Blossom: Blossom Goodchild reporting for duty ... Sir! Keen to continue on from last week … The Federation of Light: Warmest regards to Each One, as we continue forth in our/your entertaining fashion. Much have we learned of humour … as the messages have progressed through YOUR years. Welcome.
Blossom: I have settled in with my position, now. So, let’s give it a whirl. First of all, are you able to elaborate when you spoke of many communications that the governments have had with E.T.’s (face to face) and that the government have reneged on their promises?
Robot landing on comet; voting in SE Ukraine; mid-term election in the US; Pope Francis, the Vatican; Putin’s speech; message from God; “reneging” souls
Writer/author, artist, lecturer, and Certified Hypnotherapist
In the process of evolving the human mind, our consciousness and our spirituality, we will unconsciously begin to reprogram our entire physical body. This will happen inevitably because the body is a product of the mind, of one’s belief system. If we evolve into a higher level of consciousness, becoming more spiritual, more loving and more forgiving, the body will change and evolve as well. Initially, these changes, which may be physical, mental, or both, may not be perceived by our consciousness in a positive manner.