The Creator Writings

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Falling Into Place

Why do you experience what you do?  What may appear to be a let-down or challenging situation can certainly knock you back on your heels and make you think twice about the choices you have made!  In reality, my dearest and most darling child, things are falling into place just as they should.  The Universe has never doubted you or your free will abilities.  Extend that same trust and you will see things change. ~ Creator

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The Sorting

Some of you may be starting a ‘sorting process’; taking inventory of what is in your life…choosing what to keep  and what to release physically, emotionally and mentally.  There may be willful misunderstandings going on now.  Please do not be dismayed at this!  As your vibration changes, your communication style will change as well.  Know that this is all part of the process.  It may leave you feeling lonely and lost for a bit, but do not dismay, dear one.  Whatever drops away from your existence is always replaced by something beautiful and more ‘in tune’ with you.  During the in-between times, be patient and learn to be friends with and love yourself.  The best is yet to come! ~ Creator

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Pulling Back The Curtain

Many, many shadows have been brought ‘into play’ especially for this shift…to bring your fears to light, to trigger you and make you feel uncomfortable and insecure.  You can run away from them…or towards them.  Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, it is time to pull back the curtain and see those shadows for what they truly are.  You have the strength, power and Unconditional Love on your side, never forget that! ~ Creator

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Your Particular Value

There will come a time, very soon, when your teachers will need to step down from ‘absolute truth’ and be just your guides.  They have reminded you of your inner wisdom, your truth and the love you inherently possess…now it is up to you ‘to take the reins’ and become the teacher of others.  You may not feel as if you have anything of particular value to offer, but you do!  The years of experience you have collected while on your Earth plane are worth more than the stars themselves. This is your next step, darling one!  Embrace it! ~ Creator

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Can You Feel It?

Can you feel it? Sit very still. Can you feel it? Quiet that inner chatter. Can you feel it? The pressure of another leap forward is building, getting ready to burst forth in yet another step of this shift. This is the time to be aware of what is going on within yourself and what is going on around you. You will be asked to respond to a myriad of things; small and large, consequential and inconsequential, loud and soft. You will also be given a distinct choice on how you will choose to act/react. There is no ‘right or wrong’ way to move through this…remember, it just is. Remain true to and take great care of yourself. The best is yet to come. ~ Creator

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Coming To Earth

Against all odds, against calmer judgement and infinite wisdom, you are here!  Your rebellious, old soul ached for a challenge.  Yes, your work on the other side was important, it mattered and made a difference.  But you craved something new, stunning, a little crazy and lot of fun so, you chose your Earth plane!  You did not come here alone, you have friends at home that are looking out for you, calling to you through the ether to check on you from time to time.  You have family that shake their heads at you sometimes and laughs along with you at others.  Even though they miss you, they fully understand why you had to be there now!  Your wisdom, strength and light are helping to usher in a New Age (an overused term, I know) and a higher vibration.  Be proud of yourselves, old souls, The Universe and your family most certainly are! ~ Creator

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***Today is the last day to take advantage of this special! Don’t forget, you can book now for later! Happy New Year and blessings to you!*** This a time of inward reflection, to look at what you are choosing to release and a resting before the activity of Spring. In honor of this wondrous time, you are invited to participate in a ‘deep cleaning’ in preparation for the New Year! If you are interested in changing the things you haven’t been able to change, in need of help with your relationship, assistance in releasing self-sabotage/destructive patterns or guidance in choosing the most productive path for your life, it is time for a ThetaHealing session! From now until December 31st, it is a pleasure to offer all sessions at a reduced rate! $60 for an hour $35 for a half hour $25 for a two question e-mail reading You can book now, book now and schedule for a later date or gift a session to a friend. Printable gift certificates are available upon request. Space will fill quickly so book early! Please contact me here or at

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Time To…

Now is the time to take a deep breath and gather your strength in anticipation of the next surge forward.  There are many changes coming in the next few weeks of your New Year.  Some may be perceived as good, others not so much.  Regardless of how they present themselves, they will always be for the highest and best of all humans.  If you start to feel overwhelmed, there will always be help available when you need it…but, you need to remember to ask!  There is no need to ‘go it alone’.  The Universe has presented this amazing opportunity to grow en masse.  It is time embrace it! ~ Creator

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Stay True!

During this massive shift is it very important that you stay true to yourself.  Transparency, trust in oneself and trust in The Universe will be key in moving forward.  Presenting yourself as something/someone other than who/what you really are will hinder the growth and forward movement required during this monumental time.  There is no room for ‘false advertising’.  As you embrace who you truly are in any given moment, you are giving The Universe a chance to offer you infinite options, choices and opportunities.  Stay true, dearest one; there is only one of you and you are loved! ~ Creator

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Let It GO!

You have been carrying that around with you for a long time, dearest one!  Is it getting heavy, cumbersome, hard to deal with?  Wherever you go, you bring with you.  It sits beside you; it is full of secrets, supposed safeties, pains, disappointments and regrets.  If something ‘goes wrong’ you open it up and add yet another thing, making it even heavier.
What if, just…what…if you left it right where it is and walked away.  That huge bag would most likely sit in ‘lost and found’, not claimed, not cared about and certainly never picked up again.  How would that feel?!  You have this ability, it is available to you every moment of every day.  When are you going to be ready to let it go? ~ Creator


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