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MIT Scientist Explains Why Modern Wheat is Causing So Many Health Problems

Anna Hunt, Staff
Waking Times

The use of Monsanto’s Round-up herbicide has increased substantially over the last 40 years. Many researchers are starting to believe that increased use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round-up, correlates to the rise in many modern diseases.

According to Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), glyphosate appears to be strongly correlated with the rise in Celiac disease, and, more generally, gluten intolerance.

“[G]ut dysbiosis, brought on by exposure to glyphosate, plays a crucial role in the development of celiac disease. Many CYP enzymes are impaired in association with celiac disease, and we show that glyphosate’s known suppression of CYP enzyme activity in plants and animals plausibly explains this effect in humans.” ~ Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance by Dr. Anthony Samsel and Dr. Stephanie Seneff

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Love Expressed Again and Again

God said:

If you don't like the word gratitude, then think of the word appreciate in the case that you are more comfortable with the word appreciate.

What are they, these words, but a recognition of a gift dropped off to you? The recognition of a gift is a notice, a little nod, or perhaps even a blink of joy that says: "You gave me something. I received it. I am glad. You gave me a chance to look up."

It is not downplaying yourself to express thanks to anyone. You are not too busy. Life is meant to be simple. Every one of My children is meant to be star-crossed. There is love in the stars perpetuated on Earth.

Everyone recognizes the great gift a plucked dandelion is that a little child hands to his mother. It takes no thought. The dandelion is a pure direct gift from the child's heart. The dandelion wants to be given, and the child hands forth his heart. The dandelion is a declaration of the child's love ringing over the Universe. Love is declared, and all hear the ringing of the bells whether they are consciously aware of this or not. Love reverberates. Everything reverberates. Everything is heard everywhere. Everyone is affected.

The Kohinoor diamond could not be a greater gift than the yellow dandelion. A diamond may not be nearly as great a gift as the child's offering of the dandelion. A young child has no pause between wanting to spread joy and the declaration of it. The gift of a dandelion is Oneness signaled.

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Daily Message ~ Monday December 26, 2016

Dear Ones, when you start to navigate life by following your joy and making choices based on honouring the truth of who you really are, the energies of resentment and resistance are no longer part of your life experience. Imagine the freedom, lightness, and truer connections that would create for you! Why not start now? ~Archangel Gabriel

To those who have already donated to help support our work, THANK YOU and good luck!

Your loving donations help more than you know in supporting us to be able to continue to offer you free daily content all year long. For the entire month of December, make a donation of any size and get entered in THREE draws! You could win a free hour long reading, the Partnership With Spirit course, or the Drawing Divine Love course! If you have found Gabriel'€™s messages helpful and you feel guided to do so, you can make a donation to trinity3339@hotmail.com via paypal or e-transfer to partnershipwithspirit@gmail.com (make the answer to the secret question gabriel) if you are in Canada. As always, I am so very grateful to all of you and so honoured to be connected with you during these amazing times. Wishing you all things bright and beautiful during this holiday season and beyond.


GFP Newsletter - 12/25/2016

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I used to tell my friends in the university who were great scholars - physicists, chemists, biologists, zoologists: "You all love. You all want to live. You all want to have silence, peace. You all want, deep down, to know who you are. Still, as scientists, you go on denying these things. Have you considered that you are denying yourself, that you are turning yourself into a thing?"

Science cannot go beyond things. And there is nothing wrong about it; all that is needed is that science should understand its limitations. Everything has limitations, and one should not try to prove that that which does not exist within those limitations does not exist at all. My eyes cannot hear music - that does not mean music does not exist. My ears cannot see the light - is that enough to prove there is no light? It simply proves the limitations of the ear.


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Life Tells Its Own Story

God said:

Where does a day go? Where falls a memory? What does it mean when someone says that out of mind is out of sight? When you come down to it, what does anything mean when everything is skipping along on its way at the very moment it seems to occur, or, pretends to occur, or acts as if it occurs, and what was, as it once was, is never to occur again. Something filled a place. You thought it was supposed to be forever. It slipped away, never to be seen again as it you had been sure it was supposed to.

There are those times when nothing seems to make sense. In that case, why harp on Life's having to make sense to you then? Forget about sense. Life does not have to make sense. Who said that Life has to make sense? Who set up that idea and told you that Life is bound to follow your good sense?

