The Creator Writings

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Those Beautiful Moments

Today you are invited to think back on all the beautiful moments of your Earth-plane existence; the sunrise that will never leave your mind, the first time you fell in love, the feeling that came over you when you truly helped someone in need….even the grief you thought would be never-ending finally passing into to a softer, more gentle ache is beautiful.  Now think ahead to what you have yet to experience.
You chose to incarnate to your world to live every single one of these moments.  Please, my darling one, do not let them go to waste. ~ Creator

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Changing Your World

My bright and beautiful child, sometimes you need to be reminded of why you are here.  It is not to solve your world’s problems, although some of you may be drawn in that direction.  It is not to save every other human on the planet, though you may feel it is part of your ‘mission’.  You are here, my love, to finally see what it means to be a light in the darkness, to lead by example and to embrace being human.  Remember why…..and remember to stand in your power.  Only then will you truly be able to change your world. ~ Creator

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Darkness Or Light

When you are walking through dark times with your arms outstretched and feeling your way to the next moment, it is important to remember that you have the ability to change the environment at any time.  I am always beside you every step of the way and I create with you.  It is solely up to you to choose darkness or light….all I am waiting for is a word from you. ~ Creator


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