The Creator Writings

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The Small Things…

There have been many big moments over the past few months that have changed your perceptions, ‘knocked your socks off’ and turned your particular world upside down.  But…have you taken the time to notice the small things?  Those brief moments of beauty and caring, the fleeting smiles, the kind words and works, the joyful feelings?
The Universe would like to remind you that not everything will arrive with a huge bang. (Smiling) Most of what is occurring is small and subtle.  Once you realize this, your view of this shift will change completely. ~ Creator

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How Did I Get Here?!

Take heed; you may find yourself in not-so-good situations, surrounded by people you may not usually associate with and wonder, “How in the world did I get here?!”  The Universe would like to remind you that it will, on occasion, put its brightest lights in places where they are least expected to assist, guide and be a beacon for those just opening their eyes to the new world being created now.  Rather than going into fear, center yourself and send Unconditional Love to all that is around you.  You have chosen to be where you are, doing what you are doing in a way that only you can…being a star that lights up the night. ~ Creator

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A New Way…

One of the most important things you will gain from this current moment is the ability to see yourself in a way you have never done before.  The Universe is bringing things to your attention, in a gentle way, that you may not have noticed.  This is being done to encourage change and growth.  Behaviors and ways of speaking to others that may have unwittingly caused pain is on the top of the list.  It is not being done to shame you, instead, this is an opportunity for a deep and profound self-evaluation.  You are being invited to shape yourself in a way that will change your entire future.  Embrace this wonderful time and know that you will be a better person because of it. ~ Creator

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…And Here We Go!

…And here we go!  Many things may be coming up for you; emotions may be out of whack, body may be aching and the soul, well the soul…vibrating like an electric sander on the highest setting. (Laughing) If you did not believe you were fulling prepared for this energy, you are now!  The most important thing to remember in this moment is to breathe and ground, ground and breathe.  Allow your whole self to take in this transformative energy and ask that you be able to accept it in a way that works in your highest and best for the highest and best.  Ask that your fellow humans be able to embrace it with safety and comfort.  You are all in this together and, when it is all done, you will be different than any other humans that have ever existed on your Earth plane. ~ Creator

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Rise Above

Stay in the flow, dear one.  There may be things that attempt to pull you away, but it is imperative that you continue to work with the energy that is coming in now.  Distractions, fear, gossip, hate and destruction…all aimed at drawing your attention from where you need to be in this moment.  When you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed, stop and counts your breaths, focus on, feel the Unconditional Love of The Universe moving through you and know you are loved, acknowledged and supported.  This is an amazing time, do not allow yourself to be drug down by the mundane and unimportant.  Know you can and will rise above! ~ Creator

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Embrace Anticipation

During this time of change, you may have things you were counting on suddenly dissipate into the ether.  The direction in which you were planning to move is now gone and another pathway has appeared.  The door is open, but you cannot quite see what is there…yet. (Smiling) My darling, it is OK to express your disappointment of what was to be, just make sure it is properly released.  It is OK to feel a bit of trepidation for what is come…that is perfectly right and human, just make sure this does not develop into a fear.  That will stop your growth.  Instead, embrace anticipation!  The Universe has some amazing and wonderful gifts in store for you! ~ Creator

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Today may be going one of two ways for you; a huge slow down or a speeding up of time.  Even though you know time is relative, whichever you are experiencing is custom made to clear what you need to clear before the next ‘jump’.  If you are a thinker, you may need a bit more time.  For those of you on the fast mode, most has already been cleared and you are ready to roll. (Smiling) Remember, there is no right or wrong…just your pace.
Just like in the movies, we are preparing for a hyper-space!  Take some time today to care for your body, your heart and your soul.  All components must be in peak operation condition for optimum experiences!  Ready….set…go! ~ Creator

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Time To See The Beauty!

There has been much talk of the not so good things regarding this current shift…now it is time to talk about the amazing! (Smiling) One of the most beautiful is the ability to embrace transparency and be at peace with it.  Yes, being open and honest with yourself and others may create some ‘hard feelings’; some may not understand your new-found freedom (because that is, indeed, what it is) causing them to react in unexpected ways.  Remember, darling child, this is not a reflection on you.  It is merely the issues they need to work on coming to the surface.  Never take it personally!
Another by-product of this ongoing shift is the beauty!  You will begin to see beauty in places, people and things you have not experienced before!  You will begin or have already begun to feel an extraordinary joy in just being alive and a definite sense of peace will settle into your soul.  In embracing that peace, the clarity being offered by The Universe will be astounding.  You are invited to take a bit of time today and really see/feel/hear all of this.  It will steady and calm you during the interesting times ahead. ~ Creator

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Undoubtedly, you have heard of the upcoming ‘event’ and the changes it will bring.  Many of the thoughts being put out to your world are interesting, postulating finite numbers of those that will be affected or ‘allowed’ to move forward, those that will not…a very rapture like scenario.  The Universe would like you to know that all is full of love!  Regardless of who you are, what you are doing or who you choose to be with, this new change will be of love!  Fear-based thinking is the old way.  Lighten your heart and know that you are loved, protected and safe during this moment of change. ~ Creator

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It is time to stretch again, dear one.  With all this expansion and contraction, it is challenging to believe that anything is getting done at all. (Smiling)  Most of it feels like one step forward, two steps back.  Imagine yourself doing the cha-cha and it becomes perfectly normal!  Each of you will grow in your own way and at your own speed.  If someone attempts to tell you otherwise, they want you to conform to their way of being.  If this happens; smile, nod and move on.  Your growth is yours and The Universe is proud of every moment of it. ~ Creator


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