Let Life be what it happens to be. Life is a puzzle like Humpty Dumpty that can't be put together to make perfect sense – as Humpty Dumpty was once upon an imaginary time. Life is perfectly capable of being what it is when it is. To My children, that often means not to make any sense at all. You have some say in Life, yet you are not the authorized final decider of the world.

You are not to reframe your Life according to opinion or fashion or restriction when Life is unrestricted and has more say than you.

Anything goes in Life. You may wonder:

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Life to Joy

God said:

Yes, I hear a recurrent refrain in the world in one form or another like this:

"Beloved God, yesterday, at the supermarket, an old friend came over to tell me how good I look. Looks aren’t everything by a long shot, yet, wow, what a fine message this was to hear!

"What if every day l receive this message instead of so many of the messages I hear day end and day out? I would like a message like this every day and even greater than this!

"God, it cannot be in the natural scheme of life to be heartsick over age in Life. It cannot be that decline and disappointment are meant to tell the story of our lives.

"This friend, who cheered me, is certainly one of the most happy most loving people I know. It must be that happy and loving are the same. Such a little thing I grasp at. What good is anything without cheer?

“God, what happened to my happiness, the remembered days when I was eager to jump out of bed in the morning to see what every day would bring? How did all my once-anticipated joy turn to dust? How do I restore my Life to Joy?”

Dear One, now I take you aside from the madding crowd. I tell you in no uncertain terms that you are not to feel down and out because you looked away or askance at joy, dear one. This kind of atonement wears you out.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday December 25, 2016

On this holiest of days when you honour the Christed energies, we encourage you to absorb the influx of divine energy and to carry it forward in all you do, allowing unconditional love, unity consciousness, and peace to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel

To those who have already donated to help support our work, THANK YOU and good luck!

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My darling one, I know that awakening or being fully awake in a world of ‘sleepers’ can be a challenging experience.  Your unique understanding and explanations of your Earth plane seem to fall on deaf ears.  You may, indeed, feel as if you are being viewed as a body with three heads.  Never fear, my love!  Changes, however slow they feel to you, are coming.  Embrace your beautiful gifts and know you are very needed during this process! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 12/24/2016

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The dilemma is that science cannot accept being, life. You can cut a man in thousands of parts, you will not find life anywhere. In fact, you cannot put him back together again. Even if you glue him together again, life will not come back.

What is life? How can science accept it? It is beyond the scientist's grasp. So if he accepts it he accepts a limitation of science - and he accepts something higher than science. Then science cannot be the decisive factor in human life. This is against the ego of the scientist.


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On The Way

My dearest; this past year may not have been the best in your existence.  It has been challenging and there may have been times when you wanted to give up and not take one more step.  Let it be known that your tenacity, your growth and willingness to take leaps of faith have been duly noted.  As your new year begins, please remember that rewards for your previous works are coming to you!  They may not arrive with a theme song and fireworks, but they are on their way…..and you are worthy and deserving of receiving.  Open yourself to the infinite possibilities! ~ Creator


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First Solar Road In The World Officially Opens In France [Watch]

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

Roughly 30,000 square feet of solar panels have been installed on a road in a small Normandy town.

There’s a lot to appreciate about France, specifically its law prohibiting supermarkets from purposefully wasting food, the ban it passed on plastic cutlery, cups, and plates, and the 24-hour car-free day which is held annually in Paris. In the small village of Tourouvre-au-Perche, however, one will also find a route which is the first solar road in the world.

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Blame Russia? Fake News? What About CIA’s Involvement In Other Countries’ Elections? Ron Paul Speaks Out

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The 2016 U.S. presidential election was bound by controversy, with powerful people, sick of the secrets and lies, blowing the whistle on elitist corruption. The aftermath has proven just as hairy, with more questions presenting themselves daily, and more answers, which go against the grain of a tight-knit country based on morality, have created a mudslide.

Dr. Ron Paul has been actively speaking out against the American electoral system for quite some time, claiming it is rigged in order to keep “independent thinkers” from succeeding. The former Texas congressman called the elections a mere “charade” that’s steeped in deceit. Paul ran for the highest office as a Libertarian in 1988, and in 2008 and 2012 as a Republican.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday December 24, 2016

Dear Ones, as you continue through the healing journey that is the enlightenment process, all that is required is that you have a desire to accept healing and the healing will come. It will come by the perfect person/modality coming into your awareness. It will come through the releasing/integrating of energies. It will come through meditation, or your sleep state. There are a myriad of ways healing can happen! All that is required is that you have the desire and the openness for it to occur, and it will surely find its way to you. ~Archangel Gabriel


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