GFP Newsletter - 2/7/2017

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Remember always the question must be your quest.

The question must arise from the depths of your heart; it must be rooted in your being.

It must be nourished by your life; then it deserves an alive answer.


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What Cannot be Divine That God Has Created?

God said:

It is impossible for you to live in isolation. Even if you close your blinds and never leave the house, it is impossible for you to live in isolation. Even if you live in a cave and meditate all day, you are not living in isolation.

Even if you live on a desert island, you are not, for there is a mass inviolable connection.

What you may feel and what is so may have nothing to do with each other. You may misinform yourself. You can go up the wrong alley.

You are a Divine Creature of God. And everyone and everything else is also a Divine Creature of God.

I will go so far as to say that Great Boulders are alive, and Sand on the Beach is also alive and Divine.

It seems that sometimes little attention is given to the Divinity of Life. What cannot be Divine that I have created? A little ant carries an importance. Bees and butterflies. The dandelion serves with grace. Everyone is God's creature. Every blossom. Every scent. Everyone is influenced by everyone else. Everyone is affected by everyone else, and everyone affects everyone else. Lift your eyes Heavenward.

Every Being in the world impacts on every other Being in the world. A toddler impacts on you, and you impact on the toddler. Every bird that sings, whether you literally hear its singing or not, sings to you. Every message is conveyed, and you receive it whether you hear the words or not. Every bit of laughter. Every twinge of pain.

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Hemp Is Set To Overtake The Production Of Tobacco In Kentucky

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

The variety of cannabis has been used for centuries and has a huge array of health benefits.

The production of hemp is continually increasing within the southeastern state of Kentucky, where production originated. Following decades of prohibition, hemp is now becoming a common agricultural commodity throughout America. Hemp is not a recreational drug but in fact a variety of Cannabis that does not contain the psychoactive component that is present in Marijuana. According to Real Farmacy, hemp was first grown back in 1775 in Kentucky, where nearly all of the hemp production during the Post-Civil-War times originated from the Bluegrass state.

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BP Moves To Drill Near Newly Discovered Coral Reef Despite Warnings From Scientists

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

A recently discovered coral reef located at the mouth of the Amazon river is now in danger as oil companies, including BP, are set to drill for oil nearby.

A coral reef described by National Geographic as “one of the most surprising finds in modern sea research” is under imminent ecological danger as big oil companies like BP and Total have announced their plans to begin drilling operations in the area. Together, the companies own five licenses allowing drilling around the Amazon river delta and are waiting to be granted permits to begin exploratory drilling this year. The Brazilian government, under the leadership of the right-wing and notoriously corrupt Michel Temer, is expected to comply. Total and BP told Greenpeace’s Energydesk that “the existing environmental studies acknowledge the reef and said they plan to proceed without further risk assessments”.

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Stranded Whale Off Norway’s Coast Found With 30 Bags Of Plastic In Its Stomach

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Take a look around you: How much of what you see is made of plastic? There’s likely an alarming amount of this silent killer.

As most people know, plastic never biodegrades, but it does break down, releasing the toxic additives in plastic products, like flame retardants, antimicrobials, and plasticizers, into the environment. This puts our health and the health of other animals at risk, particularly since many of these chemicals affect our endocrine systems, a fragile set of hormones and glands that affect every organ and cell in the body.

Plastic bags, for instance, are especially harmful to marine animals. Typically beginning as litter on beaches, streets, and sidewalks, stormwater runoff and overwater flushes them through storm drains and right into creeks, streams, and rivers that connect to the ocean. Many marine animals mistake the plastic bags for food, and once consumed, the plastic bioaccumulates, which can result in the chemicals producing excess estrogen. Researchers have even found male fish with female sex organs as a result.

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Christ Consciousness: Why You Have The Same Capabilities As Jesus

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

Religion tends to encourage hierarchy and praise. Christians, for example, look up to priests and they pray to Jesus Christ and God. Now, don’t get me wrong — prayer can be a wonderful tool for further connecting with ourselves, and it can provide us with comfort and guidance. However, seeking answers outside the Self and from an external God is not necessarily empowering yourself.

What if I told you that you have the exact same ‘powers’ within you as the character in the Bible Jesus Christ once did? If you look at his teachings carefully, you’ll see that Jesus was in fact a Son of ‘God’ and channelled ‘God’ through himself. However, many Christians believe Jesus was the only son of God, which isn’t true.

God is simply all that is, consciousness, source, oneness etc. It’s what everything is made up of. It’s not a higher power, it IS us. Thus, you too possess the same “God-like” capabilities as Jesus, and everyone else.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 7, 2017

When you are approaching life from the model of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, it takes the guess work out of things, for it will always lead you to your highest potentials. If there is something that needs to be healed, it will come into your awareness. If something needs to be acknowledged, it will come into your awareness. If something needs to be experienced, it will come into your awareness. If something needs to be released, it will come into your awareness.

Since the divine combination can only take you to your highest good, it allows you to step out of being on the lookout for what is wrong. Rather than being on constant high alert, unsure if there is something you should be doing or not, you can relax into the unfoldment of your journey, and focus instead on presence, gratitude, and creation.

Because your highest self and your guides and helpers are leading the way, there is no fear of missing anything important, which opens the door to the experience of grace, ease, and joyful creation. It is, by far, the most efficient and peaceful navigation system for the enlightening human being. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Asia’s First-Ever Vertical Forest Will Produce 132 Pounds Of Oxygen Each Day

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

The two towers will clean the air of Nanjing, China, with 1,100 trees and 2,500 shrubs and plants.

