The Creator Writings

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While You Are Waiting

While you are waiting…
Take some time to breathe.  Go out in nature and listen to Earth’s beautiful song.
Take note of challenging feelings and past experiences; they are the key to releasing so you may continue to grow.
Allow yourself to be guided by what is in your heart.  The mind and the powerful tools of logic serve you well, however, without the heart, love can become hidden.
Find your balance.  During, and all through this shift, finding and maintaining your balance will be one of the ways to successfully navigating this momentous time.
Listen!  Listen to the sound of your own heartbeat, to others and to the still, small voice inside.  It will be your guide, your compass on your journey through your lifetime.
Forgive.  Take time to forgive yourself and those you feel may have wronged you.  This is not something you will be able to carry as you move forward.  Your growth is much too important to be weighed down by such things.
Love!  Always love!  Love yourself, who you are and what you will become.  Love your past.  Without it you would not be where you are today.  Love your fellow human beings.  Yes, even the ones that appear unlovable. (Smiling) All things on your Earth plane have to potential to leap forward in and with love.  Without love, the soul may wither and waste away.  There is no need to hoard what there is an endless supply of.

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The Quiet

It is very quiet, is it not?  In this moment, there seems to be a collective holding of the breath.  Energetically, you may feel you are walking through a small town at 3 a.m.  Everything is closed, nothing is moving and you feel, well, almost bored. (Smiling)
Dearest one, you were given this rest period because, in the next few days and weeks, the quiet will be replaced with a huge burst of energy and learning.  Rather than viewing this “now” as something to be slogged through, think of it as a “recess” with grounding and self-care as the order of the day.  When you move into the dizzying pace that will arrive shortly, you will be thankful for down-time you have now. ~ Creator

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Releasing Entitlement

It is amazing how many humans feel entitled to receive. Whether it be love, services or friendship, there is an expectation of “If I do this for you, you have to do this for me”.  The only energy this sends out to The Universe is a very distinct and complete feeling of lack!  If each of you were to change your thinking to, “I am giving for giving’s sake with no expectation of any type of return” you would be amazed at how quickly The Universe will oblige! ~ Creator

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One of the most important skills you can learn in your lifetime is the ability to listen.  It is not just hearing the sounds that others make, it is the gift of understanding with your whole being.  Humans communicate in many, many ways…voices are just one piece of the puzzle.  Listen with your heart and soul, truly see what they are saying with their eyes.  Rather than listening with the sole intent of responding, ask The Universe for assistance to understand what they are really saying.  When a person is heard and understood, a change takes place within; a trust in themselves and others begins to build.  With trust comes a peace that each of you is so richly deserving. ~ Creator

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Divine Sparks

Take a moment and look around you.  On your Earth plane, there are 7 billion examples of how The Universe works.  Each of you has your own set of unique experiences, life goals, disappointments and great moments.  There is, however, one thing you all have in common; you chose to be here now, in this moment.  In that respect, you are equal.  Today, you are invited to look at your fellow humans…not as what you perceive to be ‘lower’ or ‘higher’, but as participants in the same journey.  When the differences begin to melt away, you will begin to see each other for what you truly are; sparks of the Divine during this incredible time of your history. ~ Creator

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The Gateway

During this shift within a shift within a shift, a lot of your old stuff may be brought to your attention.  Keep in mind; this is not The Universe’s way of torturing you or making you feel more guilt.  Instead, it is a way to bring to your conscious awareness the areas you need to work on.  In becoming consciously aware of past issues, it becomes possible to heal and release them with love.  You may choose to shy away from very sensitive issues, however, it is in your best interest to deal with them now rather than ‘waiting for a better time’.  This is your chance, your time and your experience…you will deal with it how you choose.  The Universe is respectfully asking you to embrace the healing presented now.  It is the gateway to the next step of your freedom. ~ Creator

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The Incredible Journey

Take a moment and ponder this; you are all family, connected by your love of each other as Forever Beings.  You are kindred spirits sharing an incredible journey you asked to experience.
Today, you are invited to embrace this and move through your existence knowing that each human you come in contact is a true brother or sister.  Showing and becoming Unconditional Love is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and others. ~ Creator

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Back To School

There will be days where everything will feel challenging.  Moving, working, eating…even breathing.  Do not be dismayed at this, dear one.  Even if you do not believe it now, this is a definitive sign of growth.  Being in a space where everyday life feels difficult gives you the opportunity to examine the why/when/where/what/how of it, ask for and co-create solutions…essentially a ‘school’ of thought and action.  It may not feel like it in this moment but, my oh my, you are expanding! ~ Creator

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In The Face Of Chaos

During the next few weeks and months, you may notice that you are creating chaos to distract from the task at hand and, oh, what a human thing that is to do! (Smiling) The Universe is asking a great many things of you at this time and it may feel challenging to face them head on.  You may be tempted to beat up on yourself.  Instead of indulging in that practice, use it as a chance to become consciously aware of what (and why) you are doing it.  All that is being asked of you at this time is to take each moment as it comes.  In your processing, take as much or as little time as you need.  Remember, you are worthy and deserving of this self-care.  Use it to your best advantage! ~ Creator

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Priceless Tool

With the changes taking place right now, it may be very challenging to keep your heart, mind and arms open.  Your usual methods of protection and self-preservation are fading slowly into obsolescence and navigating your Earth plane may begin to feel unsafe.  Please keep in mind, my darling one, that you have never been left unprotected.  New ways of managing are being introduced to you every day…it is just a matter of identifying and practicing them. (Smiling) Kindness and compassion toward your fellow humans is and always will be the key to moving forward in any shift.  Why?  Because there has never been a price tag attached either one of these things. ~ Creator


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