God said:
Just what is it that you fear you are missing from life? What perceived lack of Love of Life plagues you? What seems to keep happiness at a standstill from you?
How you wish you were one of those happy people who get along with life and their wives. Some people really seem to love. They know how to continue to love the same person with all their heart year after year. They love for the long haul whereas your heart seems to sink and let you down. Your heart just can't seem to sustain itself.
All the love that Earth hands to you, sooner or later, fizzles out. Maybe it is that some people have a knack for keeping love warm while others simply don't know how to keep the home fires burning. The flame goes out. Love goes downhill.
You don't want love to cool down, yet, your love life let you down, or it's you that lets love down. Surely, so far, every time, you strike out when it comes to love. You once were sure each time that your love this time would last forever.
Some people's love stays steady. It is everything to them to give happiness, and their hearts go full steam ahead whereas your feelings of love go kaput. Your love turns sour, and bitterness becomes what's left of your once great love. You are unable to rekindle it.
You have observed some people whose love was not a grand flame, and yet their love grew. They learned to love. Their love grew, and, in old age, they hold hands and are precious to each other. They never became spitfires.