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Police Fire Tear Gas On DAPL Protestors As Pipeline Nears Completion

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

With the election furor drowning out most other stories, the struggle to prevent the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline has fallen from the public view. However, the situation there is escalating as the controversial project is nearing the completion of the pipeline’s North Dakota segment. The main section that has yet to be completed is the most controversial of all – the crossing of the Missouri river. The pipeline’s river crossing is the aspect of the project that the Standing Rock Sioux and their allies are most concerned about as it presents the greatest threat to their water supply and the surrounding environment. The river crossing is also a contentious issue as the company behind the Dakota Access pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners, lack the necessary permit to bore under the river, meaning that this phase of the pipeline’s construction will be illegal unless a permit is acquired. However, the company and its partners have said that they expect to receive the permit in short order, though doubts have been raised as to whether the company will wait for the permit to advance the project.

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The Revolving Solar-Powered Home That Won Big at California’s First Tiny House Competition

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The tiny house movement seems to get bigger and bigger each year (pun intended), and now there’s even competitions for it!

California’s first tiny house competition took place recently, and showed off some genius ideas. Called the SMUD Tiny House Competition, the grand prize was a whopping $10,000, provided by partner sponsor Raley’s Family of Fine Stores along with other sponsors.

The competition was held the week of Oct. 10 at Cosumnes River College in Sacramento. First place was awarded to Santa Clarita University students, who created a 238 square foot structure boasting astonishing attributes from a technological and design standpoint.

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Heart of the Matter

God said:

My children cry out: "Why not joy, God? Why not joy? Is there any reason at all not to unfold joy on this fertile Earth?"

There is no reason at all. Anything less than joy is just a smoke-screen, a cover-up for Love, as if you can't smile and be glad to. The cover-up is something you insert to hide the Love you keep in reserve. Is love too much for you? Why not simply Love and let Love be voiced in every intention? Harmony all, nothing less. Peace unto two dear children or a hundred dear children at a time. No more dancing around the Heart of the Matter of Love.

You know, everyone desires Love. For the time being, desire to be simply at peace. Desire peace between two individuals who have more Love than they know what to do with. There is no good reason to dissemble where Love is. Do you really think it is safer to pre-empt Love and turn it into a drama where Love pretends to be not? Cultivate Love.

It is not for My children to pretend they Love any more than it is for My children to pretend non-Love.

If Love were flowers, would you not Let Love Bloom? It is definitely not your call to stuff Love in a corner somewhere. It is not for you to get back to Love sometime. No, it is for you to open wide the portals of Love and not deny it or block it. Love is now and definitely not to be shunted aside. Love is not an orphan. Love is the most beloved child of all.

How Did Trump Become President?

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I see many people around the world shocked that Donald Trump was actually elected president of the United States. I see people blaming racism, sexism, and ignorance as the main reasons Trump was elected, but if you look closer there’s a lot more to it than that.

You have to understand the current political environment in the US, the average person’s trust in their government and the media is at all-time lows. People know the government doesn’t represent them, and they’re hungry for change. People wanted something different, and Trump was offering that to them. Now I don’t believe that Americans are bound to only two options for president, but the majority of Americans have been convinced the two-party system is simply “the way things are,” so in their eyes they only had two choices, Trump or Clinton. Trump offered change, to “make America great again”, while Clinton was promoting the status quo.

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Be Ready

After an emotionally painful experience, it is not uncommon for you to retreat to a quiet space and ‘lick your wounds’.  This is very human!  When things do not turn out the way you had planned it is important to remember that you are still connected to your brothers and sisters both in times of peace and in times of conflict.  My darling and beloved child, take your time in your quiet space and do what you need to do.  When you are ready, come out and be ready to affect the change you agreed to and were sent to do. ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 10, 2016

Dear Ones, you are more aware now, than any other time on your planet, how much divisiveness and separation hurts. The anti-dotes for those energies are acceptance, allowing, unity consciousness, and unconditional love. Now is a time to be kind, gentle, and understanding with yourselves and each other, as there are many opportunities for healing and deeper awareness in times of great change. That healing comes by lovingly responding to what is needed one Now moment at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel


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These Plants Are Oxygen Bombs & They Clean The Air In Your Home

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

Everyone would love to have a fresh, clean living space to come home to each day, and while part of that is up to us, we can put some house plants to work to keep our air clean quite effectively. Thankfully, NASA’s Clean Air Study helps us know which are effective.

Environmental toxins are important to cut down on. With toxins entering our body from our air, clothing, food, water, cosmetics, soaps, shampoos etc, not being aware of what we’re exposed to can increase our risks of disease.

