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Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 10, 2017

Many human beings have an all or nothing attitude. They feel that if they can’t make the leap into a huge success, there is no point in trying. While you hear stories about the overnight success, or those who win the lottery or experience some other monumental change of circumstance, the reality is most people are not energetically aligned to make such major changes.

But this does not for one second mean that you cannot have the changes you dream about. Far from it! It simply means that you must change your approach and start to honour the process of unfoldment.

Unfoldment is the journey of positive change, one Now moment at a time. It is moving towards your goals in increments, and celebrating each step with your use of gratitude. It is a path of faith and focus and flow.

Dear Ones, your success wishes to unfold for you right now! Do you desire healing? Do one small thing today that will support your wellness. Do you desire more money? Find a monetary amount that you feel comfortable and confident in creating and start from there. Do you wish to experience more love in your life? Find a way to experience the feeling of love, even if it is fleeting, today.

We cannot stress how quickly small consistent changes add up to big successes because with each effort, no matter how small, you are starting to embody what is desired and taking tangible action to match your intentions, and that, Dear Ones, is being the change. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Popular ‘God’ Facebook Page Banned For Post About US Spending Too Much On War

In an act of astonishing irony, Facebook has suspended the satirical account 'God' — because he dared criticize US military spending.

By: Claire Bernish / The Free Thought Project   Facebook’s notorious censorship — which has included takedowns of iconic images like the Vietnam War’s ‘Napalm Girl’ to the arrest of Rosa Parks to a photograph of a classical statue of Venus — reached a whole other level of absurd recently, when the platform suspended God’s account.

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One Of The World’s Largest Supervolcanoes Is Stirring; 500,000 Lives At Risk

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

When Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried the Italian city of Pompeii in ash, killing 2,000 people, it was regarded as one of the most catastrophic natural disasters and is still studied heavily today. By comparison, a nearby supervolcano called Campi Flegrei, which means “burning fields,” would put the lives of 500,000 Italians at risk and cause damage that would extend to the surrounding nations.

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Covert Mind Control Programs and Mass Shootings

Danny F. Quest, Contributor
Waking Times 

This article is going to be hard for some people to accept. Depending on what level of awareness you currently have and how far you have ventured into the rabbit-hole some of the information presented thus forward may be overwhelming and/or frightening some of the claims made may make you skeptical of the truth, again depending on your perception of reality. Before we jump into the realization that covert elements of the United States Central Intelligence agency and it’s black budget apparatus have been using military mind-control technology to implement false-flag terror attacks on the American people as part of a larger geo-political agenda, lets first ask ourselves if these type of technologies could even exist?

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January 12th, 2017 Cancer Full Moon: Emotion, Revolution & Revelations

by Lance Schuttler , The Mind Unleashed

On Thursday January 12th, 2017, we will have a full moon in Cancer. Some major aspects of the full moon include Jupiter sextile Saturn, Uranus trine Saturn and the mega aspect that will occur later in the day: a Grand Cross between Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Uranus. Something big is building towards not only the full moon, but the Grand Cross.

To begin, because the moon is in Cancer, a water sign and ruler of our emotions, we might find that this is a time of an extremely heightened emotional state. Full moons are known to heighten the emotions, but when the full moon is in Cancer, our emotions can run even higher.

If things become challenging in any way for you around this time, simply stepping outside and breathing deeply can help tremendously. Also, burning sage and clearing the energy in your home or around your space is also a highly suggested tool to use if things become difficult.

Jupiter Sextile Saturn

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth and abundance makes a supportive sextile aspect with Saturn. Since Saturn is the planet of structures and discipline, we can see that this is a time of cautious expansion on projects and ideas that we are working on. We are practical and precise in the best ways. Breakthroughs in our projects can happen. More abundance can come in. Justice, on personal and social levels, is strongly supported.

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There Is More to God Than a Leap of Faith.

God said:

Instead of thinking: "Woe is me," begin to think in a richer way. 

Think: "Joy is mine."

Think: "I am love. Love is what I am. God says so. I am here to love. May every day it become easier for me to love. It is, in fact, easy to love. What is loving but to see the Beauty of God everywhere? I understand that this is the Truth of Life. God IS everywhere. Therefore, I am the Joy of God."

