The Creator Writings

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Changing Time

For those of you waiting…it is time to ground and center yourself for the next part of the shift.  If you have already been practicing, there is no need for the ‘extra effort’.  However, if this is not something you do regularly, it is time to start!  Many parallel timelines are merging and becoming one.  Every day experiences may feel out of sync/strange and it will be very important to remember who and what you are right now.  As you move through your day during this changing time, it is imperative to recognize and release any fears that come up.  If you do not know how to do this, ask The Universe for assistance. It is always there for you! ~ Creator

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The In-Between Times

I hear you say, “What about the in-between times?  I sit here and twiddle my thumbs…nothing seems to be happening.”  How do you know nothing is happening, dear one? (Smiling) Because this shift is different from any other you have experienced thus far, it is going to feel different.  The incredibly high followed by the seemingly static energy may make you feel unbalanced and a little discombobulated.  This is where trust, you know…the one you have been asked to practice…comes in.  When the uncomfortable or challenging thoughts begin; ground yourself and know that all is right with The Universe and moving along as it should. ~ Creator

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Center Stage

The stage lights are gleaming, the audience is assembled, and they are waiting to see…you!  What they see is your choice.  If you could walk through your Earth plane existence without fear of judgement, repercussion, totally open and honest, what would you say, do and/or accomplish?  The Universe has given you an amazing moment to do just that.  Instead of hiding behind sets, costuming or masks, you are being asked to step up and be exactly who you are in this moment.  Embrace the challenge, my beautiful child, and grow! ~ Creator

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With the changes upon you now, things may feel unfamiliar, uncomfortable and maybe just a bit scary.  Do not be alarmed, dear one; this is a true sign of growth!  The Universe is offering you’re the opportunity to step outside of the safe space you created and explore.  In moving through and past those challenging moments, you will be giving yourself the reassurance that, yes, it can be done and you are doing it now!  Embrace the you you are in this moment knowing that you are expanding into what you are to become. ~ Creator

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Voila!  Now that the energy of the recent celestial events has washed over your Earth plane, you will be able to spend less time in anticipation and more on the fact that you are watching evolution happening right before your very eyes!  Some of these changes have been in process for many years and you, you lucky and amazing person, get to see them firsthand!  Your world is moving closer to a time where transparency will be commonplace and sound may only be used as an enhancement (instead of a requirement) to express thought.  Take a moment and let that sink in. (Smiling) Be proud; The Universe is in awe at how quickly you are learning! ~ Creator

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For some, seeing is feeling.  There is a need to see and touch before you can evoke a feeling.  The Universe is asking you to practice your feeling today. (Smiling) If you have seen and touched a rose before, you know what it feels like and how it smells.  The rose does not need to be present to recall that feeling.  But, what of something you have never seen or experienced before?  Ask to be shown!  When you become more in tune with feelings that do not have a basis in physical reality, you will become more open to what The Universe is saying to you.  You will become more skilled in listening and understanding.  It is one of the reasons you chose to be here now. ~ Creator

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The Veil

During the next few days, you may experience a great deal of change.  Things you thought were true will be shown to be otherwise.  Things you thought were false will begin to show their truth.  This shift is necessary for you to begin seeing your world for what it truly is rather than through a veil of perceptions.  Some of it may be disappointing but, most of it will be amazing.  Either way, it will be an amazing journey of self-discovery! ~ Creator

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Consciously Kind

As you move through your day, please remember; even though you may not be aware of it, you can be (and often are) an inspiration to every person you meet.  Your words and actions have the ability to change another’s reality in ways you never knew.  As you take each step today, be consciously aware of how you are presenting yourself.  Are you kind, gentle and compassionate or are you hurried, abrupt and hurtful?  Are you disinterested in what others say or do you pay attention to what is really being said?  Your free will is always in play.  Even though it may be challenging, do your best to be consciously kind.  The Universe is there to support your ever step. ~ Creator

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Amazing You!

It is time to begin understanding how you fit into the shift occurring now.  You have a very important part to play; your energy, your love, your whole self is a functioning piece of the new world being created.  This is not meant to overwhelm, confuse or frighten…it is to enlighten you to the possibilities of your personal power.  Each positive thought and action will add light from your Divine Spark to the great light being used to elevate the vibration of your Earth plane.  It may seem like a ‘paltry’ amount to you, however, there are millions upon millions of you striving for the same goal.  Keeping this in mind; know that you are not alone, that you are advancing faster than anticipated and it is an amazing moment to be you! ~ Creator

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The Next Step

With the current shift, your energy is shifting as well.  Most of this is unnoticeable, however, there will also be glaring changes in your life.  Some who have chosen to refrain from walking the lighted path may become more unpleasant to deal with.  You may find yourself excluded from activities in which you have previously participated, or you may choose to stay away of your own volition.  Please remember…most of this it not because of anything you have said or done.
As you learn and grow, things that ‘fit comfortably’ before will not fit so well now.  Your vibration is rising, dear one, and those around you may not understand it.  Again, release the need to take it personally.  As people, places and things fall away, others will come forward.  The ‘in between’ moments may feel lonely but, you are never alone.  Use this time to get to know yourself and your new space better.  When the time comes, you will be fully ready for the next step! ~ Creator


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