In my persistent and perpetual assessment of things on the ground here to paraphrase Dana Mrkich, we have downloaded into our bodies as far as 5D is concerned. In that process we have "gone dark" as it is called in certain intel circles. Now that we are here wondering about what it is we are supposed to be, we are in a higher capacity and we feel freer and lost simultaneously. We are still cut off via the veil but the energies are different and higher.
In analyzing geopolitical events, the powers that be [were] know that they are in their last throws of power. It’s their last hoorah. We are on the brink of only a few things happening right now between now and the end of the nine month “gestation” period that began on 12/21/12. This will culminate at the fall solstice in September. So here are three possibilities I see:
1) we are about to snap and go down a very dark path. This will herald more suffering than I care to imagine.
2) A black swan event happens, "the event", unknown unknown, whatever you wish to call it; an overnight change when the dark ones are finally removed and humanity can move on and begin healing and rebuilding. God will step into His creation and flip a switch.
3) Some combination thereof, where we collectively go off the cliff, start to snap, George Washington's prophecy is realized, where he saw millions of people engaged in mortal combat and suddenly the light from above descends upon the earth and dispels the darkness hat had enveloped America.