(The following is from a discussion I had with the Sirian High Council. Today I was 'called in' to meet with them. This is the information they wish to share today with you. This is my first time ever in their presence. I asked for their name twice just to make sure I had the right name. This happened before I met with the Sirian Council of Nine, which is also a first.)
Today they wished to explore the human expectation for 'success' as it is today.
There seems to be a generally accepted perception that is widespread which is to the effect of: Struggle Is A Necessary Prelude To Achieving Success
They question this, frankly, because the Illuminati are quite the opposite! They are born into the lap of luxury, build upon the strengths of their forefathers, and have no struggle whatsoever with success! They simply continue doing what has been done before, and it keeps working.
Furthermore, the Council suggests, that the Illuminati are actively 'perpetuating' this misperception of the 'need for struggle' through stories, and movies with the standard format--beginning, struggle, which leads to a resolution that is 'happy' for all.
Why is this discrepancy so?
There is a beautiful awakening in front of us. It is entirely blessed! You are to arise to the realm of happiness and joy! Although the energies are right and much is happening 'behind the scenes' with or without your awareness, you are awakening to your right to have as much joy as 'God can comprehend', with or without the situation 'resolving' in a measurable way. There are things we cannot measure on Earth that are vital and important and real--they are felt with the heart.
There are concentrated energies of nurturing, warmth, love and compassion hitting us on Gaia at this time. Starting now, and building to the full moon, and for three days after. Here is what to know about it, and why it is important to your well-being...http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2014/01/sleep-skyclad.html
This morning I was given a surprise tour on a starship. This was in the higher dimensions, not like you get into your car in your garage. It is a lot like the experience I have as a medium, connecting with Spirit. It was really awesome! Want to see? Here are pictures...http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2014/01/dolce.html
Energy Medicine versus Conventional Medicine? Chiropractic versus Nutrition? MD versus Naturopath?
There is one basic starting point for healing. It starts with a desire for change for the better. It starts with your heart. Not just wishing. Not just doing what is the most logical and rational thing to do based on randomized double-blinded studies.
Recently I have noticed an increase in deaths around us. For those left behind, the loss is acute and puts one in a state of 'free fall' emotionally. Although it might seem sudden to you as a survivor, there are subtle forces with the energy upgrades on Gaia taking place behind the scenes that may be a factor. There is a natural, logical, spiritual explanation for what happened, and further, there are Divine resources available to help make the Transition easier on you. If you are interested, more is here: http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-exit-strategies.html
I love you and all that you do. Thank you for your last post. I actually had written something in the same vein at the same time. Your openness and your disappointment validated me. I think it was the closing of the window of opportunity for The Event, that stepping down of the energies, that really hurt and frustrated us the most.
This is an open letter to a donor family. If you or anyone you know has had their lives touched by organ transplantation, please read, and please pass along if you think they would enjoy this message of the heart. http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2013/12/renewal-by-procurement.html