GFP Newsletter - 10/12/2016

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It is the strange mind of man. You are obsessed with things of which you are afraid. Perhaps you are obsessed only because you are afraid. Your fear and your obsession are almost always pointed to the same thing.


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What Some ‘Charities’ are Actually Doing With Your Money? Not All Good Causes Are Created Equal

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

I regularly find myself faced with a predicament at checkout counters of places like grocery markets and pet stores: “Would you like to donate a dollar to this charity?”

Sometimes I do it because it feels right. Other times the look in the attendant’s eyes makes me feel guilty and pressured, and I oblige, as if I wasn’t asked, but told. Other times, I refuse because I’ve already done it, and I make sure to tell them that, as opposed to simply saying no. But when this conversation came up with a friend the other day, they advised me to ask, next time, “How much of the donation money actually goes to the charity?”

A quick sweep of the web will reveal why this question is so important.

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The Meanwhile Trail

God said:

What means the most to you in your life? Who are you really? Whose life are you living actually? Yours? Or are you attempting someone else's life? There is a tendency for some, perhaps many, to purloin the life of another as if you are a stranger to your own self. Live your life. Be true to yourself. There may be more than one path that is truly yours.

You may follow false ghosts all your life. You may emulate others and cast yourself adrift. Find out who you are, and follow your own steps, one step after another.

Surely, the meaning of your own life does not require that you follow the crowd as though the general population knows more about who you are and what you are supposed to appear as in this lifetime at whatever crossroads. No one knows as much as you do about yourself, even when you may be floundering. You do not have to be as others seem to think you ought to be.

Oh, yes, you may have gone along with someone else's thoughts.

Beloveds, you are trying out life. You are trying it out for size.

Don't buy any another's life for your own. What is the percentage in this? You are not someone else. You are you. You have your own star or stars to follow.

Furthermore, come along with Me. Follow Me. I will lead you to your path. Your path may surprise you. Your path is like no other. Your true path will take you to the top of the mountain. You do not have to take the long way around.

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Judge Rules Architects of CIA Torture Program Must Testify in Court

by Derrick Broze, The Anti-Media

Washington — Despite the Central Intelligence Agency’s best efforts, at least two former high-level officials must sit for depositions as part of a lawsuit against the two men who were responsible for designing and implementing torture techniques for the CIA.

On Tuesday, October 3, U.S. District Court Senior Judge Justin Quackenbush ruled CIA officials would be required to answer questions under oath as requested by defendants James Mitchell and John Bruce Jessen. Both men are former U.S. military psychologists who are seen as the “architects” of the CIA’s torture program.

According to the recent Senate report on CIA torture “neither psychologist had experience as an interrogator, nor did either have specialized knowledge of al-Qa’ida, a background in terrorism, or any relevant regional, cultural, or linguistic expertise.”

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You can only Love God by loving yourselves!

All are loved.  There are no exceptions. All are children of the Divine One.  Nothing can change that because God, Source, Love – choose whatever word works best for you, resonates most powerfully  with you to signify the Supreme Intelligence of infinite Love – eternally and without conditions loves all that It creates.

Choosing not to love even one other person, however unlovable they may appear to be, is in fact a choice to remain separated from God, from yourself, and from all of creation.  It intensifies your own sense of abandonment, of worthlessness, and of terror – terror because separation, were it possible, would be eternally terminal.  That terror is deeply buried way below your conscious level of awareness.  If it were not, and if it were believed, it would cause insanity.

You do need to remind yourselves at least daily that you are Divine Beings created in infinite and eternal Love, and realize that your lack of knowing that, of feeling that, is a choice that you made and that you can reverse.  How?  Go within, to that holy inner space where the flame of divine Love burns eternally on your own personal altar, and open yourselves to the Love that awaits you there, wishing only to enfold you within Itself in every moment.

GFP Newsletter - 10/11/2016

will's picture

There is no action after understanding.

Understanding is the action itself.

It is not that you bring the light inside the room, then you throw the darkness out. You don't say, "I will bring the lamp in and then throw the darkness out." If you say that, anybody will know that you are blind. You don't know what you are saying. When you bring light in you will not find darkness at all. What are you going to throw out?

Understanding is light.

The moment you understand, there is no suffering to be thrown out, to be dropped, to be got rid of.

Understanding simply cleanses you.

You may have a laugh after it, but there is no action. You may have a good laugh because you will see how stupid you have been. You have been trying to get rid of things which only need to be understood, and that very understanding becomes freedom from them.

No doing other than understanding is needed.


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Disclosure: Iraq Minister Says in Press Conference 'Ancient Aliens' Came to Earth 7000 Years Ago, Building World's First Space Station

by Justin Deschamps

During a press conference that was supposed to discuss the opening of a new airport in Dhi Qar, Iraq's transport minister, Kazem Finjan, surprised reporters when he diverted from the talking points memo to claim that the ancient middle-eastern nation's location was once home to space stations built by extraterrestrials.

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Global Wealth Transfer Schemes Intentionally Widening the Income Gap

Makia Freeman, Contributor
Waking Times 

The gap between the rich and poor has become so extreme in the US, and all over the world as well, that it causing severe (and preventable) suffering, disease and even death.

If you think of society as divided into 3 classes (the upper, middle and lower classes), you can see in the following video how the wealth is being shifted to the upper class, and more specifically the super rich 1%, while at the same time many in the lower class are falling below the poverty line.

The poverty line is now advancing to those in the middle class, which means being in the middle class is becoming less meaningful: with the way things are going, even middle class people may still end up being in survival mode and living day-to-day or month-to-month.

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Spread Your Wings of Belief

God said:

To live your Truth, to be in your Truth, to accept the Truth is no less than discovering a lovely glade in, of all places, right in your front yard. No longer is the glade hidden from sight.

You may have heretofore thought you lacked wondrousness. The Truth of you is that you are wondrous. To be a human being in a body reflects more of Heaven than you, at present, see. You do not see, yet you do merit.

You are what I created, and you are My Vision, and My Vision is true. Catch up to Me, and, therefore, to your Self.

I say you are a real-live breathing angel. I say you have the wingspread of an angel. You shake your head no.

You may tell yourself that you believe in Me wholeheartedly, while you tend to toss off what I declare as true, as if I am a nice misguided God far away in the sky somewhere. Do you indulge Me? Do you believe in Me, and doubt what I say? Do you say it is too big a leap to take Me at My Word?

Behind the Seen lies the Unseen. Stretch your belief in Me to believe, at the very least, in the possibility of what I say. If you have to use your imagination, then start with your imagination. Imagine you.

Sure, you are on Earth, and, sure, you are in a body. Nevertheless, you are Soul, and Soul, your Soul, has all the freedom in the world as in Heaven. You are, with body or not, a Free Soul. There are no heights you cannot climb. Spread your Wings of Belief. You are My desire come true. I more than believe in you. I created you as a Reflection of Me. My eye is keen.


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