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Daily Message ~ Monday January 16, 2017

When you are in the process of shifting a lot of energy in your body, sometimes you will create the experience of giving yourself a good knock to get any stagnant energy moving again. Your body is always looking to do things in the most efficient way possible, and there are times when the best way to get energy dislodged and on the move again is by experiencing a sudden fall or a minor accident. Not only will the impact serve the purpose of addressing any energetic density, it also serves the purpose of slowing you down to practice some self care and greater awareness, if that is something you require more of. As always, you are being guided in all ways, and what you might consider to be a bit of bad luck is actually the universe continuing to serve and assist you in your enlightenment process. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Actually, Goldman Sachs 'Hacked' the Presidential Election

by Carey Wedler, The Anti-Media

As the media continues to parrot American intelligence agencies’ as-of-yet unsubstantiated claims that Russia hacked the U.S. election, there is far more evidence to implicate an equally dangerous infiltrator: Goldman Sachs.

The infamous banking company, which was widely implicated in the 2008 economic crash, appears to have come out on top in the most recent U.S. presidential election.

On one hand, Goldman Sachs was hedging its bets on a Hillary Clinton victory. Considering the banking monolith was one of her top donors — and that she received harsh criticism for accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees from the firm — it’s clear the powerful financiers had every intent of influencing the election and politics in general.

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The Effect of Aluminum in Vaccines on Humans

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Chemicals that are commonly used in the production of vaccines, according to the CDC, are done so to improve the effectiveness of the vaccine. Adjuvants like aluminum (one of the most common) are a component of vaccines that potentates the immune response to an antigen. The adjuvant is basically used to invoke the desired immune response.

Aluminum has been added to vaccines for approximately 90 years, and since then, a lot of controversy, especially in recent years, has emerged regarding their safety and effectiveness.

This controversy comes as a result of a number of recent studies (some of which are presented in this article) outlining clear concerns over the use of aluminum in this manner, as well as the fact that over the past few years, billions of dollars have been paid to families with vaccine injured children.

There are a number of reasons why more parents are choosing not to vaccinate their children.

GFP Newsletter - 1/15/2017

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In your life you will be facing every moment the choice of what to do, what not to do. In the dark world where humanity lives, each moment is a moment of decision: what to do, what not to do. And the trouble is, whatever you do proves to be wrong. Whatever you do you have to repent, for the simple reason that existence is one and undivided. In your unconsciousness you divide it in two, right and wrong. Your division is arbitrary. So what you think is right you do and what you think is wrong you don't do.

But the wrong is an indivisible part of the right, so sooner or later it will take revenge. You will start feeling guilty about why you did this and not that, why you chose this and not that - perhaps that was right ....

In your wavering state you are bound to think, "Perhaps that was right which I have not done." You can't be certain about your doing because you are not yet certain of your being.

Being comes first, and once being is realized, all doing is right: it does not matter what you do. But in the dark valleys of unconsciousness, doing is first - and that is your problem.


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You Don’t Know What Lies Before You or When

God said:

Just what is it that you fear you are missing from life? What perceived lack of Love of Life plagues you? What seems to keep happiness at a standstill from you?

How you wish you were one of those happy people who get along with life and their wives. Some people really seem to love. They know how to continue to love the same person with all their heart year after year. They love for the long haul whereas your heart seems to sink and let you down. Your heart just can't seem to sustain itself.

All the love that Earth hands to you, sooner or later, fizzles out. Maybe it is that some people have a knack for keeping love warm while others simply don't know how to keep the home fires burning. The flame goes out. Love goes downhill.

You don't want love to cool down, yet, your love life let you down, or it's you that lets love down. Surely, so far, every time, you strike out when it comes to love. You once were sure each time that your love this time would last forever.

Some people's love stays steady. It is everything to them to give happiness, and their hearts go full steam ahead whereas your feelings of love go kaput. Your love turns sour, and bitterness becomes what's left of your once great love. You are unable to rekindle it.

You have observed some people whose love was not a grand flame, and yet their love grew. They learned to love. Their love grew, and, in old age, they hold hands and are precious to each other. They never became spitfires.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday January 15, 2017

Dear Ones, during times when people seem so divided, we urge you to look to the common denominators that link you to each other. Every single person who voted in the US election thought they were making the right choice for positive change. Feel into that. You all want change for the better!

All human beings want to be heard, want to continue to improve their lives, want to be safe, to be honoured, to be loved and acknowledged, and to know they matter. How they perceive the best way to get there will differ, but the underlying desire is the same.

When you start to see that you all, at your core, wish for improvement, you can stop pushing against each other. You can see each other as being tender and hopeful human beings on your own individual paths of seeking improvement, and from your collective experiences, you will learn much about what moves you closer, or farther away from those desires. And then through the wisdom gained from those experiences, you will choose again, and again.

As you choose to see and acknowledge the many ways you all wish for the same things, you will learn to accept and honour each other much more, and that is exactly what will anchor far greater connection and peace than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Federal Government To Round-Up Thousands More Wild Horses In 2017

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

Just days ago, fifty more wild horses were removed from public lands by the Bureau of Land Management in order to expand the lucrative leasing of these lands to ranchers and fossil fuel interests.

