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How Qi (Chi) Energy Flows Through The 12 Meridians Points That Exist Within Your Body

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

It may seem counterintuitive, but there are many instances where science can actually hold us back from new discoveries and knowledge. Unfortunately, mainstream science is quick to discount anything which cannot be physically seen or felt, making notions like ‘energy points’ within the body seem like pure science fiction. But just because we can’t physically see something, does not mean it doesn’t exist. Nikola Tesla told us that “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena,  it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence,” and hundreds of scientists around the world have been taking on this task for several years. Within the next few decades, the examination of non-material science is going to skyrocket, and we all stand to benefit. What we know as science is definitely changing.

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‘Not On Our Watch’ — Veterans Promise ‘Boots On the Ground’ To Stop DAPL

A group of veterans has vowed to defend the rights of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, saying DAPL will never be completed, 'not on our watch.'

By: Claire Bernish / The Free Thought Project   A group of U.S. military veterans, standing in defense of Indigenous rights, has vowed construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline will never be completed — and will put boots on the ground to ensure it.

“We are committed to the people of Standing Rock, we are committed to nonviolence, and we will do everything within our power to ensure that the environment and human life are respected,” Anthony Diggs, spokesman for Veterans Stand, told CNBC. “That pipeline will not get completed. Not on our watch.”

Veterans, said Diggs, seek to raise enough funds “to have a larger, solid boots-on-the-ground presence.”

As staunch a stance as that might sound, the veterans remain committed to nonviolent action in defense of the Standing Rock Sioux against Energy Transfer Partners, the company responsible for pipeline construction.

GFP Newsletter - 2/3/2017

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The authentic religion is basically rebellion - rebellion against all superstition, rebellion against all stupidity, rebellion against all the nonsense that goes on being imposed on the human mind continuously.

A rebellious religious man is a fire; his words will be words on fire.

His silence is not going to be the silence of a cemetery.

His silence will be the silence of a song, of a dance.

His silence will be the silence of two lovers meeting, and not capable to find words to convey their love. Their love makes them wordless.


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Speaking Up

God said:

The way you see it on Earth is that you put up with too much. A habit of yours could be that you don't speak up enough.

Of course, there are many who also stick up for themselves very well.

There are, indeed, many who think later of what they ought to have said and likely could have saved themselves future difficulties down the road if only they had said.

There are so many habits of life and so many varied kinds of upbringing that impinge on your lives now.

It is even possible that you may think that to represent yourself is impolite, and yet you are aware that not speaking up for yourself contributes considerably to repeated unhappiness.

It's like you got on a certain track and somehow, no matter how you desire to get off that track, time and again you ride the same track no matter how much you rue your path of least resistance.

And then, when you do speak up, you seem to be programmed to feel you overdid it, or you did it in anger which now adds to your difficulties with yourself.

What fear is it that keeps you back from asserting yourself? Lack of practice you suppose? Your voice doesn't even think of it until too late. This is some kind of trap you set for yourself.

And, then, when you do rise to represent yourself, another kind of guilt sets in.

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Daily Message ~ Friday February 3, 2017

There is a joy that comes when your faith and trust are so absolute you can embrace the unfoldment of your journey with the complete knowingness that each step is serving you. From that space your path becomes a gift, just waiting to be unwrapped to reveal its delights to you. ~Archangel Gabriel


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How Sony & The Movie Industry Are Tied To The U.S. Government & Military-Industrial Complex

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

It’s no secret that the CIA, the U.S. government, and the cabal have some serious ties in Hollywood. Much of what we watch for ‘fun’ is actually propaganda that’s fed to us in order to shape our thoughts and values. We’re told what to wear, how to act, what our goals should be, and who we should love and hate, all through the media.

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Iran Just Officially Ditched The Dollar In Major Blow To US: Here’s Why It Matters

Iran says Trump's travel ban has forced its hand.

By: Alice Salles / AntiMedia   Following President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries, the Iranian government announced it would stop using the U.S. dollar “as its currency of choice in its financial and foreign exchange reports,” the local Financial Tribune reported.