Dear Children, it cannot be that I am nowhere. I exist. I have always existed. I am with you and within you. We are truthfully in Infinity together and nowhere else. No one is kept out from Infinity. Whether you are aware of this or not, this is the Truth. You have never been away from Infinity. Tell Me another story!

You are Infinity Itself! We are Infinity. We are not merely stored in Infinity, you understand. Infinity and Oneness -- what more is there to say?

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What We Know About The 12 Month Calendar Is All Wrong- Why We Should Be Using The 13 Moon Cycle - TruthTheory

By Luke Miller Truth Theory

Is what we know about our calendar all wrong?

Life is one big cycle made up of lots of decreasingly smaller cycles, perhaps moving infinitely in both directions.

  • 1 second
  • 1 minute
  • 1 hour
  • 1 day
  • 1 week
  • 1 month
  • 1 year
  • 1 decade
  • 1 century

This is just the cycle of time too, we also have-

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Seven Arrested For Feeding Homeless In Public Park

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

Activists with the group Food Not Bombs were arrested in Tampa, Florida on Saturday for feeding the needy without the necessary permits.

Since 2008 economic crisis, homelessness in the United States has been on the rise, particularly in cities and urban areas. Though most local and city governments are well-aware of the issue, many have decided to criminalize the homeless instead of working to alleviate their hardships or resolve the underlying problems which contribute to the phenomenon. Not only that, but many have also sought to criminalize those activists and good samaritans who offer food and services to the homeless when over-burdened homeless shelters and food pantries cannot.

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First Of Its Kind Study Shows that Change In Diet Alone — Not Drugs — Is Curing Diseases

Big Pharma isn't going to like this. Diet alone was able to bring patients with active disease into clinical remission, avoiding the need for harmful meds.

By: Justin Gardner / The Free Thought Project   Let medicine be thy food and let food be thy medicine.” – Hippocrates

In the fourth century BCE, the most famous Greek physician made the bold claim that disease was caused naturally, not by the gods. Environment, diet and living habits all played a part in the health of a person.

The tools and techniques of modern science have allowed us to uncover many secrets of nutrition. But we’re still just scratching the surface of the complex ways in which food compounds interact with the body.

 As Mat Edelson wrote for Hopkins Medicine, the rise of corporatism had a big influence on medicine.

GFP Newsletter - 1/8/2017

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Nobody is a criterion for anybody else.

But it has been continually argued for centuries: what is the criterion to decide who is enlightened and who is not? It has not been decided yet, and will never be decided ever, for the simple reason that every enlightened person is nothing but freedom, spontaneity. He is beyond any predictions.

You cannot decide according to a formula that, yes, this man is enlightened because he has fulfilled the formula. There is no formula.

The enlightened person is known only by those who happen to fall in love with him, who somehow come close to him, become intimate with him; so intimate that something of his freedom, something of his spontaneity, something of his light starts filtering into them.


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Forgiveness Is a Given. Suffering Is Not.

God said:

On one hand, you don't ask enough of life. You settle for too little. On the other hand, you demand too much. You are affronted when life takes a turn you are opposed to. Every now and then, from being placid, you become ferocious and stamp your foot at life and refuse to tolerate it. You can turn on a dime, dear ones, so affected are you by what you perceive as an attack from life.

You are not always at extremes, yet at any moment, you sometimes are.

Would that you could weather storms without so much drama. If only you would.

I am not telling you that you must always placate life. You don't have to be a Yes-Man to life. On the other hand, it behooves you to know when to return to joy and let go of stamping your foot.

It really is for you to move on and to move upwards. You can leave uproar behind you. You can come to peace within yourself. You don't have to drag out emotional pain. You can have loved and lost and still go forward.

Beloveds, in the long run what choice do you have? It’s not better to profess to being long-suffering. You do better to get up from suffering sooner.

If you could cut your suffering and shorten the length of its acuteness by 10%, would this not be in everyone's best interest?

There is a misunderstanding in the world as to need for grieving and the meaning of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a given. Suffering is not. Both suffering and forgiveness are choices.


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