Last September, the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) – the federal agency tasked with managing public lands – came under fire for a widely criticized plan to slaughter 44,000 wild horses, more than 65% of the national wild horse population. Though popular anger over the plan ultimately led to its retraction, the Bureau of Land Management’s misguided approaches to management of public lands, and the wildlife which inhabits them, continue to persist.

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Neuroscientist Finds Telepathic Abilities In Multiple Autistic Children: Can All Humans Do It?

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

What we label as autism covers a vast spectrum. One autistic child may be able to communicate perfectly and perform normal daily life tasks, while others can barely move, and still others can’t communicate at all. You also have children under this label known as autistic “savants” who show extraordinary abilities.  This is why it’s more commonly referred to as autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Some savants are able to perform extreme mathematical calculations in their head, similar to a calculator or computer, and others have remarkable artistic ability spanning across a variety of subjects. The list of abilities seen in savants is long, and one ability that could one day be added to that list is telepathy.

Unfortunately, it’s commonly believed that the autistic children who lack movement and communication are ‘not there.’ Yet some evidence suggests they are not only aware, but have greater mental abilities than the average person. The communication barrier may be preventing them from sharing that with us, but perhaps we’ve been missing something?

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Jeff Bridges Wants To Know: When Did We Become A Plastic Society? (Video)

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

It’s no surprise – we are using tons of plastic, way more than we need, and the Earth cannot digest it. Every single piece of plastic that has been created still exists somewhere on the Earth. It is poisoning our oceans, landfills and bodies. The production of plastic goods is polluting our atmosphere, and as a result of the oil extraction process to obtain the petroleum to make the plastic, our forests are being cut down and our rivers, lakes and oceans are being polluted. When will it be enough? The fact of the matter is, we are using more plastic now than ever before, and because it is so (seemingly) easily disposed of, most of us are completely unaware of the waste we are helping to produce, especially on a mass scale.

GFP Newsletter - 1/14/2017

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The Master is only a catalytic agent, just like the sunrise in the morning - the birds all around start singing. Not that the sun comes to each bird's nest and knocks on the door or presses the buzzer and says, "It is time now - get up and sing!"

The flowers start opening, releasing their fragrance - not that they are being told, "It is morning and you have to do it"; the very presence of the sun is a catalytic agent. The sun is not doing anything, but millions of things are happening just by its presence.

The Master is exactly that - a catalytic agent. He does nothing, but millions of things happen around him.

They happen because of him but are not caused by him - and the difference is great.


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Awaken to Your Own Glory

God said:

Know your own significance. You are valuable. You are entitled.

You don't have to tiptoe around yourself. Have no worries about disturbing world beliefs for others. Who has the right to take away even 1/8th inch of what is meaningful to you? You are the decider of what is worthwhile to you. No one is to repress what is vital to you.

Next week, you may find yourself drawn to something else. Who says you must stay with something all your life? If you are drawn to something all your life, you are drawn to it. If something new pulls you, then something new pulls you. Your heart is your enabler. No one has the right to decide your path or paths for you. Only you. You are the one who leads your life.

You may not always feel self-propelling. Sometimes, Life itself seems to pick you up, toss you up in the air, and where you land – there you are -- perhaps a great surprise to you!

One way or another, your destiny will find you. Or it will not. If not, be your own self-mover. Do hand-stands if you have to find your way in the mist.

Your life belongs to you, and your life belongs to Me. The long and the short of it -- in the final analysis of your life – I am your Destiny. You will knowingly wind up with Me. We are pinned together. Our connection is secure. There is never a time Our connection is not. From a human point of view, you may resist knowing Our Connection, yet this is to no avail. We are Forever One.

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Light Pillars In Canada Reveal The Stunning Beauty Of Nature [Watch]

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

Sometimes, beauty in nature is subtle. Other times, it's bold and impossible to ignore.

Nature is incredible. If you need more evidence of this, look no further than the images below, captured by Timothy Joseph Elzinga. The Ontario, Canada, was woken up by his two-year-old son at 1:30 a.m. and noticed the dancing lights in the night sky. Without further thought, he threw some clothes on, grabbed a camera, and headed outdoors.

“We can blame the two-year-old. He started crying at 1:30 a.m., so I got up and soothed him … and out the window I had the perfect view of these dancing lights in the sky,” recalls Elzinga. “I had to investigate. I got some pants on and ran outside and took some photos.”

National Geographic informed the public that the phenomenon is actually a result of light bouncing off of ice crystals that float low to the ground. Named light pillars, they truly are magical-looking and were a sight to see, as is evident by the images below. 

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Are you done?
It is enough?
Are you ready to stop?
Are you ready to start?!
It is time to be done beating up on yourself.
It is time to start viewing yourself as good enough.
It is time to stop belittling who you are.
It is time to start embracing the beauty, intelligence, joy and love that The Universe is offering you.  Yes, it is nice to receive these confirmations from others, but you must also be able to give them to yourself. ~ Creator


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