Eighty-four thousand chemicals are legal for commerce in the US. Incredibly, all are essentially unregulated. In 2011, chemicals accounted for more than $763 billion in revenue. For example, the six billion pounds of BPA produced every year generates about $8 billion in profits for its manufacturers.

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Ah, the Relative World

God said:

Beloved Ones, do you believe you know just how everything in Life is supposed to be? You may be certain that Life isn't to appear the way it does, yet Life has appeared in this way. You protest. You may protest big time, yet, where does protest get you?

Life may not be a snap for you right now. There may well be nothing jolly about the situation you find yourself in. Sooner or later, some way or another, you have to make peace with Life as it appears right now, whether or not Life at the Moment is your favored choice or not.

To be in a difficult situation is hard enough. To be in a difficult situation is extra hard when you refuse to bend. Make peace with Life and the people in it.

Let go of your attachment to your thoughts being correct, and Life at fault. Fault is not the question. Fault doesn't make your heartache better. In fact, fault bolts you to where you are. Prove wrong-doing to the hilt, and, still, you are where you are.

Let's get you unstuck. Once there was a story about a man who was in severe pain because of his right big toe. There was no lessening of the pain he experienced until – until he was wounded in his left knee as well. Then the sore toe wasn't so sore. This tale points out how it is that everything in the world is relative.

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Putin’s On Trump Victory: Russia Ready To Restore Peace With US

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Today America is divided. People are sad and others are happy. And somewhere in between everyone is staring at each other in confusion as to how to strike up a conversation without offending someone else. Today is strange, historical and exhausting to talk about. But the results have been finalized and Donald J Trump is America’s new president. There are many things that will happen as a result of this, and Russia is already weighing in.
According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russia is prepared to move forward with restoring a healthy relationship with the United States. This came after the news of Trump’s victory rolled in.
Putin spoke at the presentation ceremony of foreign ambassadors’ letters of credentials in Moscow, saying:
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Election Anxiety Begone: Legal Marijuana Now A Reality in 20% of US

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

This election cycle has been unique in many ways, in part because the two most unpopular candidates in American history battled for the privilege of being “figurehead-in-chief” of the US establishment. This electoral contest brought untold anxiety upon many Americans while also dividing friends and family. Despite the divisiveness that is sure to cause tempers to continue to flare over the next few weeks, some states have reason to celebrate. Marijuana initiatives were on the ballot in nine states. Voters in Florida, Montana, North Dakota, and Arkansas voted on medical marijuana while California, Nevada, Arizona, Massachusetts, and Maine voted on the recreational use of marijuana for people over the age of 21.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 9, 2016

Dear Ones, there are always ways to unify. People want to be safe. They want to be loved. They want to be honoured and accepted. They want things to expand, to improve, to be better, however that looks to them. Those are the connections that you can water and grow, by recognizing, nurturing, and celebrating the common denominators that exist in each other, and building bridges of understanding and positive change from there, even if the choices and paths of others are different than what you would choose for yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 11/8/2016

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Organized religion is nothing but politics in the name of religion. And the people who organize it are not religious, cannot be. The popes, the shankaracharyas, the imams, the rabbis - these people are not religious at all for the simple reason that they are full of knowledgeability, while a religious man knows he knows nothing. He knows that existence is so mysterious, there is no way to reduce it into knowledge. He is mystified by existence.

A truly religious person is a mystic.

He is a poet - not writing poetry, but living poetry.

He is a painter - not painting on the canvas but painting on his own consciousness continuously.

He is a musician; he may have never touched any instrument but he is continuously playing on his own inner being a music which cannot be translated in any way, cannot be brought from those higher realms of being to the lower, darker valleys of our life.

He is a dancer; he may not move from one posture but his being is in a continual dance.

A religious person cannot be Christian, Hindu or Mohammedan. To be religious is to be so vast you cannot confine it in such small prisons - churches, sects, creeds, dogmas.


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Denver To Hire Hundreds Of Homeless People To Work For The City

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Over the next year, the city of Denver, Colorado will try something new. While some people will consider this outrageous, others will wonder why we’ve never tried this before: the city will make paying jobs available to the hundreds of homeless people without jobs.

The Denver Day Works Program started November 1st and is expected to run until next October. The program will offer day-by-day jobs to the people who are currently living on the streets. The work will be for the city and will include park maintenance, planting trees, and clearing snow.

Spokesperson for Denver Human Services, Julie Smith said: “We want it to be low to no barriers. No background checks. Do you want to work? We’re going to put you to work today.”


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