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4 Things You Should Know About Depression and Spiritual Illness

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

A shaman and spiritual healer once explained to me that in his culture, an indigenous rainforest tribe of Equatorial Western Africa, depression is something incomprehensible. It’s simply not something they can relate to, in fact, he told me, the first time Westerners described this malaise to the chiefs in their village, members of the tribe actually laughed out loud, for it seemed so odd and extraordinary to them. How can anyone not be happy when possessing the greatest gift of all, the gift life, they inquired.

In the West, depression and other so-called mental disorders are a very real fact of life for many. This cannot be denied, and to combat these disorders, we’ve developed a full catalogue to describe them, and have created an entire professional medical discipline for diagnosing and treating them, with the result that depression has become an enormously profitable sector of the healthcare industry.

GFP Newsletter - 12/15/2016

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Repress anything and it will come up from some other side.

Life is condemned, sex is condemned, having a desire to live comfortably is condemned. To enjoy anything - food, clothes - is condemned. This is cutting your life. Piece by piece life is taken away from you.



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Love That Lasts Only for Awhile

God said:

You love, and you squabble with those you love. Love becomes acrimony. Love becomes acidic. Love is covered up with fussing and fuming. Love has been wasted.

Declare peace. Move on. Get past the smallness. Return to Greatness.

You love, and then you undo it as if love were a spool, and you unwind it idly, as if the unwinding of love were more important than the Presence of Love. How many times have you undermined the love in your heart? It is like you protest love. How many ways and how many times can one human being shove love away and turn it into annoyance, frustration, and refusal to love?

Why practice negativity in the Field of Love? Why turn Light into darkness?

You may say you can't help it.

Be humble and value love. Acknowledge love. Acknowledge the Love in your heart.

Don't think of your love as skinny. Fatten up your love. Uplight love and not dissension.

Oneness exists. Must you nag at love and thwart it?

How many times are you to strike out at love? You tell yourself that Love can be lasting and that you don’t have to heckle at your love, yet, bewildered, you ask yourself how many interludes of love can you spoil in one lifetime?

You tell yourself, if you must separate from love, then separate amicably. What good can love that turns into dust be?

You used to think that you had all the time in the world when love right now was your occasion to love. Love did not have to be torn into shreds, yet it was.

What smallness is it that would cancel love?

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Facebook To Use Snopes, ABC News, & More To Fact Check & Bury ‘Fake News’ Stories

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The aftermath of the 2016 US presidential election caused the corporate media to break out into a full blown frenzy, attacking independent media, and urging people to point the finger at alternative news outlets. This resulted in many legitimate news outlets being labeled as “fake news.”

The global elite are fighting tooth and nail to keep their system running smoothly, despite the unavoidable shift in consciousness that has been occurring. People flock to alternative news sources because they no longer trust the mainstream outlets that have run the show for many years. They are now aware that the wool has been pulled over their eyes, and have instead chosen to stand up rather than succumb to this realization.

People seek a platform that not just informs everyone of what’s happening in the world without bias or political agendas, but one that is solution-based.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday December 15, 2016

Dear Ones, so many of you are afraid of change. Yet your heartfelt manifestations can only come to you through change. So you are wanting change, yet blocking it at the same time by seeking to remain the same. No wonder so many of you are feeling discomfort!

You have developed a belief that change is bad or unwanted. But you must understand that healing is a change, a new job is a change, moving into your highest service is a change, birth is a change, experiencing deeper love is a change. If you don't have enough money, abundance is a change. Growth is a change. World peace is a change. Unity consciousness and acceptance is a change. The entire ascension process is change - the profound shift from victim consciousness to authentic power, from stagnation to creation. Evolution, by its very nature is change. Do you see?

Perhaps, just perhaps, it isn't change you should be afraid of, at all. If you really wish to be afraid of something, we would suggest it be fear of staying the same, because it isn't change that is the hard part. The really painful struggle is the discomfort of resistance, and trying to stay in energies that no longer support you.

So thrive, Dear Ones! Surrender. Flow. Shine. Understand movement is your friend, because it is through change that we can best serve and support you, leading you always to your next perfect match and experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 12/14/2016

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The moment you are no longer conditioned, you will not ask what the goal of life is. Your whole question will go through a revolution. You will ask, "How can I live more totally? How can I drown myself utterly in life?" - because life is the goal of everything; hence there can be no goal for life.


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The Sun Shines on You

God said:

If you can use upliftment today, find some.

If you cannot think of something new to inspire you, think of something that inspired you in the past, and, meanwhile, stay open to something new. What books have inspired you? What movies have uplifted you? What people have believed in you?

Ah, you may fear they won't inspire you now. It is possible that what inspired you once, will pull its blinds down now.

If you haven't been looking for inspiration, what have you been looking for?

There is inspiration for you to find. Get it.

If you can use a lift, rise to it. Walk right up to Life and say: "Inspire me. Inspire me right now." Ask Life to throw inspiration at you. Ask Me to raise your spirits.

What are you doing with your days when your heart lags? Don't just sit there and bemoan how you feel. Get off the couch.

Going out in nature is always good. In any case, look for inspiration, and it will pop up. Be open for it. For inspiration, by all means, say, "Gimme, gimme." Attract it by keeping your eyes open.

See whom you can inspire. Give an inspiring word. Give that which you seek. Not false cheer, you understand, yet hold up your shoulders.

Remember that you bask under the Sun.

Be the Sun. At the least, reflect the Sun.

The world has enough clouds imposed on it. Be sunny, not gray.

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City Of Seattle Dumps Wells Fargo Over Investment In Dakota Access Pipeline

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

The city of Seattle plans to remove $3 billion from Wells Fargo to protest the atrocities which have taken place at Standing Rock.

A few weeks ago, actress and activist Susan Sarandon made headlines when she asked supporters of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe – who are protesting the four-state Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) – to pull their money out of the banks which are invested in its development. “Water protectors”, who have been camped out near Cannon Ball, ND, since April, argue that the controversial DAPL will uproot sacred burial ground and potentially contaminate the Missouri River. In addition, they maintain that the land is rightfully theirs due to an 1851 treaty which was never revoked.

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Experts Reveal Techniques Used by the Media to Brainwash & Control Us

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

With so much vitriol flying in every direction these days about fake news, Russian propaganda, misinfo and disinfo, it’s crucial to acknowledge and understand the fact that there is a definitive science to distorting reality and manufacturing public consent. Many of the deliberate techniques of this form of social mind control are well-documented, having been revealed by industry insiders, experts, and content manufacturers.

In the Beginning

Known as the father of modern propaganda, Edward Bernays was the original pioneer of social engineering via mass media. In the early 20th century Bernays laid the foundation for cultural programming at the whole-society level by helping to transform a mostly rural agrarian based society into a homogenized culture of consumers and devout statists.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 14, 2016

Dear Ones, you are about to step forward into a year of creation after a year of completion. Are you ready to wrap up your completion? Are you truly ready to let the old cycle go and embrace the new?

Stepping out of completion into creation is much like wrapping up your higher education in school. You work hard towards the future goal of achieving a certain level of attainment. But eventually you will have moved through and absorbed all that particular learning phase has to offer. It will be time to leave the familiarity of school and step forth into the world in your new expression of self. At some point you must let the old phase go and transition into the new phase of creation. At some point you must move beyond the learning and step into the being.

That is where you are at, as you are poised to lock in your progress with the solstice (your graduation ceremony of 2016, if you will), and step forward into your next grand expression of self in 2017. You are ready. You have done the work. How will you choose to create and contribute in the fresh energies of a brand new year? ~Archangel Gabriel


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