrusive and obnoxious as they sound, though few think twice about the installations as the method of advertising is as American as apple pie.

One of the main complaints billboards receive is that they block stunning views of nature. It’s for this reason that visual artist Jennifer Bolande decided to take on an ambitious project which entails replacing billboards in the Coachella Valley with images of the mountainous landscape they block.

As TwistedSifter shares, the Visible Distance / Second Sight project sends an important social message about the necessity to reconnect with the environment. 

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Cannabis Pain Patch Administers Therapeutic CBDs

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The newly-released cannabis pain patch targets seemingly unexplainable pain associated with fibromyalgia and diabetic neuropathy. It is a new-found hope for patients because it is extremely difficult to treat these conditions.

Cannabis Offers Hope for Better Quality of Life

Nerve pain is a debilitating symptom of many illnesses, including diabetes, fibromyalgia, celiac disease and multiple sclerosis. Pain associated with these ailments drastically reduces quality of life.

Take fibromyalgia for example:

“The National Institutes of Health estimates that 5 million Americans suffer from fibromyalgia, a poorly understood disorder characterized by deep tissue pain, fatigue, headaches, depression, and lack of sleep. There is no known cure and the disorder is difficult to treat.” (source)

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Judge Threatens To Sanction Monsanto For Hiding Information While Overseeing 55 Cancer Lawsuits

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

For years, Monsanto has been trying to hide the detrimental risks their leading herbicide, Roundup, poses to human health and the environment. Over the years, numerous studies have been published proving that the active ingredient in Roundup, glyphosate, can cause cancer, miscarriages, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and more.

Despite the overwhelming amount of evidence in support of the harmful effects of Roundup, Monsanto continues to monopolize the entire North American seed industry without government intervention. Roundup can be found all over any non-organic food, golf courses, and soil, despite the fact that it is a known carcinogen. However, thanks to a federal court judge in California, Monsanto may finally be tried for its wrongdoings and secrecy, shedding light on the truth about Roundup and the company’s ties to the U.S. government.

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It’s Official: Time-Crystals Are A New State of Matter & Researchers Have Created One In Real-Life

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

What comes to mind when you think of crystals? Perhaps it’s the dazzling ring on your hand, or the jagged-edged amethyst atop your mantel. But what about time crystals?

Two research teams from Harvard and the University of Maryland published research papers in the journal Nature revealing how they independently produced live crystals in the lab for the very first time.

First pinpointed as a mathematical eccentricity in 2012 by American theoretical physicist, mathematician, and Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek, time crystals occur when the period function of a three-dimensional spatial crystal reaches into the fourth dimension known as time.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 16, 2017

When you hold encouragement for others, you become the bridge between seeing their wonderful potential and them discovering it for themselves. You become a facilitator of expansion with your love, support, and positive reinforcement.

While you may see what you think is the highest outcome for another, a true encourager holds the space for others to discover that for themselves in whatever ways suit them best. This supports freedom of self expression and expanding into their truest matches without the fear of disappointing others.

So encourage without attachment to outcome, allowing others to find their own path and timing with their own unique style, and you will be a wonderful catalyst for others to explore and discover their own gifts and highest possibilities. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 3/15/2017

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Love is a tiny death: death is immense love.

Love happens between two small individuals:

Death happens between two universes.

Love makes two individuals one:

Death makes two universes one.


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Know God for Yourself

God said:

What is upheaval? Upheaval is the sense of Life’s moving too fast for you. More Life coming at you than you would like to deal with. Too much multi-tasking for you all at once.

Sometimes you would postpone Life if you could. You would retreat if you could. You would choose a pause button, a back button, or, best of all to you, a fast-forward button where you could have a sneak preview of the future. How you long to be briefed and have reassurance.

My Word isn’t satisfying enough. I say all is well while you may see mayhem all around you. The unexpected happens. You see danger. You see all possibilities of pain and loss, and you fear all the possibilities. The possibilities strike you as outrageous, for you live in the fearful illusion of time. I could tell you that time is not real until I’m blue in the face, yet time spins its web before you, and you get wrapped up in time.

At this current moment, Eternity and Infinity are not your main interest. Later on, okay, you will try to figure them out. Some other day you will. Some other day, you really will.

Anyway, you haven’t been able to quite catch on to Infinity and Eternity. You say that you are focused on the moment, yet that is not really true. If you were focused on the present moment, you would not be so familiar with fear. You wouldn’t live with fear so close by your side.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 15, 2017

In order to move into better feeling interactions with others, we would suggest that if you are asked to do something, you take a moment to feel into that activity to see how you really feel about it, and if it is something you truly wish to do.

If it is, give your agreement, and you will enter into that activity with open-heartedness and flow.  If you check in with yourself and you feel it is not something you wish to do, you can gently decline, knowing that it is far better to give a mindful no than it is to do something resentfully.

Where it starts to affect your relationships is when you say yes to something you really do not wish to do. This approach frequently ends up creating resentment towards others. Resentment is an emotion that is filled with resistance, which will always create discomfort and separation. You cannot resent and love another at the same time.

Dear Ones, if you say yes to something that you do not wish to do, please understand that is a choice. It is a choice that you have made, not something that someone made you do. You are always a sovereign being, and in charge of your own decisions.

When you assume responsibility for giving a yes when you really meant no, you become more aware of your choices and resulting emotions. It allows you to let other people off the hook for how you feel. This also creates an opportunity to make different choices next time, which will only improve your relationships in the long run.


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