

hilarionra's picture

its such horseshit that you cant even get a job because of the person you have to go through
is afraid of the new. that theyre consumed in their thoughts, and their emotions, and less
with their actual feelings. they identify with their thoughts and emotions of how they
perceive you. oh the human condition as it stands today. yes its changing, but theres
also others who are contracted to be in resistance for a while.

does it bother you that i swore? good. get offended. maybe itll wake your ass up a little.
im sure everyone who likes reading from the enlightened perspective prefers it to be
curse word free, you know, like a cloud! but, if you focus on the cloud, you miss the
fact that you even understand the beauty that resides in the cloud, from the fact
that we deal with accidents, or even anger, that life isnt this pretty
cloudy, floaty , cuddlebug existence that you like to paint for yourselves.
or the fact that you like to focus on the future events, that you hope for a better life
someday, somewhow. im not saying that we arent going to have a better life in the long run
because we will, but first we have to deal with all the turmoil, the muddy waters.
have to go to the abyss of being  and deal with all the SHIT that lies in there.

for example, the reason why marriages fail, why boys and girls breakup. we beings
get into arguments in the first place. identifying with the egos fear of death
being the root cause of all of this turmoil in the first place. im not saying that
you the reader are in fear, but i am saying that the conditioning itself,
the fact that beings identify with their unconscious reactive state of being
or their conditioning, their egomind , is the reason why were even having to deal
with all this upheaval in the first place, its stuff like this, that keeps
me awake at night, or even for days.


Rosa's picture






Perhaps you were planning to join the Manic May Day traffic cues and go away for the weekend? Or maybe you were planning the traditional DIY store trip so that you could spend the rest of your precious free time working at home?

There are a lot of Protests and Global Actions organized for the 1st two weeks in May . . . so in the Spirit of ‘Occupy’ but with the emphasis on Money-Free- Social -Interaction, you’re cordially invited to try something different?!

A Free Shop – an ‘on the spot Freecycle’, where you can bring your stuff and give it away, and pick up anything you want that’s there, completely Free of charge!

Bring food to give away/share? And hopefully we’ll have some donated to give to you if you want it? So turn out those cupboards, get rid of your unwanted clutter and put a smile on someone else’s face . . .

Come prepared to stay awhile, bring something to sit on and an umbrella, (in case it rains?)

Bring your musical instruments and your creative ideas!

We want Bright Smiles, Friendly Handshakes, Warm Hugs and lots of Sharing and Conversations leading to a fun-filled weekend that costs absolutely nothing!!!  (WARNING – this may be contagious!!!)

Only two rules:

No Anti-Social Behavior – treat everyone with the same respect you want to be treated with yourself

Don’t leave any litter – please clean up your own mess?


hilarionra's picture

and enlightened being is supposed to be. whether its focus on the positive man!
or the complete opposite, or in between the two. honestly, you dont even have
a focused intent on any of it. because you realize theres no need for that.
you dont intend on being this or being that. you can plan though, but thats
from the place where youre being present within the love you are and seeing
that theres a window of oppourtunity, to perform specific actions, like
doing the dishes or walking your animals, the variations range obviously

but the basics always remain, dishes, food, sleep for some, or sleeplessness
here and there, work is always a constant even when youre on a vacation.
another aspect of the misunderstandings of what it means to be an
enlightened being, is "sending wonderful thoughts your way!" or "keep your focus
on this color" or " keep your focus on only positive thoughts feelings
emotions and visions, and make sure to keep out the negative " this is abosolutely
absurd, and futile, because in just doing that, not only are you not being
the enlightened being you are, but youre identifying with that which you have
desired to NOT become, in the here now. and thats the egomind itself.

another example of whats called the spiritual ego, is you trying to control
the flow of the energies themselves, trying to control your thoughts,
your visions, your emotions and your feelings. also included is the
superiority delusion of the spiritual ego, where in you try to control
the situation thats taking place everywhere on the planet. and when it doesnt
go your way, you throw a fit over it. this is a part of the human conditioning
thats being worked through currently. only those who are currently open to
this kind of information are receptive to it, everyone else literally just
discards it and states that they have nothing to gain from it and then they

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/28/12

Greg_ Giles's picture



This has truly been a worldwide effort, where beings from many different countries have come together in an effort to bring to your world a better way. We of the Galactic commands have done our part as well to assist those of you who wish to see changes in your world, to make it a better place for all of you to experience the physical realm. All along your journey you have benefited greatly from the assistance of your universal families and friends. Never were you left on your own, and never were you forgotten or denied any assistance that you may have needed.


We have always assured that you would receive the benefits from our assistance, although it has been necessary for us to conceal our helping hand to better allow you to reap the rewards of going it on your own. This has always been a very delicate operation where we needed to conceal our craft from your eyes and needed to camouflage our part in many of your affairs. We feel we have done an adequate job in this sense, and up until very recent times we feel very few of you were even aware of our presence and still more of you were unaware that we took part in so many events and directions that your society has taken.


