nerdalicious's blog

Diamonds are a man's best friend? aka Dream log night of 7/1/13

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Greetings lovebots,

Today will be a short update on what on earth is going on in my little piece of heaven. Last night I had a dream that needless to say was a little unnerving. I can only paraphrase it now but here goes:

I remember being outside my apartment looking around for something and it caught my attention that there was a group of thugs with rifles wandering around looking for trouble.  My neighborhood was in some sort of state of upheaval and unrest to understate the obvious. My wife was back at our place. There was something on the ground I needed to get. By the time I got there the thugs had seen me and headed my way. In my pile of things I wanted to get on the ground was a white package and a gun. I grabbed both and basically ran for my place. The thugs chased me all the way back to my apartment. Once there I was able to shut the door and supposedly keep them out. Odd thing was was that there was a sliding door right next to the main door where anybody could just walk on through if they wanted anyways, thus rendering door lock useless.[this may be a future 5d thing, with new tech, who knows?] Anyhow I yell at the thugs to stay away or they are dead men. Then I hear a voice state that I have collected many more diamonds than the last time we had met. I wasn't sure if the voice was from the thugs or some otherworldly dis-embodied voice. I basically awoke at this point, quite a bit shaken; no shots fired or dead/injured people.

I know we're not really supposed to interpret our own dreams, which is why I use third party websites and my own divine intuition. I also had not read any GFP updates today either, which is the kicker for me (more on that later). I won't bore the reader with too much of a interpretation, but I will sum it up as best I can.

Where do we go from here?

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million bucks

Greetings lovebots,

One thing we can all agree on is that we are in interesting times. All around us it seems that the world we knew is collapsing: scandal after scandal are finally reaching the surface and the 100th monkey syndrome has finally reached the threshold. We are at the beginning of the beginning of our new golden age. How does it feel for you dear reader? I can only speak to myself and those immediately surrounding me. My wife certainly feels exhausted all the time, sleeps more than usual and is suffering from some ascension symptoms. Too bad she thinks I’m nuts. She married me!

As far as my feeling, I can definitely feel achy all over my joints and have had tons of energy depletion episodes multiple times a day for the most recent few weeks. I’m not worried about the NSA in particular. Heck, if they are up to no good, then I can only imagine how painful ascension symptoms feel for those lurking in the darkness! My biggest complaint would be intestinal and joints if I had to pick. I’ll live. Love is flowing all over the place: I just need it in a salve to negate those aches!

There have been a couple posts recently (I can’t remember where, I think here) that have gotten me thinking: “Where do we go from here?” There will always be those among us who look at the calendar and scoff at delays and shoot the messengers. It doesn’t dilute the message, just the timing. Our ascension is event-based, not calendar -based and this continues to befuddle many people. Nonetheless, the thoughts in the link above still apply: “What would you do if you were free?”

I AM Free

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There have been reports of many people dreaming about portals opening after last night’s events and the like, but if one pays attention, specific messages are given to each person. Mine differed quite a bit from those reports, but fits in with the theme once one analyzes it. So I will do like I normally do for my usual blog entry – dream log and notes.


I was in a car with an old girlfriend I hadn’t seen since college. She was dressed to the nines if you know what I mean and looking very easy on the eyes. She was taking me somewhere that I was unaware of and not altogether sure I wanted to go. I went along for the ride and enjoyed the scenery. I suddenly became aware that the scenery was more than familiar. I told the friend that this was my hometown and that my mother lived several blocks over from right where we were in the car.


At some point she stopped the car and I got out, and then rode off. I went inside the house as I simultaneously realized that I was a block or so away from my mom’s house. So I went inside to see what I could see. This house is a duplex, which means that the adjacent owner might be there. For some reason, however I found myself on the third floor. There was a fair bit of paraphernalia strewn all over the bedroom up there from what I thought was my step dad’s daughter.


I know exactly how this guy feels

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Greetings lovebots,

There are  a lot of angellic beings on this earth right now. Maybe I am one of them. Who knows, maybe we all are. But this video absolutely BLEW ME AWAY. It got my heart going big time and yours should too. You can only stifle love and beauty for so long before it bursts out into the world anyways.



Get out your popcorn folks!

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In my persistent and perpetual assessment of things on the ground here to paraphrase Dana Mrkich, we have downloaded into our bodies as far as 5D is concerned.  In that process we have "gone dark" as it is called in certain intel circles. Now that we are here wondering about what it is we are supposed to be, we are in a higher capacity and we feel freer and lost simultaneously. We are still cut off via the veil but the energies are different and higher.


In analyzing geopolitical events, the powers that be [were] know that they are in their last throws of power. It’s their last hoorah. We are on the brink of only a few things happening right now between now and the end of the nine month “gestation” period that began on 12/21/12. This will culminate at the fall solstice in September. So here are three possibilities I see:


1) we are about to snap and go down a very dark path. This will herald more suffering than I care to imagine.

2) A black swan event happens, "the event", unknown unknown, whatever you wish to call it; an overnight change when the dark ones are finally removed and humanity can move on and begin healing and rebuilding. God will step into His creation and flip a switch.

3) Some combination thereof, where we collectively go off the cliff, start to snap, George Washington's prophecy is realized, where he saw millions of people engaged in mortal combat and suddenly the light from above descends upon the earth and dispels the darkness hat had enveloped America.


Apparently I have a blog

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I am new here and just participated in my first love party. It was very exciting to see other happy people let their hair down. In my case I let my goggles do the talking. Steampunk: get your nerd on! I had a great time with some very wonderful people. It was nice to meet you all!




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