Iran governor Valiollah Seif’s central bank announced the decision in a television interview on January 29. The change will take effect on March 21, and it will impact all official financial and foreign exchange reports.

Iran’s difficulties [in dealing] with the dollar,” Seif said, “were in place from the time of the primary sanctions and this trend is continuing,” but when it comes to other currencies, he added, “we face no limitations.”

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Terence McKenna's Explanation of Why Our Culture is Killing Itself

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

What would it look like if our culture died out, as it was dying out, somewhere between coherency and harmony and the end point of chaos and dissolution? Would it perhaps resemble the divisive, vitriolic, excessively controlling, self-destructive world we live in today?

Often pondering the future, contemporary sage Terence McKenna spoke on this matter in many of his talks and writings, frequently chastising culture as a supplanted psychic operating system which dooms us by failing to incorporate the novel and chaotic elements of the human experience.

“This is something, culture is not your friend. Culture is for other people’s convenience and the convenience of various institutions, churches, companies, tax collection schemes, what have you. It is not your friend. It insults you. It disempowers you. It uses and abuses you. None of us are well treated by culture.” ~Terence McKenna

GFP Newsletter - 2/2/2017

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The politician cannot be religious because religion means understanding, awareness, silence, harmony, and a deep let-go with existence, a feeling of being at peace with everything as it is, no desire to be anybody else, no desire to be anywhere else, no desire for tomorrow. All is fulfilled in this moment. The politician cannot afford this. And the religious man who is in this situation, in this ultimate state of being, for him politicians are just foolish people, although he may not say so just out of etiquette.

I am not a man of etiquette, I don't know manners. I simply call a spade a fucking spade, because that's what it is.


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Only in Infinity

God said:

Life keeps going. Life doesn’t stop for one minute. This is how it is in the imaginary race you run.

Even when you commune with Me, a thought of Mine you pick up is here for you right now, and then it may be gone in a flash you know not where. The thought appears to have disappeared. A thought of Mine is directly available to you, yet your realization of My Thought seems to last only a span of time, and then it dances off.

Dear Ones, no specific thought of Mine is a thought you must have. There is no pressure about this. Remind yourself that a thought of Mine forgotten from your conscious mind nevertheless is still My thought, and it is alive and well. There are no deadlines regarding My thoughts. Whether a thought of Mine returns to you or not, even when a thought has meandered away from your conscious mind, it is still around. My thoughts are omnipresent. There is no rush for you to maintain thoughts that seem to have dropped out and that you call missing.

You wish you had My Thoughts at your disposal always. I exist within you, and My Thought are yours somewhere deep within you no matter what. My Thoughts, Our Thoughts exist independent of your memory's retention of them. Really and truly, what do you most want? Aha! A great memory or Infinity?

Infinity is all at once. Memory is not. Memories are stored. You pick memories up as you go along. You don't have to impound your memories.

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Three States Have Introduced ‘War On Wolves’ Act That Puts Wolves In Danger Of Extinction

by Brianna Acuesta, TrueActivist.com

Senators from Minnesota, Wisconsin and Wyoming have jointly introduced a bill that aims to strip gray wolves of their endangered status and take away their federal protections in the state. This would make it legal to shoot wolves on-sight and allow trophy hunting and trapping in the states. This bill, which is being called the “War On Wolves Act” was introduced alongside a companion bill in the House the week prior.

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11 Good News Stories You Probably Didn’t Hear About

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

People tend to get wrapped up in the negatives of life. We find reasons to complain, we find reasons to be sad, we relish in the fact that misery loves company. It can be hard, as a journalist, to get stuck reporting on just the bad stuff, because there is a lot of work that must be done to improve the world we live in, and the bad news is valuable in prompting people to wake up and make a change for the better.

But to be collectively evolved for the better, we have to pave a path of light, and journalists have the wonderful opportunity to help create that journey.

Just like one story can disturb you, others can lift you up. Scrolling through social media you might suddenly be warmed by the simple sight of a puppy, and it reminds you how important it is to surround yourself with things that warm your soul, while also learning how the bad news has prompted good news to happen.


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