About World Liberation Day

strongwings's picture






My dear friends,


Nowadays almost all of us, even the most blind ones have heard who and how are controlling the world populations, you and me. Few bloodlines called Cabal and their organisation Illuminati and sub organisations such as Bilderberg, CFR, U.N. etc..

Releasing Old Habits

Stasha beLOVEd's picture

Hello my beautiful babies!


What a week it has been, eh?


Yesterday was a monumental day of release for me.


We all know the things we "should" do to assist us on this journey, but knowing, doing and being are all quite different.


I had been feeling this dull sense of sadness that I was simply numbing out for a very long time. 


As a child I never really fit in.


I had an xtremely high IQ, yet the social behavior of a butterfly.


I could see and hear spirits, angels and extra terrestrials, but never told a soul.


It got to a point where I began to get scared of these things, so I told my parents what I saw.


They simply laughed it off when I was young, so I kinda tucked it in my back pocket.


As I grew older, my experiences mulitplied, and I began to have experiences with human angels that came in and out of my life, telling me that I was special, or different and not from this world. This made me feel comforted, but also quite scared.


These people never stayed in my life for long and at times I was the only person who could see or hear them, so trying to talk to a friend or family member about this became extremely unbelievable to the rest.


When I was a teenager, the people who visited me became very dark, mysterious and at times deceptive. Things like Freemasonry were explained to me, along with books and symbols I had never heard of nor seen before.



hilarionra's picture

its clear to me, that we are not cared about.
from the h1n1 and flu vaccinations, to the medications that are tossed our way
that are said to be helpful in our healing process of our mental status.
from gmo's to marijuana being illegal, to the production of opium,cocaine
and the manufacturing of heroin from opium overseas. we have the "leaders"
of the planet to thank for intelligently working diligently for this.
special ops, to black ops, and in between. we also have congress to thank
for assisting in these processes of continual perpetuation over the
course of human history for these experiences as well.
we also have the scientists in labs working on all available technoligies.

the corporations , which have been working swiftly to eradicate
mom and pop shops all over the planet. monstanto, walmart, you name it.
you know its there. in all the education formats we have to work with.
even in the arts industry. all media as well. religions too.
hereditary unconscious conditioning , generation to generation,
throughout history on this planet. unconsciously taught to fear
the love that we are. stay in line or else! you know the deal that is present
in the here now. 6 months before the twin towers went down, everyone who
willingly kept their mouths shut about this, knew what was coming.

were continually dealing with Diocletian's Problem-Reaction-Solution.
in short, were dealing with beings who know the ins and outs
of consciousness as it is. with this knowing one is constantly dealt with
dealing with the threats of dealing with the governments threats towards the self.
simply because one is speaking out against the established order.
not only from "the officials" but also from "the civilians" who are
totally unaware of these facts. again stay in line or face the firing line.
there have been beings all throughout history who have spoken out against

Just when you think you have it figured out... you don't!!

Stasha beLOVEd's picture

Love Lives in the Clouds- By Stasha Beloved


I have spent many years ...


many lifetimes with this inner feeling of numbness


a dull pain and sadness... that i could never put my finger on.


so i did everything i possibly could to fill this gap...


i tried fame, fortune, materialism, drugs, money and power...


none of these worked.


i tried religion, education, philospohy, medicine, science...


the more i "educated' myself... the more confused i became.


i tried mothering as an occupation... which ended in smothering...


only pushing away that love i wanted my children to feel, by trying too hard


i tried to fill this empty space with love... that did not seem to work either.


no matter how hard i loved,,, the harder my heart broke inside.


i lost myself along the way.


searching for others to fulfill this need... this emptiness, this greed.


holding too tightly to love, because you fear it will never return...


this will not work


it cannot work


sometimes i feel guilty for every single pain humanity has suffered


other times, i feel as though i was tricked... trapped into this 3D box... reality?


In "Love & Unity"

Bluesword's picture

To my brothers &n Sisters,I come to say hello,

Its really feel like home here,


I hope,that we may,be in Honesty and Truth

toward each others,


Remember This,In "Love & Unity"

We can do more,,,


For those,who hearts,is still like stone,

Let them be,Sooner or later,their heart will soften


Their arrogance,s will soon, fade away,into the mist,,,

When you share from your hearts,with no

condition,it will flow back to you,,,


When you love some one,it will never fail,

it will come back to you,when your not looking,,,


Remember this,treat each other with kindness,repect,love

even to those,who do not,do so in kind,


Sooner or later,they will remember that day,that deed,

you have done,


I myself have serve The Galactic Federation,Many life-streams


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