When Stefano Boeri Architetti presented the idea of installing a vertical forest in Milan, people were beyond thrilled with the idea. Following the success of that introduction, the architecture firm now seeks to construct similar, but in Nanjing, China.

Inhabitat reports that two towers which overlook the Nanjing Pukou District will be completed by the end of 2018. Overflowing with 1,100 trees from 23 local species, as well as 2,500 cascading shrubs and plants, the installation will clean the city’s air by producing 132 pounds of oxygen every day. Additionally, passersby and tourists will be greeted with a breathtaking view.

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Ecuador Fights To Hold Oil Giant Chevron Accountable For Mass Contamination Of The Amazon

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

Environmental advocates are determined to continue a decade-long legal battle to force Chevron to accept responsibility for the devastating contamination of the Ecuadorian Amazon.

From the 1960s to 1990s, international oil giant Texaco conducted extensive drilling and pipeline operations in the Ecuadorian Amazon jungle. During this period, Texaco deliberately dumped over 16 billion gallons of toxic waste into the area, the effects of which are still being felt decades later. In the years since, it has become known as one of the world’s largest environmental disasters, sometimes called the “Amazon Chernobyl.” An estimated 30,000 people have been affected, primarily isolated indigenous tribes.

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A Time Of Change

Again, a time of change is upon you.  As challenging as it may be to let go of the things that have grown familiar, safe and comforting…it is time.  This does not have to be a massive purge, instead a gentle release of things that no longer serve you.  Everything that has gone before has prepared you for this, now is the time to act. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/6/2017

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You are asking me to be diplomatic? That means being a hypocrite; knowing something but saying something else, doing something else. I am going to remain the same. I can drop being religious if it is needed, but I cannot drop being rebellious because to me that is the very soul of religion. I can drop every other thing which is thought to be religious, but I cannot drop rebellion; that is the very soul.


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Over-The-Counter Drugs (Ibuprofen/Tylenol) Kills Thousands Each Year. So Here’s The Alternative

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The legal ‘drugs’ we take today, both over-the-counter and prescription medication, are responsible for at least 100,000 deaths per year in the United States alone. As many reports have indicated, most of the published research supporting these drugs is completely false; results are manipulated in order to get products onto the market as quickly as possible, rather than to ensure their safety.

This kind of corruption in rampant in the industry and poses a significant risk to public health and safety. A recent study published last week in The British Medical Journal by researchers at the Nordic Cochrane Center in Copenhagen, for example, determined that pharmaceutical companies were not disclosing all information regarding the results of their drug trials. You can read more about that here.

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A New Adventure Awaits You

God said:

When you spend less time thinking about yourself, most likely – almost certainly -- you are happier.

I do not mean to say that you are just to keep busy. I do not mean you are to just run around. I do not mean hustle and bustle. I do not mean blankness either.

I mean to say to focus on bigger matters than how you are feeling today. Surely Life has to be for more than self-diagnosis. Do not make of yourself a patient that you examine every day. Get your mind off yourself. There is something more to your life than you. There is more to life than you have savored. What have you not done as yet that you would like to do? Something that comes from your heart of hearts?

Surely you desire more of life than just to hang out. There has to be more to life than passing time.

Oh, yes, expand the world.

I do mean to suggest that you find purpose. I mean something that stirs your blood. I mean a passion for life. What might it be? What could it be?

What might you like to begin?

Your life is not done yet.

What might you like to be on Earth for? What are your dreams? Fulfill them.

Start somewhere. You never know where something will lead.

Nor do I mean that you are to find a ready-made cause, for I do not mean that. I do not ask that you be outraged and flaunt outrage. By and large, it is up to you to find your way, and you may find it in unexpected ways.

What direction are you looking in?

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 6, 2017

Dear Ones, you are on the planet during a time when there are many different people on different stages of their evolutionary process. You are also experiencing unprecedented energies.

Because of this, it is becoming more and more imperative that you listen to your own inner mastery, your own divine spark, your own innate wisdom, when it comes to navigating your path. People, by the most part, while well-meaning and trying to help, can only give advice based on what would be best for them and their own life expression. And, of course, each and every path is unique and different, with it's own to-do list and soul agendas.

Many old templates are falling away that were created in old energy. They are being replaced by new ways of doing things that match the energy and highest potentials of the planet. You, as pioneers, are exploring how to work with these new energies and, through those experiences, are creating new templates. In order to do that, you must listen to your own divine guidance and inner wisdom, to create in brand new and empowered ways.

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How To Love Yourself Inside And Out

by Avery Rouda, Collective Evolution

WARNING: Loving yourself may awaken great confidence and cause apprehension toward authority.

Love Your Body

Your Body is this complex thing that houses your brain, occasionally falls ill, and tells you yes when the mind tells you no. The body is an ocean of consciousness, in sync with infinite time. Just like the oceans on Earth, your body is full of life, beauty, and wonder. The first step in loving yourself is to practice loving your body.

1. Be beautiful, confident, and grounded everywhere you go. Embrace your genes. Straighten your spine, open your chest, and stand tall in your skin. Focus on the core of your being. Eat whole foods and eat them slow. Drink plenty of water.

2. Do it for yourself. Move in the direction that feels right to you. Pursue a career that interests, inspires, and fulfills YOU. Fall in love with a person, a place, a thing, or all the above on your own terms, at your own will, and at your own pace. Take care of yourself first, then open your heart to the world.


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