The Creator Writings

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Beautiful Mistakes

In retrospect, it may seem like some of your life decisions were huge mistakes.  The time and effort it took to recover from them felt as if they went on forever.  Today, you are invited to change your perspective on those decisions.
Think back on those moments…..what did you learn from them?  What emotions did you experience?  When the waves of discomfort stopped, how did you feel?  Please remember that each of those experiences was/is a teaching tool.  Without them, you would not be where you are today and that, in and of itself, is beautiful and amazing! ~ Creator

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Closing The Loop

As you continue to grow, you may find yourself triggered by things you thought you had cleared or ‘gotten over’.  The emotions may feel as real and raw as they did when the experience first occurred.  Do not be dismayed at this, my child.  It is important to move through the remnants of the experience so you can finally close the energetic loop to find peace.  Rather than stuffing and hiding it….yet again, have faith that you have the skills, wisdom and knowledge to finish it once and for all. ~ Creator

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One Step

A newborn cannot begin their journey without their first breath.  A child cannot begin his journey without his first step.  Young adults cannot begin their journey without expressing independence.  And you, my darling, cannot begin your journey without opening your eyes to the world around you.  Take in and see the all that surrounds you.  Every beautiful moment from the beginning of time I have been with you.  You have the power, the conviction and the drive to create a new world where peace is king.  All it takes is one thought and one step to make a difference in your world. ~ Creator

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Your Work Has Just Begun

You may have been feeling lately that, to advance spiritually, you will need to leave behind all that is familiar, comfortable and safe.  In the past, when the consciousness level of your Earth plane was lower, that may have been true, but not today….not in this moment.
Yes, there will be some people that fall away from your existence because they choose not to grow, but do not let that stop you!  You manifested here, in this time and in this place to assist the raising of vibration of humankind.  Please do not turn your back your ‘work’.  You will not be left alone or abandoned because there is a multitude doing the very same thing!  This time, this now is the most important thing that has ever happened and you are needed! ~ Creator

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Make It So

Being spiritual does not mean it is okay for others to violate your boundaries or space.  Every human has the right to live as peacefully as they choose without physical, mental or emotional abuse.  It is up to you to establish and maintain those boundaries and that space. It may take some practice, my love, but you have the gift and the power to make it so. ~ Creator

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What ‘face’ do you show the world around you?  Now, more than ever, it is of paramount importance to make sure your insides match your outside.  What good does it do to say you are for/against something only to change your stance when presented with an opposing thought/action?  Your integrity and authenticity one of the only things you truly own, honor it….and in that honoring, you honor those around you. ~ Creator

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Different But The Same

If you are asked what your greatest gift to your Earth plane is, each of you would have a different answer.  The best part?  Each one of your answers is true! Please keep in mind that it is not necessary for you to agree if one thing/thought/action is better than another.  It is necessary for you to see each other’s truth as true within their personal perspective.  Love and embrace your differences…it is what makes you the same in your loving. ~ Creator

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Keep Practicing

My dearest one, I know that it may seem as if your Earth plane is spinning out of control and for every act of kindness and love there are ten acts of violence and destruction.  Do not let this dissuade you!  Very soon, the balance will shift.  Keep sending Unconditional Love, giving from your heart and practicing kindness.  It may seem as if you are only one, but you need to know that for as alone as you feel in those moments, there are an infinite number of “ones” adding to the collective consciousness and this is what will tip the scales.  Continue love, giving and practicing.  The change will come! ~ Creator


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